英语人>词典>汉英 : 共产主义者的 的英文翻译,例句
共产主义者的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A leader of futurism in Russian literature,he wrote forceful,declamatory verse praising the Communist revolution.


A leader of futurism in Russian literature , he wrote forceful , declamatory verse praising the Communist revolution .


The fantasy which serves as a support for the figure of the Stalinist communist is then exactly the same as the fantasy which is at work in the cartoons of Tom and Jerry: behind the figure of the indestructibility and invincibility of the communist who can endure even the most terrible ordeal and survive it intact, reinforced with new strength, there is the same fantasy-logic as that of a cat whose head is blown up by dynamite and who, in the next scene, proceeds intact in its pursuit of its class enemy, the mouse.


The movie about Murrow's efforts to expose McCarthyism in the face of charges that he was a communist.


This is a sprit of real Communist, it is also can be called a sprit of a religiousbeliever.


And, to put it briefly, the place of the Stalinist communist is exactly between the two deaths.


This is, especially, the reproach made by the Communists.


The first is that I'm afraid that in the Soviet Union, the communists will lose power, there will be a counter-revolution, and the new power will put all the blame for the communist crimes on us Jews - and there will be again the anti-Jewish pogroms…""But," interrupts the bureaucrat,"this is pure nonsense; nothing can change in the Soviet Union - the Soviet power will last eternally!""


The Chinese Communist Manifesto, the first systematic comparison of the Chinese communist ideals and ideas.


He studied hard at the bourgeois economists in particular the British classical economists Adam Smith and David Ricardo's labor theory of value, Saint-Simon, Bo Ye Li, Owen and others of utopian socialism and the utopian communist theory The idea.


更多网络解释与共产主义者的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Communist Party:共产党

"共产党"(Communist party)这个外来名词是由共产主义者(Communist)+党(party)两个名词组合而成的,共产主义者(Communist )是由及物动词"使成为社会共有化"(communize)转化而来的.


"共产党"(Communist party)这个外来名词是由共产主义者(Communist)+党(party)两个名词组合而成的,共产主义者(Communist )是由及物动词"使成为社会共有化"(communize)转化而来的.


communist 共产主义者 | communistic 共产主义的 | communitarian 社会成员

communistic:共产主义的, 共产主义者的

communist | 共产主义者, 共产党员adj.共产主义者的 | communistic | 共产主义的, 共产主义者的 | communitarian | 共产主义社会的成员, 提倡共产主义社会者


共产主义者commo | 共产主义者的communistic | 共乘汽车carpool

communitarian:共产主义社会的成员, 提倡共产主义社会者

communistic | 共产主义的, 共产主义者的 | communitarian | 共产主义社会的成员, 提倡共产主义社会者 | community antenna television | 共天线电视, 电缆电视

noncommunicable:不传染的 (形)

noncommittally 不明确地, 不表态地; 不承担义务地 (副) | noncommunicable 不传染的 (形) | noncommunist 非共产主义者 (名)

oculist n.1:眼科医生 2.配镜师

communist n.共产主义者,共产党员 a.共产主义者的 | oculist n.1.眼科医生 2.配镜师 | criticism n.1.批评,批判,指责 2.评论,评论文章 3.考证,鉴(审)定

Reds under the bed:原意是躲在床底下的共军,指共产主义者无处不在,引起敌方的恐慌,后来引申为草木皆兵

duopoly 双头垄断市场 | reds under the bed 原意是躲在床底下的共军,指共产主义者无处不在,引起敌方的恐慌,后来引申为草木皆兵. | grievance n. 委屈,冤情,苦况

noncommunist:非共产主义者 (名)

noncommunicable 不传染的 (形) | noncommunist 非共产主义者 (名) | noncompliance 不服从; 不同意 (名)