英语人>词典>汉英 : 使萎缩的 的英文翻译,例句
使萎缩的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与使萎缩的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because chronic obstructive inflammation of airway severely influences the ventilation and exchange function of COPD patients, The motor ability of patients is limited .Despnoea and fatigue limit patients to sedentary,because of this, skeletal muscle began to analosis,oxygen uptaking capacity of skeletal muscle descends,and concentration of chondriosome degrades.Function limitation of skeletal muscle causes oxygen needs increase,so vicious cycle emerges,and further to restrict patient's respiratory and motor function.


Dry clime made depauperization and progradation of the lake, forming a great deal of thick particles sedimentation.


Then made blood flow slowly and coagulate untile thrombosis, epithelial cell of vessel wall edema,aseprtic inflammation and necrosis,made the hemorrhoid's vessels atrophy,emphraxis,decrease,diminuting the volume of the vessels,relieving the pressure,at last adherence and fibrosis to gain the ends of hemostasia.


This is done by stopping the growth of fibroid tumors and attempting to shrink them.


6 So shall the priest adjure the woman with this oath of imprecation--'may the LORD make you an example of malediction and imprecation among your people by causing your thighs to waste away and your belly to swell!


There is researcher think, humor can treatment brain two atrophy of hemisphere nerve cell-sloth and weak, positive such as toughen with the athletics can treatment the muscle atrophy similar, if teacher well timed usage teaching humor, cause happiness and dulcify, ability cancellation tired, make the teachers and the students keep spirit to fig up appearance in the whole lesson.


Melody Hobson, a financial news analyst for ABC News says that could lead to further __4__ in the housing market.

麦乐迪·霍伯森是 ABC 新闻的财经新闻分析员,他认为更严格的贷款标准将会使房地产市场萎缩的更快。

It can make the atrophied follicle recovered vital force gradually, stimulant and improve the activity hair mother cell , finally activate parent materials fissiparity continually and make hair regained in large number.

它可以使萎缩的毛囊恢复重要力量,逐步兴奋剂和改进活动的头发母细胞,最后激活母公司材料 fissiparity 不断,使头发重新大量。

As a result of such measures Western economies emerged tentatively from recession, allaying fears that the world would enter a Depression-style slump.


A chest tube can be placed to re-expand the lung.


更多网络解释与使萎缩的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deadweight loss:额外损失

1、效率(efficient): 在税收的过程中是存在对应的成本的,首先我们知道税收会导致对人们产生负激励,从而使市场萎缩,导致额外损失(deadweight loss),高效率的税收体制(taxation)应该尽量的减少对市场力量的扭曲;另外一个成本是人们在计算自己缴纳税收的成本,


使用电刺激治疗关节炎的主要目的是止痛,其原理一般可用门阈控制学说(gate control theory)及内啡(endorphin)的分泌来说明. 其它的作用还包括:增强肌肉力量、延缓肌肉萎缩及减轻肌肉痉挛等.



granulosa cell:颗粒细胞

无论如何,LH分泌的增加会刺激鞘膜细胞 (theca cell) 之男性素, 尤其是androstenedione之分泌增加,而男性素增加会抑制颗粒细胞 (granulosa cell) 中aromatase的活性,使男性素转变为雌激素的过程受到抑制,因此滤泡成长也受抑制而萎缩,




指甲失调主要有以下几种情况: (1)指甲萎缩(onychatrophia) 指甲萎缩使指甲失去了光泽且有可能完全脱落. 使用碱性强的肥皂和化学品以及指芯受损是导致指甲萎缩的主要原因. 指甲萎缩经常与指甲癣混淆. 应当建议顾客去看医生,不过不严重的指甲萎缩是可以...

Pasteurella multocida:败血性巴氏杆菌

萎缩性鼻炎使许多养猪业国家蒙受经济上的损失,支气管败血波氏杆菌(Bordetella bronchiseptica)和败血性巴氏杆菌(Pasteurella multocida)为主要病原. 这两种致病菌合并产生毒素使猪鼻腔发炎然后导致猪鼻甲的发育延缓而构成鼻甲萎缩.


如果教育活动中仅著眼於知识的命题性 (propositional) 或量的层面、效率与控制,那麼,上述前反思的生命可能会萎缩而被牺牲了,最后则会使我们无法面对面接触各种实存事物.


由于基因缺陷,病人的肌肉细胞不能生成一种重要的"抗肌萎缩蛋白"(dystrophin),肌肉逐渐萎缩无力,使行动能力渐渐消失直至完全丧失生活自理能力. 通常基因发生突变都是在外显子区域,导致蛋白质没有功能;就好比做出来的衣服不是缺了半个袖子就是胸前一个大洞,

programmed cell death:程序死亡

因此造成大脑中脑细胞的"程序死亡"(Programmed Cell Death). 由此引发一系列严重的问题. 因衰老引起的大脑萎缩,脑细胞"程序死亡"往往使老年人注意力不集中,反映迟钝,健忘症,有的会发展成为阿尔兹海默氏病(老年痴呆症),以至生活不能自理,