英语人>词典>汉英 : 使投票 的英文翻译,例句
使投票 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vote  ·  votes  ·  voted

更多网络例句与使投票相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Election officials are extending office hours today to give poll voters additional time to pick up an absentee ballot.


Finally, I believe in an America where religious intolerance will someday end, where all men and all churches are treated as equals, where every man has the same right to attend or not to attend the church of his choice, where there is no Catholic vote, no anti-Catholic vote, no bloc voting of any kind, and where Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, at both the lay and the pastoral levels, will refrain from those attitudes of disdain and division which have so often marred their works in the past, and promote instead the American ideal of brotherhood.


Before the final vote, leader John Bander made a final appeal to law-makers to vote against the measure.The certain wound bombing kind (asserting it would embolden al-Qaida) in Iraq and terrorists around the world.

在最后投票前,共和党少数派领导人 John Boehner 做了最后的呼吁,请求立法者投票反对这个做法,声称这样会使伊拉克的酋长们和世界上的恐怖分子更加的大胆。

Senators who want to talk out a bill ought to be obliged to do just that, not rely on a simple procedural vote: voters could then see exactly who was obstructing what.


It's time to make the voting more interesting!


Our on-line balloting enables you to vote daily for the players you feel are most deserving of this honor.


Over the past 4 years Somers Center School District enrollment has increased by 389 --an increase of 14%.


If he fails, and fails to convince voters of his determination to change, the old LDP might return - and then hopes for change might fade as China steams ahead in the region and in the world.


The polling place Inspector is responsible for the decorum of the polling place and for ensuring that the polling process is carried out as efficiently and smoothly as possible.


Election day was marred by ballot-stuffing, inaccuracies in voter lists and multiple voting.


更多网络解释与使投票相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


美国东部时间9日下午17时30分,参议院就结束辩论(cloture)进行投票,支持者最终以61票对36票"胜出",使参议院"尼尔森-柯林斯版" (Nelson-Collins Amendment)"美国复兴与再投资计划"法案得以在未来36小时内在全体参议员间进行最终投票.

voir dire:(对陪审员的)诚实审查

voidable 可撤消的;可使无效的 | voir dire (对陪审员的)诚实审查 | voting right (投票)表决权

distributorship agreement:分销协议

董事会中有相关利益人的代表和其他不授予股权(granting equity)却能够使雇员方便地参加决策的安排,依法对公司的接管或清算,通过征集投票代理权,通过一些合同安排[特许权协议(franchise)、许可证协议(1icensing)、分销协议(distributorship agreement)以及企业经营合同]

Henderson Land:恒基兆业地产

香港监管机构正在审核当地有关股东对收购活动进行投票表决方面的规定,有人怀疑,对冲基金运用了一种复杂的交易手法,使当地开发商恒基兆业地产(Henderson Land)的一笔交易脱轨.


英镑兑美元、日元涨最多,投资人认为英国通货膨 胀加速,意味该国央行将容忍英镑升值. 捷克众议院24 日投票表决通过对政府的不信任案,总理Mirek Topolanek率领的内阁团队将总辞,使捷克克朗(koruna) 成为全球货币中兑美元跌幅最大者.


8. referendum 全民投票(以表决某政治问题) | 9. nonplus 使某人惊讶或困惑 | 10. devolve 将工作,职务等转交给某人


"延迟"(postponement) 作为名词使用时,就投票或就投票而进行的点票而言,指第61(1)条所指的延迟或>第21(1)条所指的押后,而"延迟"(postponed) 作为动词使用时,亦须据此解释;


"助理投票站主任"(Assistant Presiding Officer) 指根据第31(2)条指定为助理投票站主任的投票站人员;"助理选举主任"(Assistant Returning Officer) 具有>第2(1)条给予该词的涵义;"延迟"(postponement) 作为名词使用时,就投票或就投票而进行的点票而言,

supersede: v.1:替代,取代,接替,撤换 2.废弃

suffrage: n.投票,选举权 | sully: v.弄脏,玷污,使推动光辉,使丢脸 | supersede: v.1.替代,取代,接替,撤换 2.废弃

voting share:有表决权股份

将根据牌照提供而须收取收看费的锁码电视节目或锁码电视节目服务以经解码后的形式收看的解码器; (由2004年第8号第2条增补)"有表决权股份"(voting share) 就任何法团而言,在某类股份使其注册拥有人有权在该法团的股东会议上投票的情况下,