英语人>词典>汉英 : 使熟知 的英文翻译,例句
使熟知 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
familiarize  ·  familiarized  ·  familiarizes  ·  familiarizing

更多网络例句与使熟知相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Another my hep network celebrity is herd of Zhao of chief editor of Sohu rich guest, he is following after Olympic Games torch delivers Mount Everest, urgent go to Sichuan disaster area continuously, his a few individual discovery also make we think over somewhat, rescuing disaster area of 100 thousand main forces, but our spot comes to help the tool tries to do a difficult job as best one can however, what the person that a lot of coming to help uses is club of a root, the tool efficiency that rescuing team of it and major uses is having great difference of course.


But if helplessness has its place in the indifferent landscapes of history, it has none in a reasoning whose exigence is now known.


As you know,"books" nothing more than the mouse there are two types of flu-type pressure, and the other is a touch-type, both have their pros and cons, pressure flu-type moves is simple, move the pointer over the scope of the entire desktop, but Many people have a bad pressure should be much the best, and some people just hold down the school as the use of mechanical computer mouse, so too early to make the pressure a bit too slow for flu.


I would suggest to readers of Wingmakers to not stop your exploration of these materials in the Neruda interviews or the Ancient Arrow book but continue your investigation into the Lyricus and Event Temples materials as these will acquaint you with the higher levels of the Lyricus structure.

我将建议 Wingmakers 读者不要中断你对 Neruda 访谈或古箭计划的探索,但同时继续研究 Lyricus 和事件殿堂资料,因为这些会使你熟知 Lyricus 结构的更高层次。

I usually use spaghetti because it's what I have, but I prefer to use fusili or rotelle because the pesto sticks to it better.


Train them to stay on top of product line.


The defect of the plan would have been uncovered before the crisis comes if Exson had done some dry run of the plan and made all the crew knew clearly the seriousness and cruciality of the leakage.


She had been cut adrift from everything she had known.


People familiar with the influenza virus mutates faster than even the development of influenza vaccine can not keep up the situation.


The new year concerts of Vienna have been rebroadcasted for almost twenty years. The music of Johann Strauss family has widely been well known by the professional musicians and the music amateurs. Although there are some simply introductive and short articles about the operetta "Die Fledermaus" at present, the music analysis of Adele in the operetta "Die Fledermaus" and the research of role image building of her are scarce. The present paper try to not only deepen the understanding of the image of the classical character of Adele, but also help the recreation of the image, through the research and exploration about the music image building of Adele.


更多网络解释与使熟知相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acquaint sb. with:告知某人(某事)

32acquaintv. 使...熟知 | 33acquaint sb. with告知某人(某事) | 34acquitv. 开释,释放,行为


acquaint oneself with 开始知道 | acquaint 使熟知 | acquaintance 相识

acquaint with:熟悉,熟知

3、account for 说明(原因等) | 5、acquaint with 熟悉,熟知 | 6、adapt to (使)适应,适合;改编,改写

acquaint oneself with:开始知道

acquaint oneself of 开始知道 | acquaint oneself with 开始知道 | acquaint 使熟知



conversant adjective:精通的,熟知的

convergent adjective. 会聚的 | conversant adjective. 精通的,熟知的 | convert verb. 使改变;noun. 改变信仰的人


familiarize 使熟悉 | familiarize 使熟知 | familiarizevulgarisevulgarize 使通俗化


3)仿拟(Parody) 仿拟是套用人们熟知的某个谚语、格言、名句,使其产生一种新的意义,从而达到标新立异,加深印象的效果. 例如: Not all cars are created equal.(三菱汽车广告) 这则广告套用了(美国独立宣言)中的"All men are created equal."(人人平等.




除了能使沟通更为清楚外,对于单字的记忆也有很大的功效.国立政治大学外语学院前院长金陵教授,曾在 一文中指出:语音(pronunciation) 和单字拼法 (spelling) 之间,有相当密切的关系.若能熟知单字的发音,