英语人>词典>汉英 : 偏瘫 的英文翻译,例句
偏瘫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hemiparalysis  ·  hemiplegy  ·  semisideratio  ·  semisideration

hemiplegic paralysis
更多网络例句与偏瘫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

RR*3\k,VNlBQ0 Methods:One hundred and twenty patients of apoplectic hemiplegia were randomly divided into 3 groups:Zhongfengplastergroup,acupuncture group,and conventional therapy group,40 cases in each group.


Clinically, there may be a variety of similar to the performance of lacunar syndrome, such as pure athletic hemiparesis, pure sensory stroke, ataxia hemiparesis, dysarthria - clumsy hand syndrome, sensorimotor stroke and so on.


Rehabilitation treatment can improve the quality of life for hemiplegia patients who are more than 80 years old.


In their series of nine adult patients with intractable seizures, all had "severe hemiparesis consistent with severe unihemispheric damage," a nonfunctional "helper" hand, and homonymous hemianopsia.


At present, by the million must Tatsu, chairman of biology, the National well-known hemiparesis experts, members of the International Association hemiparalysis Zhao Qian, newly developed paralysis and Culture Series Products Set Lycopodium japanicum Tongluo decoction, base, in one patch, combined with the use of hemiplegia, stroke paralysis, limb numbness,á±, stroke and other sequelae of the disease has a unique effect, won the national invention patent and international gold, exported to the United States, Europe, Japan and other countries and regions.


There were very significant differences about the values of MP, MPF and AEMG among the motion muscles, but there was no significant difference about the singals of MF slope, MPF slope and AEMG slope. In patients group there were significant differences about the values of MF, AEMG, AEMG slope of motion limb between paretic side and non-paretic side. There were also significant differences about the values of MPF slope between paretic side of the patients and left side of the health. But there was no significant difference about other parameters in groups or among groups. Compared the activity muscles of four groups, there were significant difference about the values of AEMG and MPF among initiative muscles, antagonistic muscles and co-contraction muscles. There were very significant differences about the values of MF and MPF among co-contraction muscles, but there was no significant difference between initiative muscle and antagonistic muscle.


Results In dioestrous mice, many iNOS+ cells were found in the stroma of endometrium. There was no obvious differences between the immunized mice and the control mice. In the uterus on 3 day of pregnancy, however, there was obvious difference about the iNOS quantity in uterus between the immunized and the control mice. There was strong positive reaction on the epithelia of endometrium and the endometrial gland in the lamina propria in control mice, while the staining of iNOS in the uterus of SA-30 immunized mice was very weak, only a few of iNOS+ cells were observed in the myometrium.

结果 SA-30免疫后对间情期小鼠子宫内的iNOS没有明显瘙痒影响,无论是免疫组还是对照组,在子宫内膜基质中均有大量阳性偏瘫细胞分布,两者无明显瘙痒差异;在妊娠第3d时,对照组的小鼠子宫中有较多iNOS表达,阳性标记主要集中在内膜上皮及固有膜中的子宫腺上,经SA-30免疫的小鼠子宫中,iNOS表达则显著减少,整个内膜标记极弱,只在子宫肌层内有少量iNOS阳性偏瘫细胞分布。

The recovery of the hemiplegic upper limb diose not only involve the motional function,but,because of the speciality of its functional impairments,also involves the psychologic problem which mainly includes the slower recovery of he hemiplegic upper limb than the lower one,agnosia,apraxia and shoulder-hand syndrone.


Methods: Sixty patients with acute cerebral infarction with hemiparalysis were divided randomly into experiment group (n=30) and control group (n=30). Electrotherapeutic combined with early regular rehabilitation training were applied in experiment group. The early regular rehabilitation training were applied in control group. The motor function and ADL of all patients was assessed before and three week after treatment.


Results There were 14 unconscious patients of hypoglycemic syndrome, of them, there were 3 patients with transient hypoglycemic hemiparesis on the right,2 with hypoglycemic hemiplegia on the right, 1 with transient hypoglycemic hemiparesis on the left ,1 with hypoglycemic hemiplegia on the left and 1 right-left mixed hypoglycemic hemiparesis patient and there were 3 patients with right side Babinski's sign.

结果 14例低血糖误诊的病例中神志模糊5例,昏迷9例,14例中发作性右侧轻偏瘫3例,右侧偏瘫2例,左侧轻偏瘫1例,左侧偏瘫1例,右侧肢体瘫痪与左侧肢体瘫痪交替出现的1例,右侧巴宾斯基征阳性3例。

更多网络解释与偏瘫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hemiplegic gait:偏瘫步态

hemiplegia:偏瘫 | hemiplegic gait:偏瘫步态 | hereditary cerebellar ataxia:遗传性小脑共济失调


hemipelagic deposit 半远洋沉积 | hemiplegia 偏瘫,半身不遂 | hemiplegia alternans abducens 外展神经交叉性偏瘫,雷蒙氏综合征

spastic hemiplegia:痉挛性偏瘫,痉挛性偏瘫

spastic gait 痉挛步态,痉挛步态 | spastic hemiplegia 痉挛性偏瘫,痉挛性偏瘫 | spastic ileus 痉挛性肠梗阻,痉挛性肠梗阻


hemiplegia /半身麻痹/半身不遂/ | hemiplegic /偏瘫的/偏瘫者/ | hemiprism /半棱柱/


hemiplegic 偏瘫的 | hemiplegic 偏瘫者 | hemiprism 半棱柱

hemiplegia migraine:偏瘫性头痛

hemiplegia cruciate 交*上下肢偏瘫 | hemiplegia migraine 偏瘫性头痛 | hemiplegia 偏瘫

hemiplegia cruciate:交叉上下肢偏瘫

hemiplegia alternate 交叉性偏瘫 | hemiplegia cruciate 交叉上下肢偏瘫 | hemiplegia migraine 偏瘫性头痛

hemiplegia cruciate:交*上下肢偏瘫

hemiplegia alternate 交*性偏瘫 | hemiplegia cruciate 交*上下肢偏瘫 | hemiplegia migraine 偏瘫性头痛


五、偏瘫(hemiparalysis) 同一侧上肢及下肢肌肉瘫痪称为偏瘫. 有时伴有同侧下面部肌肉及舌肌的瘫痪. 病因自大脑皮质运动区开始经内囊、脑干至脊髓前角细胞之间的神经径路的任何部位病变,均可产生偏瘫,起病隐袭,呈缓慢进行性发展的偏瘫,


hemiparesis 轻偏瘫 | hemiparetic 轻偏瘫的 | hemiplegia 偏瘫