英语人>词典>汉英 : 促进紧张 的英文翻译,例句
促进紧张 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Protector, the United States, after Mr Chen's pro-independence "adventurism".


Improvement of blood circulation and microcirculation, muscle relaxation, fatigue relief, health care after surgical, pain alleviation, absorption of medication, improvement of sleep, mental relaxation, bone rebuild, healing, special education for the deaf, peristalsis of stomach and improvement of metabolism.muscle cramp, venous varicose syndrome, rheumatism, dysmenorrheal, neurasthenic, depression, aphemia, autism, disorder of stomach and intestines, constipation, headache, backache, lumbago, bellyache and muscle tension.


For KISC, the technology shall firstly use high-phosphorus ironstone efficiently which can not completed by the current picking technology or blast furnace process, to greatly reduce ironstone cost that occupies the most proportion of iron and steel production cost, easy cost pressure caused by international and domestic shortage of production materials, induce transportation risk, to assuringly supply KISC with a great deal of cheap raw materials and create great economic profit; Secondly it shall promote KISC to update its products, especially high-added-value products of lowest phosphorus and lowest sulfur, to enhance its ability to adapt market and gain profit; Thirdly it shall improve technical and economic indexes of blast furnace and converter, and be helpful for efficient blast smelting and less-slag melting of converter process; Furthermore the technology shall greatly promote the stable operation of melting process and the control of the production of high-temperature and high-quality casting blank, to realize efficient continuous casting and continuous casting and rolling to improve KISCs production intensification; Finally the technology shall distribute melting functions and optimize production processes, to improve the auto-control of melting and continuous casting, to realize the integrated management of technology, equipment, production organization and management, logistic management, and production running of smelting, continuous casting and rolling.


The strategies that Japan have adopted to advance toward a "Ordinary Power," such as US-Japan alliance, the perseverance of sovereignty, and the historical glory , are all precisely underlined by the core value of "the British Model." However, Japan does not necessarily push ahead the genuine peace, nor does she establish a positive role in East Asian security or achieve a meaningful success. Rather, she provokes much tension and misunderstanding among neighborhood, leading to its final insulation. This even affects the stability of the whole security structure in East Asia due to a rising China that has already generated a huge impact to the rapidly developed economy in the Great China area, and it is also a variable to the integration of East Asia.


Match oil extraction: Clary sage oil, Geranium oil, Lavender oil, Lemon oil, Neroli oil, Orange oil, Sandalwood oil


Objective: Rennin angiotensin aldosterone system plays a crucial role in the initiation and development of cardiac remodeling. Angiotensin II has multiple physiological effects on the cardiovascular system.


Satellite city development strategy and development of satellite Industrialization and economic development greatly promoted the development of city driving and, increasingly serious "city", such as traffic congestion, housing and the environment.

急求关于这篇文章的英文翻译,谢谢!1 卫星城发展战略及卫星城发展工业化和经济发展极大地带动和促进了城市发展,随之而来的是日益严重的"城市病",如交通拥挤、住房紧张、环境污染等。

The result shows:(1)the experiment accelerates notably the optimization of students′s psychological quality elements such as stability,anxiety,independence,self-control and nervousness,etc;(2)the experiment lessens the degree of students′anxiety tendency on study,social relationship,loneliness and self-reproaching;(3)the experiment lowers the abnormal anxiety rate on students′ anxiety tendency on study ...

结果显示:(1 )本实验明显地促进学生的稳定性、忧虑性、独立性、自律性、紧张性等个性品质的优化;(2 )本实验明显地降低了学生学习焦虑倾向、人际焦虑倾向、孤独倾向、自责倾向的焦虑程度;(3 )本实验明显地降低了学生学习焦虑倾向、自责倾向的异常焦虑检出率。

Shiite tensions are due partly to Iranian efforts to promote Shiite Islam in the aftermath of the 1979 revolution that brought Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to power and partly to the fact that Shiites, who form the economic underclass in many Arab nations, feel that they have been discriminated against by the Sunnite majority.

什叶派紧张关系的部分原因是伊朗努力促进什叶派伊斯兰教在之后的1979年革命所带来的阿亚图拉( Ruhollah霍梅尼的电源及部分事实,即什叶派,谁形式的经济下层,在许多阿拉伯国家,觉得他们受到歧视对由逊尼派的大多数。

The Chinese were also granted a direct role in internal administration "to promote social reforms." Among the earliest changes they wrought was to reduce usurious interest rates, and build a few hospitals and roads.


更多网络解释与促进紧张相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lemon Balm:蜜蜂花

蜜蜂花(Lemon Balm)促进消化,安神西番莲(Passion Flower) 松弛紧张,安神黄春菊(chamomile) 调节生理周期,安眠,治疗头痛欧芹(parsley) 利尿,治疗水肿和乳房胀痛

Clary Sage:快乐鼠尾草精油

快乐鼠尾草精油(Clary Sage)简述:抗感染,改善无月经症,有益于神经、呼吸系统,治疗水肿型肥胖症及不孕症. 改善皮炎、湿疹,治疗粉刺,化瘀血及毛孔粗大. 振奋疲惫的心灵,减轻内心沮丧,增强记忆力. 减轻神经紧张,让人欢愉. 促进细胞再生,


丝柏精油(Cypress)简述:对所有过度现象均有帮助,特别是收敛、止血、多汗、流行感冒风湿痛、浮肿等. 调理油腻、老化肌肤,促进结疤、瘦身,保湿度极佳. 消除疲劳,舒缓愤怒情绪,舒解内心紧张及压力,净化心灵.


5 - 印度薄荷 (Patchouli) 消除疲劳,舒解神经系统的紧张,促进睡眠,增进性欲,能消除懒散感,让人比较清醒. 6 - 依兰 ( Ylang Ylang) 舒解压力,平衡兴奋神经,抵御意志消沉,精神失眠,增加男性精力,是最著名的催情剂,男女皆适用.


胎儿期间和幼年时期产生的精神伤害(trauma)、以及愤怒和悲伤等消极情感储存在大脑的扁桃体内. 一旦有压力,受到刺激的扁桃体便会产生兴奋,分泌导致情绪紧张的物质肾上腺皮质素(cortisone),进而,促进扁桃体的兴奋,形成恶性循环.


tracer,查考,跟踪,痕迹,丝毫 | unbrace,放松,解开,不紧张 | accelerate,促进,加速


tonicity 音调 紧张 紧张度 紧张性 紧张状态 | tonicize 促进紧张 | tonicmotorneuron 紧张性运动神经元


多模态(Multimode)信息是当今信息加工的一种紧张情势. 在多模态信息加工历程中,差异模态的信息之间会孕育发生相互影响,其影响作用包罗促进与滋扰两个方面. 与促进效应相比,滋扰效应在多模态信息加工中的作用更引人注目;其中,


镇静药(sedatives)指能缓和激动,消除躁动,恢复安静催眠药(hypnotics)是能促进和维持近似于生理睡眠状态安定药(tranquillizers) 消除紧张,焦虑.国家职业心理咨询师,国际教练组织(ICES)二级教练,香港专业效能管理学院NLP"亲子关系课程"导师班的国内首席讲师,