英语人>词典>汉英 : 使失去信心 的英文翻译,例句
使失去信心 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与使失去信心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is friendly, after he save life of returning the first lieutenant, the first lieutenant which loses legs always can't die in battle to on the battlefield but still drag out a shameful existence by the 躯 of physically disabled to oneself but 郁郁 not 欢;Because first lieutenant is so a kind of person:he sees honor high in everything, he can't suffer ordinary, is sweet call to return to his confidence to life with the amicability, make him discover, there are even no legs,The life still can be filled with source of vitality.


They deal in divisiveness and intolerance, no matter how debilitating that might be to the subjects of their prejudice, and no matter how damaging that might be for a country's international standing.


The writer proclaims that the pulicized disclosure of bad management of charitable giving and wasting action along with overhigh salary of the managers in the charitable foundation *** lose confidence and enthuasism for the charties.


In anticipation of his last-ditch effort to make God's special remnant lose confidence in the law, would it not be logical for Satan to infiltrate the church with uncommitted pastors as well as unconverted members?


Lose confidence most terrible oneself, and others' satire is aptest to make people disheartened.


That confuses me completely and makes me lose faith in you.


What you tell me shakes my faith in human nature.


This has become an article of faith among dieters, and it leaves many people hopeless about slimming down.


He smiled for the first time in a longwhile, and thanked his dear, pious wife for the trick shehad played on him,through which she had revied his belief in God and restored his trust.


Not only in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, medicine and other pre-and benefit from the resilience of the industry in general inflation down, the financial and real estate funds fell sharply after重仓股after补跌recently emerged, which means that the market valuation of the new criteria are being re - the establishment of the Fund would need in the new game environment gradually reach consensus in order to allow the market to shake off the pattern of consolidation, re-restore confidence, but the economic fundamentals are not supporting the advent of this trend, the source said, in terms of market confidence, or from the capital side, the growth performance of listed companies, market confidence of view, do not have to do more to provide too many reasons.


更多网络解释与使失去信心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dishearten 使失去信心 | disburden 解除負擔 | discolor 使褪色


disarm 解除武裝,裁軍 | dishearten 使失去信心 | disburden 解除負擔


有很多身体的毛病,记念她有学习的能力;潘姑娘每周与琴一同查考圣经,求主赐她有智慧帮助琴的灵命成长. 犹太基督徒朋友萝莉(Laurie)仍在学习驾驶,她多次考取驾驶执照,都不合格,使她对再要考试失去信心,记念她懂得多倚靠和交托神祷告.