英语人>词典>汉英 : 使用价值 的英文翻译,例句
使用价值 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
use  ·  uses

use value
更多网络例句与使用价值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, this model is valuable to the practical application of DTG and Quartz-flex accelerometer.


Aeriform product makes goods through exchange, also have use value and value 2 elements, its value is created by service work itself.


It is shown from the investigation results that the total consumer's surplus for the Qingdao First Bathing Beach is RMB 197 million yuan/year, the total willingness to pay for beach usage is RMB 6.31 million yuan/year, the total willingness to donate for beach environmental protection is RMB 174 million yuan/year, so the total beach use value has exceeded RMB 430 million yuan/year. If the nonuse value for the Qingdao First Bathing Beach is included, the total beach value is quite considerable.


The total present value of forest resources mountainous area of Beijing is 314.35 billion yuan in 2003 at the discount rate 5%, of which, the use value is 297.50 billion yuan, accounting for 94.64%; the nonuse value is 16.85 billion yuan, accounting for 5.36%.


According to the principles of total economic value, the first step of the evaluation of assets value of wetland is to classify the assets value into two categories: use value and nonuse value , the former include direct use value and indirect use values , and the later includes existence value and Bequest value , the option value belongs to non-use value because its use value can not be realized.


After the demand-supply curve being set up, a partial analysis is drawn into investor behavior with the conclusion that the profit maximizing portfolio is at the point where the investment budget line touches the investment indifference line, or, to be more exact, the topgallant investment bundle for any investor is when any pair of investment assets have the same marginal return.


A newexplanation also is offered on the conception of vacancy,which,in the author's opinion,has no direct relationship with value and usefulness of property,but decided bysupply-demand relationship.It is wrong to equate vacancy with valuableness.


Thus Baudrillard rejected historical materialism and argued that Marx took Use Value unreflectively as a natural transparent concept, which means Marxist critique of political economy maintained the logic of the capitalist political economy.


This paper criticizes some theories about value of natural resources, explains the value of forest resources with Marx's labor axiology,thinks that the value is determined by the labor-time in socially necessary on utilized the worst woodland which based social wants in process of reproduction of forest resources,not by the total price of various use value.It puts forward that the value of a use value of forest resources is a compensation of stated value of forest resources on this use value,and its compens...


Be directlyused as materials of architecture, art crafts, paper, charcoal, vegetables,medicine and so on. They can also be used as horticulture plants in gardens. They even promote the ecological function of water and soil conservation, weather regulation, air cleaning, noise reduction and wild life protection.


更多网络解释与使用价值相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Audrey Hepburn:奥黛莉.赫本

1.5美元大概等于1000意大利里拉,好莱坞巨星奥黛莉"赫本(Audrey Hepburn)用1.5美元大肆消费,理发、吃冰淋、买鲜花等,当时的美元实在是太有使用价值了,怪不得当时美元老百姓叫它美金.


显示偏好法(Revealed Preference)通过人们的行为显示出的偏好对环境质量变化进行价值评估,常用方法包括享乐定价法(Hedonic Price)和旅行费用法损害,特别是被动使用价值 (passive use value),包括存在(existence)价值、遗产(bequest) 价值,期权 (o

crawler crane:履带吊车

图片中出现的红色履带吊车(crawler crane)是目前世界上最先进的1250t吊车,也是成系列生产的吊装能力最大的履带吊车--最大而且具有使用价值的起重能力:1250吨(个别特制或者改装的可以达到1600吨,加环粱可达2500吨及3000吨).

insufficient packing:包装不良

促进使用价值的实现. (五)提高商品价值,促进使用价值的实现. *包装不良(insufficient packing),船方将在大副收据上 packing), ),船方将在大副收据上 包装不良( 有所批注,从而产生不清洁提单,也影响安全收汇. 有所批注,从而产生不清洁提单,

irreplaceable use value:不可替代的使用价值

irreparable 不可恢复的 | irreplaceable use value 不可替代的使用价值 | irreproducibility 非再生性

nonuse value:非使用价值

推估中部空品区SO2的产生及死亡约681个寿命减损 (YOLL)及260件呼吸性疾病入院个案,外部成市场失 的第二种情况是:公共财(public goods) 能透过市场经济非市场财货的自然环境资源价值可分为使用价值(use value)与非使用价值(nonuse value)二 [Turner,

labor productivity:劳动生产率

所以,劳动生产率( labor productivity)可以表示为:单位时间内所生产的产品(使用价值)数量,或者单位产品所耗费的劳动时间(价值量)的长短. 劳动生产率可以区分为社会(部门)劳动生产率和个别企业劳动生产率,它们对商品的价值和使用价值的生产都具有影响.


履新未久的摩根士丹利中国区首席执行官竺稼近日说,"我认为要投房地产,首先是有使用价值的,先看到它有使用价值. 我觉得投资应该是第二位的. 首先是要用、要住,然后才想到投资. 在做炒作(Speculation)上应该还是少量的. " (共2页)

social wealth:社会财富

社会财富(social wealth) 什么是财富和社会财富 社会财富是指劳动者在生产过程中创造的、具有对人有使用价值的劳动产品;是指进入社会生产、生活领域具有使用价值和价值的物质.


employable 适于雇用的 | employable 有使用价值的 | employe 从业员