英语人>词典>汉英 : 使不正常 的英文翻译,例句
使不正常 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
warp  ·  warped  ·  warps

更多网络例句与使不正常相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gasoline is a combustible mixture of deflagration in the gas machine is not a normal combustion phenomenon, related to many factors, but in a certain structure and use of the engine operating conditions, mainly on the gasoline antiknock nature.


PGE is necessary for the development of a healthy immune system in neonates. If the mothers are deficient in PGE, their offspring may be more likely to develop abnormal immune systems which would make them more prone to atopy themselves.

PGE 是婴儿发展健康的免疫系统时必需要的,如果母亲缺乏 PGE ,她们的后代非常有可能发展出不正常的免疫系统使其容易有遗传性异位性皮肤炎的情况。

Acetone extract of E.hirta may be toxic to spores of C.musaram. Ethyl acetate extrate of E.hirta may have inhibiting effects on conidium germination and mycelium growth of C.musaram.


Acetone extractive of Euphorbia hirta may be have viricidal effect on spores of C. higginsianum. Ethyl acetate extractive of E. hirta may be have inhibited effects on conidium germination or growth of hypha of C. higginsianum.


He tried to lift her,but she was immovably heavy;her shoulders were shaking more rapidly than seemed to him normal even in a condition of this kind.


Also be aware that changing the orientation or size of a parent part changes all of it's "children" as well. If you shrink the WingRin for instance, the whole wing, plus engines and landing gear will shrink with it. Changing the CF_D0 will usually affect the whole plane. Speaking of the CF_D0, this is the most important part of the plane. All the other parts are connected to it, and reorienting it can sometimes cause the plane to fly incorrectly. Not all plane parts are oriented properly in the first place, so simply replacing the CF_D0 in the folder might lead to a fuselage 90 degrees off angle, etc, but changing the orientation sometimes changes the flight profile, etc.


My life was nothing but a series of unstable illusions, shadows that consumed and rejected me, a society that told me that, beneath any self I pieced together, my sexuality made me essentially perverse and nothing more.


It brings sufficient tension to conveyer belt, and enables the generation of friction between the conveyer belt and the transmission drum, so that the conveyer belt will not slip.


Dysthymic disorder, also called dysthymia, is characterized by long–term but less severe symptoms that may not disable a person but can prevent one from functioning normally or feeling well.


The window frame was warp ed.


更多网络解释与使不正常相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AC alternating current:[电]交流电

ABNORM abnormal 不正常的 | AC alternating current [电]交流电 | ACCEL acceleration, accelerate 使增速

enable...to do:罢工的失败使公司恢复了正常的公共汽车服务

16她们花了两个小时时间非常详细具体的制定了计划. in detail | 17罢工的失败使公司恢复了正常的公共汽车服务. enable to do | 18我对目前的收入一点也不满意. by no means


不亲和性(incompatibility)在有性生殖过程中由于生物个体的细胞或组织水平上的不协调而使受精或接合不能正常进行,或是受精后不能产生后代的现象. 这是双亲个体间基因型的不协调或是染色体组非同源性在生殖生理表型上的一种反映.

cardiac insufficiency:不全

以血流动力学(hemodynamics)而言,由于心肌舒缩功能障碍,使心腔压力高于正常[左室舒张末期压>18mmHg(2.4kPa),右室舒张末期压>10mmHg(1.3kPa)]即为心衰,亦称为心功能不全(cardiac insufficiency).





but i'll do anything to set things right:但我愿做任何事使一切正常

i don't know how it got so crazy 我不知道怎么会如此疯狂 | but i'll do anything to set things right 但我愿做任何事使一切正常 | cause your love is so amazing 因为你的是如此的奇妙


warp "vt.弄歪, 使翘曲, 使不正常, 歪曲, 使有偏见" | wastrel " 挥霍者 | weld vt.焊接


abnormalities 异常情况 | abnormalize 使反常 | abnormalstate 不正常状况


dipper /瓢/使浸渍者/现影液容器/汲取的人/ | dippy /脑筋不正常的/昏头昏脑的/ | diprofene /地普罗芬/