英语人>词典>汉英 : 侧身 的英文翻译,例句
侧身 的英文翻译、例句


on one's side · lean to one side
更多网络例句与侧身相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Persistent winds in the mountains of Nevada's Great Basin National Park eroded the trunk of this old pine tree into what look like a pair of sideways spectacles.


If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter, and passed on.


If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter passed on.

如果8 tt t8.com 他们执意要和她搭汕,她就用一个手指按任那红宇,侧身而过。

"If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter and passed on."


Conventional tennis wants you to shuffle all the time and then take but one step, which is arrhythmic, causes you to lose your balance, promotes an open stance, and sends you and your momentum off to the side instead of into the ball.


After 21 minutes, Prinz , the captain of the team, outdid the first goal when she dived at full stretch to head home another Stegemann cross.


So now I start working on establishing that "I'm a better shooter than you are,""I'm quicker to the baseline and can bank this shot in,""I've got quicker hands and can steal that ball from you."


Robbie Keane dusts off his cartwheel celebration after scoring his first goal for Liverpool ...


If we have urgent business and need to leave early, we have to excuse ourselves first; we can't just turn and leave without any explanation. This is also a sign of respect and cautiousness.


Sideling pea cocking behaviors, which means two panda sidle closely, circle around, finally run into the other, include aggressive and non-aggressive touching communication.


更多网络解释与侧身相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


promesse,诺言,承诺 | douleur,痛苦,苦难 | s'effacer,侧身避开

on one's side:侧身

On one's own单独地,独自地 | On one's side侧身 | On one's way在途中

Side underhand service:侧身下手发球

Side overhand service 侧身上手发球 | Side underhand service 侧身下手发球 | Skipping 垫步

Side overhand service:侧身上手发球

Side-arm service 侧身发球 | Side overhand service 侧身上手发球 | Side underhand service 侧身下手发球

set up position:(棒球投手)侧身投球法

windup position (棒球投手)正面投球法 | set up position (棒球投手)侧身投球法 | sling shot (垒球投手)后摆投球法

set up position:侧身投球法

windup position正面投球法 | set up position侧身投球法 | sling shot后摆投球法

set up position:(棒球投手)侧身投球法的

windup position (棒球投手)正面投球法的 | set up position (棒球投手)侧身投球法的 | sling shot (垒球投手)后摆投球法的

For sidelong would she bend, and sing:眼里只见 她那侧身的模样

And nothing else saw all day long 一整日啊 再看不到其他 | For sidelong would she bend, and sing 眼里只见 她那侧身的模样 | A faery's song 耳中只闻 她唱的妖灵歌谣

Sidewalk slam:(侧身翻摔)

Running DDT(助跑式DDT) | Sidewalk slam(侧身翻摔) | Running corner body splash(串刺式角柱扑击)

sideway step:侧身步

135.小碎步:random little step | 136.侧身步:sideway step | 137.混乱的步伐:confused footwork