英语人>词典>汉英 : 侯国 的英文翻译,例句
侯国 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
principality  ·  principalities

更多网络例句与侯国相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Classics commissioner can be chosen seriously, the Babaji in A is round Ma Yun of trustee bureau chairman, the Communist Party of China 17 big delegates, the Chinese People's Liberation Army major general of army of Gu Dan of 211 hospitals dean , hou Xiulan of president of elementary school of test of city of Benxi of province of the delegate of outstanding basic level that teachs battlefront, Liaoning , the times van that socialistic new rural area builds, Sichuan saves double Mao Jiawan drifting a county to press down alcalde Mao Guocong, have " northeast civilian tells an official the first person " praise Jiang Caiyi of director of office of Liaoning Jing Heng's attorney, and Niu Shuhai, Li Chunyou, Ji Shengjun, Chen Gang, Zheng Yuanzhong be elected for times of the 6th China character of 10 big news.


In a country almost in war, two friends, Amir and Hassan, are about to be torn apart forever.


This part focus on morbid population of Lin Xiang Kingdom where is characterized by waterways net, high temperature and aquosity in Sun-Wu period. The research based on the latest excavated Changsha Zou Ma Lou Wu Jian(the Bambooslips Digging from Zoumalou, Zou Ma Lou Wood/Bamboo Scripts of Wu Kingdom at Changsha City today). The maladies appeared under such condition had a close connection with lepra, schistosomiasis which were also produced under such peculiar geographical environment. At the same time, the short of iodine element was part of the cause of some maladies, such as deafness, blindness and so on.


One of only two Iraqis to compete in track and field this summer, Hussein is proud and determined to represent Iraq, despite the odds.


The"state-society"framework ; the studies of the Chinese jurisprudence ; civil society ; reflection ; state law and folk law


The Yemeni state of Zaydis was founded in 890 by Yahya ibn al-Husayn and has lasted up until the present day.

也门国的zaydis成立于890 ,由叶海亚真伊本-侯赛因,并已持续了起来,直到今天。

At the appointed time, wu Jiang of academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering is promoted, the the Chinese Academy of Sciences is acoustics division of Shenzhen of institute researcher, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hou Zijiang of president of be good at group, wang Wenbin of CCTV international general manager, hong Kong is beautiful inferior the everybody inside expert and the course of study such as Li Guoxing of trustee bureau chairman spot begin lecturing, the citizen can pay close attention to trends through teleview direct seeding.


Today, more than ever before,life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility,not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human toother forms of life.


Specifically, the navigating introduction foregrounds the debates over the focuses, equivalence in particular, in translation studies throughout the centenaries before introducing Hou's PMEP, followed first by a critique of PMEP and then its integrating with Skopostheorie—the Skopostheorie-based PMEP.


ObjectiveTo determine the content of five trace metal elements in Black Nightshade Herb.


更多网络解释与侯国相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


燕侯 姬姓燕国(北燕)是由西周王朝中央政府分封的"合法的"(legitimate)诸侯国,而燕侯也就是燕国"合法的"最高权力的执掌者. 在燕国境内行使最高权力者,无疑就是召公家族--即由被分封至燕国的召公后裔所形成的家族,可以称之为"姬姓燕王家族",

Elasticity optimism:彈性最適

Elasticity of production 生产弹性 | Elasticity optimism 弹性最适 | Electorate of Brandenburg 布兰登堡选侯国

principality:侯国 公国

monarchy 君主国 君主制度 | principality 侯国 公国 | sheikhdom 酋长国


缓冲国 buffer state | 公国,侯国 principality | 大公国 grand duchy


在司法制度方面,亦由两共同君主各自任命一名代理人(Vignier)行使司法权. 因此,被保护国(protectorate)或殖民地(colony)由单一强国统治,而安道尔侯国则由两个强国共管,无以名之,爰称为"国际化国家".

Upper House:上院

上议院(House of Lords),直译贵族院,英国的贵族按次序是公、侯、伯、子、男爵,是国会的上院(upper house),即上院是由贵族组成. 上议院有大约700多名非选举产生之议员,当中包括英国国教会的26名大主教或主教即"灵职议员",

Electric Lighting Act (U.K:電力照明法案(英國)

Electorate of Brandenburg 布兰登堡选侯国 | Electric Lighting Act (U.K.) 电力照明法案(英国) | Electric Motor 电动马达