英语人>词典>汉英 : 倍数性 的英文翻译,例句
倍数性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与倍数性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ploidy of about thousand pollen plants of rice that were obtained from anther culture in vitro were studied and the homozygosity and the hereditary rule of a part of those plants derived from hybrid F1 were investigated.


Firstly, the connection matrices are strongly connected Boolean matrix, it is shown that the maximum length of limit cycles for FBAM is the period index of the product of the connection matrices. Thus, the maximum limit cycle is reachable. Secondly, two strongly connected components are connected by walks, it is proved that the maximum length of limit cycles for FBAM is the max. of the period index of the two strongly connected components if they are prime, otherwise, it is the least common multiple of the two period index. Finally, n strongly connected component are connected in succession, the method for computing the maximum length is described. By different patterns are presented to the networks, diminishing the number of the strongly connected components until only two components.


The primary theory of numbers aspect related integer property basic content.


By sorting out and summarizing the theories of resource efficiency revolution to make systematical epagogic elaboration on overseas references of 4 factor revolution,10 factor revolution and resource efficiency indexes,and an overview on reference of resource efficiency by domestic scholars and scientific econometric analyses on emergy theories.


更多网络解释与倍数性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

partial amphidiploid:部分复二倍骿

部分异源倍数性 partial allopolyploidy | 部分复二倍骿 partial amphidiploid | 部分交叉型说 partial chiasmatype theory

least common multiple:最小公倍数

l 整除性1.2 最大公约数(greatest common divisor)1.3 最小公倍数(least common multiple)1.4 素数(prime)及复合数(composite number)1. 5 素因子分解1.6 同余式(congruence expression)1.7 完全剩余组及与模互素的剩余组1.8 数论中特殊的函数及特殊的数1.9 同余式的一般性讨论习题一第二章 基本计数原理2.1 和式与积式2.2


倍数性(染色体)种(含有倍数性染色体的种) euploidion | 整倍数性 euploidy | 真孔;硅藻细胞膜上的孔 eupole

orthoploidy; euploidy:正倍数性

定向成形 orthoplasy | 正倍数性 orthoploidy; euploidy | 正位 ortho-position


plodding 沉重缓慢的 | plodding 单调乏味的 | ploidy 倍数性


1.多倍体和多倍性 体细胞染色体倍数超过2倍,即是3n=69,4n=92等时,这些细胞称为多倍体细胞,而这种状态称为多倍性(polyploidy). 在人类,全身三倍性是致死的,因而极为罕见,但三倍性在流产胎儿中较常见,是流产的重要原因之一.


"不等型叶的;异型叶的","anisophyllous" | "拟同叶性;异型叶性","anisophylly" | "不定数多倍体;奇倍数","anisoploid ; anisopolyploid ; anorthoploid"


\\"卵黄绒毛膜胎盘\\",\\"choriovitelline placenta\\" | \\"倍数发育\\",\\"chorisis\\" | \\"迷离性发育不全\\",\\"chorista\\"


plicotomy 襞切断术 | ploidy 倍数性 | plot 操作


鲜新世;上新世 Plocamium | (染色体)倍数性;多元性 ploidy;polyploidy | 同区交配法 plot-inbreeding method