英语人>词典>汉英 : 修复术的 的英文翻译,例句
修复术的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Of the 26 cases, 20 were treated using the method of aliform separation of glans, of the other 6 cases whose glandes were poorly developed were treated using the method of aliform separation of glans combined with compacted ventral pedicle preputial flap.


Objective: To evaluate different operative procedures for hypospadias.

目的 比较尿道下裂不同修复术的疗效,明确一期手术的特点。

Methods: The success rates of different operative treatment for hypospadias were evaluated.


Objective To investigate the repair effect of canalicular laceration.


Objective To introduce the improved Millard's method of unilateral cleft lip repair, and observe the effect of the operation.


Meanwhile, medical prosthetics research had led to the development of polyacetene fibers called "myomers."


Methods A retrospective study was performed in a group of unoperated bilateral complete cleft lip and palate patients who received simultaneous primary palate repair and alveolar bone grafting.

按照唇腭裂序列治疗的现代概念,腭裂修复应在语音发育开始前完成,一般在出生后 9~ 12个月进行,而齿槽嵴裂植骨修复术的最佳时间应在尖牙未萌出前,牙根形成 1/ 2~ 2 / 3,患者年龄为 9~ 11岁[1] 。

Objective: To investigate nursing methods for patients with carcinoma of vulva who undergone reconstruction with anterolateral thigh flap.


Diplopia and disturbance of ocular movement are related to the incarceration of the extraocular muscles and the displacement of orbital wall, and the management is simple relatively. However, the treatment of enophthalmos is difficult because the orbital reconstruction is made to be complicated by the complex morphous of orbital wall and the limited operative area. This study introduced the use of CAD/CAM technique in orbital reconstruction, and the result is more satisfactory than traditional methods.


Methods 203 cleft palate patients(406 ears)were investigated by pure tone audiometry,acoustic immitance audiometry and auditory brainstem response.21 cleft palate patients with SOM underwent palatoplasty and myringotomy with tube insertion at the same time.

方法对 2 0 3(4 0 6耳)例腭裂患者进行年龄分组,采用声导抗,纯音测听或听性脑干反应检查判断中耳功能。2 1例腭裂伴分泌性中耳炎患者在作腭裂修复术的同时,行鼓室置管术,术前术后作听力学检测。

更多网络解释与修复术的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cloth Box:圣衣箱

而用来收纳的圣衣箱 (Cloth Box) 则类似于圣衣的生命维持装置,针对每件圣衣所制作的专用箱子似乎能给圣衣促进自我修复机能的力量. 和巨人族之战前后,被视为圣衣产地的穆大陆沉没于太平洋底,许多制作中的圣衣及炼金术士也随之灭顶.




prosthetic 弥补性的 | prostheticprothetic 修复的 | prosthetics 弥补术


prot- 原,第一,原始的 | prothesis 修复术,假体 | prothetic 修复的,假体的

augmentation rhinoplasty:隆鼻术

鼻子的整形手术来说,在西洋以矫正鼻子的模样和减小大小的情况居多,但在东洋多数为隆鼻术(Augmentation rhinoplasty). 此外还有歪鼻(Deviated nose)或驼峰鼻(Hump nose)的修复术,变形鼻尖或鼻窦模样的手术等. 而且东洋人的脸部通常鼻子小、嘴部凸出、脸宽的情况居多,


1.子宫肌瘤剔除术(myomectomy) 只切除子宫肌瘤并修复创面,适用于需要保留生育器官和功能的未生育妇女和<40岁的年轻妇女. 3.全子宫切除术 切除子宫体部、子宫颈,保留双侧附件,适用于合并宫颈上皮内瘤样病变(ClN)或者其他良性病变者.年龄较大(>40岁)已无生育要求的子宫肌瘤患者.


prothesis 修复术,假体 | prothetic 修复的,假体的 | proto- 原,第一,原始的


2、 直接盖髓术(indirectpulpcapping)是用药物覆盖于新鲜露髓的创面上,以保护牙髓促进牙髓创面修复并使牙根继续发育的治疗方法.3、 活髓切断术(pulpotomy)在局麻下切除病变牙髓,将盖髓剂覆盖牙髓断面,保存剩余牙髓活力的治疗.


奇点论者坚持认为神经修复已经将我们引向仿生(Bionic)之路. 迄今为止最成功的修复术是耳蜗(Cochlear)植入,在最近几十年全世界已有约十万人恢复了听力,籍助于外部麦克风经由电极通到听觉神经,但是这个技术还远未完善.

removable prosthodontics:可移动的假牙修复术

复原科学Rehabilitation Science , | 可移动的假牙修复术Removable Prosthodontics | 学校商业与人力资源管理School Business and Human Resource Administration,