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俱备 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与俱备相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

En raison du développement rapide d'Internet, de transmission de données et donc pratique, mais relativement réseau de transmission est également devenu le moyen principal du Programme du virus, donc anti-vendeurs de virus sont maintenant prêts Gejia une en temps réel de balayage de la technologie.


I list the worst: A dozen opium-smoking pipes, Several opium-smoking lamps, An official with an opium-smoking face, Several daggers, Some pictures of murderous-looking people, A miniature magistrate, A set of instruments of torture, A cangue, Foot-bound women in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong and Ningbo costumes, Several hundred small wooden figures of such people as beggars, opium-addicts, criminals, coolie, concubines , prostitutes, etc… The government spent millions.


His words quickly lose their meaning when he sends these chiding group e-mails with a time-stamp of 2 AM, Sunday.


Besides, you can enjoy the wonderful sunset view and set your eyes on the White Tower from the cockloft.


I am convinced that only those with a mania to create will get the most out of life.


When I read Yang Mengfang's poems,I deeply appreciate the versification,the poetic art and poetic teaching.


I think the new Fiesta is sitting nicely at the fast growing light car sector. Personally, the motoring trend is heading towards downsizing for better fuel economy. Thus, the size is ideal for the local one driver one car, home to office then back home setting travelling need. Therefore, judging from its potentials, it can be the newest market leader for the whole segment, with its fresh and trendy body design, good performance, fuel economy and a famous and reliable brand name. It is one big step up for the Ford product line up to challenge the small car market in Australia. Hence, both genders, especially the young or young at heart will love this car. However, I think if the XR4 model, which is traditionally a more powerful model, is coming sooner, it will create a bigger market for young males that dominates the high performance funkier small car segment.

这辆车平稳地位於一个发展最快的小车市场,私人而言,汽车业及燃油的价格及环保的气候都促使人买小型一点的汽车;因此,是一个最理想的代步交通工具,上班及下班的好车,我认为它有带动市场的能力,俱备清新的外貌,良好的动力表现,省油及可靠的品牌历史,它足可以成为市场销量冠军;因而,我认为青年人或心景年青的成年人亦乐於购买;但对於喜爱高速表现的年青男士,我希望可以尽快见到厂方推出更大马力的 Fiesta XR4型号,因为,它一定能获得更多男士们的欢心。

But on the stage, there is no boat.


更多网络解释与俱备相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assoil:赦免, 释放, 补偿

assoeted | 分类的,各色俱备的,什锦的 | assoil | 赦免, 释放, 补偿 | assonance | 类似的音, 类音, 类韵


associate 结交,联合 | assort 分类 | assortment 各色俱备之物,物品总集

associator:伙伴, 社员, 会员

associative | 联合的, 联想的,结合的 | associator | 伙伴, 社员, 会员 | assoeted | 分类的,各色俱备的,什锦的


assort /齐全/ | assortative /配对的/ | assorted /配合的/组合的/各色俱备的/