英语人>词典>汉英 : 克鲁斯 的英文翻译,例句
克鲁斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Crewes  ·  Cruess  ·  Cruse

更多网络例句与克鲁斯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Diogenes says that he abdicated the kingship in favor of his brother and Strabo confirms that there was a ruling family in Ephesus descended from the Ionian founder, Androclus, which still kept the title and could sit in the chief seat at the games, as well as a few other privileges.


That includes agent Rick "the Pecker" Peck, and certifiably insane producer Lee Grossman a completely unrecognizable and undeniably wild and crazy Tom Cruise.


Tom Cruise, doing the famous "Single Ladies" dance at Beyoncé's concert at L.A.'s Staples Center."Everyone was laughing and taking pictures," a concertgoer tells us of the scene.

在碧昂斯于洛杉矶斯台普斯中心举办的音乐会上汤姆克鲁斯也跳起了有名的"Single Ladies"舞蹈(注:"Single Ladies"是碧昂斯一首很有名的歌吧)一位去看了演唱会的人告诉我们说"所有人都大笑并拍照"。

And a posse of Hollywood stars--among them tom cruise.George Clooney and Sylvester Stallone--jumped at the chance to vent their long accumulated rage at the paparazzi's intrusiveness.


The porch doors burst open with a fierce wind, and she arches her basically naked body into him in the most perfectly poetic form imaginable, the curves of her bare ass pressing into the front of his pants… He spins her around, lifts a leg to his waist and we see two short scenes of sex on the stairs and sex in a chair.


The scatological sculpture is purportedly cast from 19-week old Suri's first bowel movement and will be shown at the Capla Kesting gallery in Brooklyn, New York, before being auctioned off for charity.

据称,这尊大便雕塑的原型是克鲁斯19周大的女儿苏瑞第一次拉下的固体大便,雕塑将在美国纽约州布鲁克林的Capla Kesting馆展出,之后将被公开拍卖,所得收益全部捐赠给慈善事业。

The scatological sculpture is purportedly cast from 19-week old Suris first bowel movement and will be shown at the Capla Kesting gallery in Brooklyn, New York, before being auctioned off for charity.

据称,这尊大便雕塑的原型是克鲁斯19周大的女儿苏瑞第一次拉下的固体大便,雕塑将在美国纽约州布鲁克林的Capla Kesting美术馆展出,之后将被公开拍卖,所得收益全部捐赠给慈善事业。

She may only be 3 but Suri Cruise has always dressed to impress - and Monday was no exception. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' toddler became the toast of the town as she made her way through the streets of Boston in a pair of sparkly silver high-heeled shoes. The little lady also toted a handbag.


A fortnight ago, the tycoon fired Tom Cruise, accusing the hitherto most bankable asset of his media conglomerate's Paramount studio of being someone who "effectuates creative suicide".


Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes came out as a couple on April 29, 2005, in Rome, when Cruise boldly told the world that she was an "extraordinary woman" and smooched Holmes at the David di Donatello ceremony (the Italian equivalent of the Oscars).


更多网络解释与克鲁斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tom Cruse:汤姆.克鲁斯

此外,维多利亚.贝克汉姆(Victoria Beckham)还身着瓦利设计的裙子出席汤姆.克鲁斯(Tom Cruse)与凯特.霍姆斯(Kate Holmes)的婚礼. "我是一个相当阳光的人,这是我性格的重要组成部分. "这个意大利人能成为意大利新的"华伦天奴"(Valentino)吗?

Knuckles the Echidna:针鼹纳克鲁斯

Miles"Tails"Prower--麦尔斯.普劳尔"塔尔斯" | Knuckles the Echidna--针鼹纳克鲁斯 | Amy Rose--艾米.罗斯

Cruz Grande:克鲁斯格兰德 智利 中南美

Cristobal 克里斯托巴尔巴拿马中南美 | Cruz Grande 克鲁斯格兰德智利中南美 | Cumana 库马纳委内瑞拉南美


普拉迪克斯, Prodictis 47 | 帕拉克鲁斯推斯, Procrustes 45 | 裴拉伊阿,Piraeus 74

Terry Crews:泰瑞.克鲁斯

男主角尼克史塔尔(Nick Stahl)和女主角艾瑞卡克莉丝坦森(Erika Christensen)被关在金库中,银行被抢匪盖文罗斯达尔(Gavin Rossdale)控制,一大群的警察在外面由泰瑞克鲁斯(Terry Crews)领军...>中这个抢银行的方式还确实有些创意在,

Vera Cruz:韦拉克鲁斯

这个位于墨西哥最南部的州,东临危地马拉,西面和北面与墨西哥的瓦哈卡(Oaxaca)、韦拉克鲁斯(Vera Cruz)、塔巴斯科(Tabasco)三州毗邻,南濒太平洋. 这个州的两大主要城市一个是首府图斯拉古铁雷斯(Tuxtla Gutierrez,以下简称图斯拉),

Trypanosoma cruzi:克(鲁斯)氏锥虫

Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense;罗德西亚布(鲁斯)氏锥虫;; | Trypanosoma cruzi;克(鲁斯)氏锥虫;; | Trzec;特尔泽茨;;

Terry Crews:泰瑞.克鲁斯

男主角尼克史塔尔(Nick Stahl)和女主角艾瑞卡克莉丝坦森(Erika Christensen)被关在金库中,银行被抢匪盖文罗斯达尔(Gavin Rossdale)控制,一大群的警察在外面由泰瑞克鲁斯(Terry Crews)领军...<<抢银行指南>>中这个抢银行的方式还确实有些创意在,


奥尔梅克文明,是在中美洲韦腊克鲁斯(Veracruz)以南和塔瓦斯克(Tabasco)以西的墨西哥海湾沿岸文明,存在于约公元前1200年至前300年之间. 考古学家在奥尔梅克文化遗址拉文塔(Laventa)祭祀中心地下数英尺处沙中,

