英语人>词典>汉英 : 光景 的英文翻译,例句
光景 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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At this intelligence, in which he seemingly evinced little interest, Mr Bloom gazed abstractedly for the space of a half a second or so in the direction of a bucketdredger, rejoicing in the farfamed name of Eblana, moored alongside Customhouse quay and quite possibly out of repair, whereupon he observed evasively


In less than twenty-four hours London was abuzz.


In the afterpart of the day, when about six miles from Granite House,their progress became much more difficult.


But few of years, Zhang Ailing's parents divorced.


What a privilege, as a steward of the grace of God, to bring to Him the state of the Church or of individual souls, of the ministers of the Word, or His messengers away in heathendom, and plead on their behalf till He entrusts me with the answer!


There are few more impressive sights in the world than a Scotsman on the make.


There are few more impressive sights in the world than s Scotsman on the make.


There is few more impressive sights in the world than a scotsman on the make.


There be few more impressive sights in the world than a scotsman on the make .


His grandfather was a low-caste sharecropper in good times and a day laborer in bad ones.


更多网络解释与光景相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


相信不少影迷对于影片排出的阵容组合怀着相当的期待心理,其中, 拥有重量级体重的赛德里克仅仅用了三四年的光景就从一名喜剧脱口秀演员成长为一位拥有相当知名度的全方位娱乐明星,其所拍的电影作品自然功不可没,从>(Barbershop)开始,他就获得了观众的广泛认同,


从那次恢复以后,过了一百年的光景,神又在所谓的"弟兄们"(Brethren)身上,有了一次厉害的恢复. 这一次的恢复,开头是在英国,那是在十九世纪初叶,正式开始是在一八二八年. 这一次的恢复,比上一次还要厉害. 读圣经有亮光的人都承认,

carbonated drinks:碳酸饮品

另一方面,由於消费者的健康意识渐强,故传统的碳酸饮品(Carbonated drinks)如可乐,渐渐被即饮茶所取代. 中国即饮茶市场尚在起步阶段,发展只有短短五至十年的光景,目前占整个饮品市场约12.7%,市占率仍偏低. 事实上,中国的即饮茶市场在2000至05年的增长速度为25.4%,

Pray without Ceasing ):不住的祷告

37 . 真葡萄树的奥秘 ( The Mystery of the True Vine ) | 38 . 不住的祷告 ( Pray without Ceasing ) | 39 . 教会的光景 ( The State of the Church )


他找到的证据主要有: ①中央大厅主要入口处南端的上方,有一个花岗岩的鸠尾榫(dovetail),上面雕 刻有塞提一世的徽纹记号. ②中央大厅的东面墙壁的内侧,有类似的鸠尾榫. ③北侧长方形房间的屋顶上,有一幅描写天文光景的图画,

The Hindsight:光景消逝

看过>的朋友必定对出现在背景音乐的乐曲不陌生,其中光景消逝(The Hindsight)这支乐团的一曲,更是让很多电影观众同时也变成光景消逝的乐迷.

landscape, scenery:光景

108 苗圃nursery | 109 光景landscape scenery | 110 自然景观natural landscape

tourist spots:觀光景點

4. 交通Transportation | 5. 觀光景點Tourist Spots | 6. 生病看醫生Go to a Doctor

They are not well off, but they manage to keep the wolf from the door:他们的光景不好,但能吃饱肚子

Their wages are barely enough to keep the wolf from the doo... | They are not well off, but they manage to keep the wolf from the door. 他们的光景不好,但能吃饱肚子. | 4. have [hold] a wolf by the ears...

Harry S. Dent, JR:余友梅、張瀞文譯,《未來十年好光景》,臺北:聯經

Eric Arnould ,Londa Price, George Zinkhan,陳智凱譯,<<消費者行為>>,臺北:美商麥... | Harry S. Dent, JR.,余友梅、張瀞文譯,<<未來十年好光景>>,臺北:聯經,1999. | John A. Tracy,盧美妤譯,<<認識財務快易通>>,臺北...