英语人>词典>汉英 : 偷袭 的英文翻译,例句
偷袭 的英文翻译、例句


sneak attack · still-hunt · still-hunted · still-hunting · still-hunts · sneak raid · sneak-raid
更多网络例句与偷袭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But because a famous hawks-Dean Acheson act more importantly in the implementation process of ...

日本则以偷袭珍珠港作为回应,太平洋战争在 1 941年底爆发了。

While figuratively sneaking up behind someone is virtually guaranteed to be effective in getting you what you want, do you really want to earn a reputation as a ruthless ambusher?


Oboi knew now that his ambusher was the Emperor's favourite eunuch, and had a sneaking feeling that things were not as innocent as he had been led to believe.


Thus, flanking opponents gain no bonus on their attack rolls instead of +2, and rogues are denied their sneak arrack because you do not lose your bonus to Dexterity (but they may still sneak attack you if you are caught flat-footed).


Battle royal still is continueing, when one day, of one party tribe patriarchal the clansman that wants his son to taking patriarchal an arrow-shaped token of authority used in the army in ancient China to call together his, preparation goes in the morning the following day sneak attack the other side and launch total attack.


Perhaps they had received advance warning of the "sneak" attack and had let it happen to prod the U.S.


The lurk's sneak attack can damage constructs,if sneak attack damage would otherwise apply on the lurk's attack(for instance,if the construct is flanked or flat-footed).


The lurk's sneak attack can damage undead creatures,if sneak attack damage would otherwise apply on the lurk's attackfor instance,if the undead is flanked or flat-footed


To come out, not only the country, the East Bridge, blocking the depressing, gang warfare who was hanging up blocking depressed, more depressed melee fighting, or of the holy city of总舵, you would like to kill should not even think about, and you rushed over a heap of ranged far linked to the earlier attack you, not attack, or even an assassin can attack you!


Look at this ship, the USS Arizona.

1941年12月7,日本偷袭&珍珠港&Pearl Harbor,美国太平洋舰队损失惨重,44艘舰船被击沉,共有2000多名军民死于这次偷袭行动,仅&亚利桑那号& the USS Arizona这一艘战舰,就有1200多名官兵遇难。

更多网络解释与偷袭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cheap shot:偷袭

2级: 增加闷棍(Sap)、埋伏(Ambush)、绞喉(Garrote)、偷袭(Cheap Shot) 的命中率5%. 点评:相当有分量的一个天赋,就算只为了每个盗贼都常用的偷袭就值得去学这个天赋了,而且2点加5%的效果也是颇物美价廉的说. 不过也不是强制要学,

Pearl Harbor:偷袭珍珠港

Kidd)少将的名字为名,纪德少将在日本海军战机偷袭珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)时正在亚利桑那号(USS Arizona, BB-39)战斗舰上,是美军二次大战中首位阵亡的旗舰指挥官.

hide-out play:偷袭

helping the runner 助攻犯规 | hide-out play 偷袭 | high kick 踢高球


mugearite 橄榄粗安岩 | mugger 自人背后偷袭抢劫的盗匪 | muggysweltering 闷热的


MVP:是我干的 | John Cena:我的手也伤了 | Randy Orton:我偷袭

Pre-Emptive:增加背后偷袭敌人的概率. 概率与级别有关

Chocobo Lure:增加遇到陆行鸟的概率. 概率与级别有关. | Pre-Emptive:增加背后偷袭敌人的概率. 概率与级别有关. | Long Range:使近程攻击的角色具有远程攻击的效果.

sneak attack:偷袭

''先决条件'':敏捷15,巡林客 ,猎人印记(Hunter's Quarry) 职业特性先决条件:巡林客,猎人印记(Hunter's Quarry)职业特性先决条件:感知15,巡林客,猎人印记(Hunter's Quarry)职业特性''先决条件'':游荡者, 偷袭(Sneak Attack)职业特性''先决条件&#39

A sneak attack:偷袭

Sneak 出其不意的 | A sneak attack 偷袭 | Infamous 臭名昭著的

This is not some sort of sneak attack:这又不是什么偷袭事件

- Oh, come on, that's not fair.|- Well, you know, I didn't...|- 噢 行了吧 那不... | This is not some sort of sneak attack.|这又不是什么偷袭事件 | Right now,|you want to start a family right now?|你就想立...

AI postpones sneak attack plans after a forced peace treaty:强制和平时,AI 会推迟偷袭的计划

Fixed AI problem of not training workers in extreme... | AI postpones sneak attack plans after a forced peace treaty 强制和平时,AI 会推迟偷袭的计划 | Fixed AI scouting so that they don't get stuck goin...