英语人>词典>汉英 : 使回转 的英文翻译,例句
使回转 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
revert  ·  reverted  ·  reverting  ·  reverts

更多网络例句与使回转相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

SZG series double cone rotating vacuum drier's main machine is double cone tank, let steam or heat water inside sealed jacket heat the inner shell in vacuum state, the hot transferred from inner shell to dump material, make water of the dump material gasify, low speed motor drying the tank along, make material up and down, from inside to outside, and change the heated surface, at the same time, vapour is taken out continually through vent-pipe of vacuum pump, increase the speed of drying, attain the purpose of uniformity drying at last, it is in conformity with the requirement of GMP.


Killy's rival, Karl Schranz, claimed that a mysterious man in black crossed his path during the slalom race, causing him to skid to a halt.


Though the gyration and retroflexion of the workbench, the welding positioner can make the welding line to an ideal position, which can improve the quality of the welded joint, reduce welder's workload. It is ideal equipment especially fit to weld the kinds of workpiece, just like the shaft, tray, canister, and so on.


The right oil cylinder and left oil cylinder's kinematic relation in the slewing mechanisms is analyzed, and the relation of angular displacement and cylinder stroke is also analyzed.


It has a far back CG that makes it fun to slalom.


I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus; You have chastised me, and I was chastised, as a bullock is not accustomed to the yoke: turn you me, and I shall be turned; for you are the LORD my God.

018 我听见以法莲为自己悲叹说:你责罚我,我便受责罚,像不惯负轭的牛犊一样。求你使我回转,我便回转,因为你是耶和华─我的神。

According to the rock beaking theories, the percussion rotary drilling technique is one of the most effective ways to drill hard rock.


The controller controls the velocity of swing motor by the means of meter-in to track the output velocity of rotary stage of the optimal regulator, so that the load sway can be controlled during swing operation.


SZG series double cone rotating vacuum drier's main machine is double cone tank, let steam or heat water inside sealed jacket heat the inner shell in vacuum state, the hot transferred from inner shell to dump material, make water of the dump material gasify, low speed motor drying the tank along, make material up and down, from inside to outside, and change the heated surface, at the same time, vapour is taken out continually through vent-pipe of vacuum pump, increase the speed of drying, attain the purpose of uniformity drying at last, it is in conformity with the requirement of GMP.


The other bonus that the C200K enjoying is its steering department. It is different from most European cars that there would be sufficient road information feedback to the driver. The driver can make a good judgment on how he wants to drive the car. Just 2.7 turns lock to lock and 10.8 meters of turning circle; this setting reveals the enormous effort in making the C-class as an enjoyable car to drive but at the same time with a lot of luxurious appointments. Obviously, the C-class has evolved from just an expensive sedan into something representing the come back of the oldest car making in the world.


更多网络解释与使回转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



disconcert:使惊惶, 使仓皇失措, 破坏

sea level 海平面 | disconcert 使惊惶, 使仓皇失措, 破坏 | rotary can filler 回转式装罐机

gear pump:齿轮油泵

齿轮油泵(gear pump)水泵依靠泵缸与啮合齿轮间所形成的工作容积变化和移动来输送液体或使之增压的回转泵. 齿轮油泵是用两个齿轮互啮转动来工作,对介质要求不高. 一般的压力在6MPa以下,流量较大. 齿轮油泵在泵体中装有一对回转齿轮,


该方法可以提取连接门控时钟单元、开关多路转换器和受驱动的cts宏的节点,从而在布局优化中,将较重的网络权重应用在这些节点上,并将这些单元的距离拉近. 这项优化技术能够使单元的负载最小化,并因此使单元延迟和输出回转(slew)最小.


微电脑自动控制-精密自动攻牙机 >>主轴1回转1牙距的精密自动进给机构 A.精密的A.B.牙距齿轮使其进给与回程时之1回转与螺丝攻(Tap)之牙距精确同步,未熟练者操作时,其产品同样是精良无暇疵,不会造成乳牙或牙峰不均匀之现象.


拉细的纤维经过高速回转的气流喷咀中,然后卷绕成筒子纱. MVS引出速度高,直接由棉条喂入,经过高速回转气流喷咀,当纤维未被拉成轴,经过空心内壁回转,使纱线获得捻度. 并经过清纱后直接卷绕成筒子,增加了纺纱产量. 纱线捻度(TWIST)的认识

vane pump:滑片泵

滑片泵示意图 滑片泵(vane pump )又叫滑板泵和叶片泵,其结构简图如图所示. 它主要由转子、定子(即泵体)、滑片及两侧盖板所组成. 依靠偏心转子旋转时泵缸与转子上相邻两叶片间所形成的工作容积的变化来输送液体或使之增压的回转泵(见泵).

nitrogenize:使氮化, 使含氮

reversing chassis 回转底盘 | nitrogenize 使氮化, 使含氮 | upper serrated knife (切割器的)上面刻齿动刀片


chink 裂口, 裂缝, 叮当声 <单词词性>(使)叮当响 | semifictional 半虚构的 | turning-circle (车辆的)转向圆,回转圆

tail to the tide:锚泊中船随着潮水涨落而回转

tail tail jigger 带尾滑车 | tail to the tide 锚泊中船随着潮水涨落而回转 | tail to 使绳尾成尖形;跟随