英语人>词典>汉英 : 修复术 的英文翻译,例句
修复术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
prostheses  ·  Restorations

更多网络例句与修复术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods 27 eyes of 21 patients were underwent aponeurosis surgeries through skin incision according to different aponeurosis defects during operation findings.


Objective To study the etiology,clinical characters and surgical procedures of senile ptosis.Methods 27 eyes of 21 patients were underwent aponeurosis surgeries through skin incision according to different aponeurosis defects during operation findings.

目的 研究老年性上睑下垂的发病机制、临床特征和手术方法方法对21例27眼,采用外路腱膜修复术,术中根据腱膜的损伤程度采取不同的修复方法。

Properly-shaped titanium substitute made by digit-controlled compression moulding technique was used in cranium restoration and proved to have better outcomes, with each parameter superior to the traditional manual cranioplasty.


objectiveto discuss the effect of the self-made negative pressure suction device in preoperative preparation of wound repair.methods27 patients who suffered soft tissue defect received the treatment of negative pressure suction device and underwent debridement during the time of dressing change, after 7 to 30 days (average 15.6 days) therapy, these wounds were repaired with skin grafts or flaps.resultsall of these patients' wounds became cleaner and smaller than before, and granulation tissue were fresh, the dermatoplasty or skin flap transplantation operations were successful.


Methods A retrospective study was performed in a group of unoperated bilateral complete cleft lip and palate patients who received simultaneous primary palate repair and alveolar bone grafting.

按照唇腭裂序列治疗的现代概念,腭裂修复应在语音发育开始前完成,一般在出生后 9~ 12个月进行,而齿槽嵴裂植骨修复术的最佳时间应在尖牙未萌出前,牙根形成 1/ 2~ 2 / 3,患者年龄为 9~ 11岁[1] 。

Among them, 2 were treated by CO2 laser and the laryngeal cavity was exposed by distending laryngoscope under general anesthesia; 13 were treated by bipedical muscle flap. And 2 were selected by excising the stenosis and jumping together. Results: All of the patients achieved decannulation in the end.


Methods 203 cleft palate patients(406 ears)were investigated by pure tone audiometry,acoustic immitance audiometry and auditory brainstem response.21 cleft palate patients with SOM underwent palatoplasty and myringotomy with tube insertion at the same time.

方法对 2 0 3(4 0 6耳)例腭裂患者进行年龄分组,采用声导抗,纯音测听或听性脑干反应检查判断中耳功能。2 1例腭裂伴分泌性中耳炎患者在作腭裂修复术的同时,行鼓室置管术,术前术后作听力学检测。

By means of acoustic impadance and otoscopic examinations the middle ear function and incidence of secretory otitis media were demonstrated in 43 cases of cleft palate children pre-and post palatal closure.


In group A, the left musculocutaneous nerve was transected to make the model of biceps brachii denervation and anastomosed to its proximal end 6 weeks later; In group B, the musculocutaneous nerve was transected and the distal end was coapted to the purely motor medial pectoral nerve immediately and the musculocutaneous nerve was separated from the medial pectoral nerve, and reanastomosed to its proximal end 6 weeks later.

随机分为两组( n =8):肌皮神经延期修复组,单纯剪断左侧肌皮神经,造成肱二头肌失神经支配模型,6 周后行肌皮神经修复;神经移位寄养二期肌皮神经修复组,剪断左侧肌皮神经后即刻将胸内侧神经分支的近端移位寄养于肌皮神经的远端,6 周后结束寄养关系行二期神经修复术

Korean-style sexual plastic surgery includes: hymen repair, vagina contraction, labia majora thinning, clitoris and vulvae tear repairing and other plastic surgery, which help to improve women' quality of life.


更多网络解释与修复术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

repair of funnel chest:漏斗胸修复术

repair of femoral hernia 股疝修补术 | repair of funnel chest 漏斗胸修复术 | repair of internal abdodminal ring 腹内环修补术



ocular prosthesis:眼修复术,人工眼,假眼

ocular piece 目镜 | ocular prosthesis 眼修复术,人工眼,假眼 | ocular rupture 眼球破裂

ocular prosthesis:假眼,眼修复术

occupational therapy 作业疗法 | ocular prosthesis 假眼,眼修复术 | off-on control circuit 开关控制电路

nasal prosthesis:假鼻,鼻修复术

myotonic discharge 强直性放电 | nasal prosthesis 假鼻,鼻修复术 | negative phase 负相

nasal prosthesis:鼻修复术

稳定度 Stableness | 鼻修复术 nasal prosthesis | 膀胱麻痹 cystoplegia


prot- 原,第一,原始的 | prothesis 修复术,假体 | prothetic 修复的,假体的

fixed prothesis:固定修复术

root planing 根面平整术 | fixed prothesis 固定修复术 | abutment 桥基

Barero-Marcial method of truncus arterious:巴伯-马西娅主动脉干修复术

阿瓦德微管型膜式氧合器-Awad tubular membrane oxygenator | 巴伯-马西娅主动脉干修复术-Barero-Marcial method of truncus arterious | 伯德-吉亚利综合征-Budd Chiari syndrome

perineal repair, perineorrhaphy:会阴修复术

postero-lateral episiotomy 会阴后-侧切开术 | perineal repair, perineorrhaphy 会阴修复术 | version 转胎位术