英语人>词典>汉英 : 体育记者 的英文翻译,例句
体育记者 的英文翻译、例句


press boy
更多网络例句与体育记者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aggie::I overheard some sports reporters in the cafeteria.


My sportswriter friend, who said that meeting the New Yorker writer Roger Angell literally made him shake.


All of the sports writers, they just stood up and started clapping me


All-Star weekend revelers have transformed the league's midseason exhibition into the new millennium Freaknik, an out-of-control street party that features gunplay, violence, non-stop weed smoke and general mayhem,wrote Jason Whitlock on AOL Sports. The game needs to be moved overseas, someplace where the 1Bloods and Crips and hookers ... can't get to it without a passport and plane ticket ...


All-Star weekend revelers have transformed the league's midseason exhibition into the new millennium Freaknik, an out-of-control street party that features gunplay, violence, non-stop weed smoke and general mayhem,wrote Jason Whitlock on AOL Sports.


HEELER HONORED: Blazers broadcaster Brian Wheeler was named 2007 Oregon Sportscaster of the Year by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association.

heeler获得了荣誉:通过全国的广播员和体育记者的投票,开拓者的广播员Brian Wheeler当选为2007年Oregon体育媒体的年度广播员。

I am studying the news now, hope to become a sports newsman too.


Here's our sports correspondent, Harry Peart


It's the skilful reportage of sports journalists.


I'd like to be a sports reporter.


更多网络解释与体育记者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Howard Ashman:美国 词曲作家,天才制片人、剧作家,迪斯尼音乐传奇人物 推荐

36.Willem Arondeus:荷兰 艺术家、作家 推荐★ | 37.Howard Ashman:美国 词曲作家,天才制片人、剧作家,迪斯尼音乐传奇人物 推荐★★★ | 38.Rob Astbury:澳大利亚 前著名电视体育记者、主持人

beat around the bush:旁敲侧击

英文有拨丛寻猎(beat the bush)之谚,也有旁敲侧击(beat around the bush)之谚,皆锁定bush(布什)而对付之. 如今李文奇正相生、侧目以告,打官司打到这种境界,允称佳作. 美国体育记者瑞斯(Grantland Rice)说的好:不在输赢,在你怎么玩--


记者张力报导 在体育主管拜拿斯多夫走人后,汉堡目前迟迟没有迎来新的人选,反倒是董事会主席霍夫曼和主帅拉巴迪亚开始了收购工作. 在泽E罗伯托和特舍相继加盟后,荷兰锋线新星伊利亚(Elia)也正式加盟.

Harding University:哈定大学

(中央社记者周盈成日内瓦二十九日专电)国际棒球总会(IBAF)今天否认日前台湾媒体所报导「中华得第五」的「世界棒球排名」是该会所做,并表示该会现也没有计画从事类似排名. 文章中说明,这是BaseballdeWorld 做的排名,实际编纂者则为哈定大学(Harding University)体育资讯主任古德,只纳入IBAF支持办理的赛事为评比依据.

accredited journalist:特派新闻记者

★journalist n. (尤其指新闻)记者,新闻工作者 | accredited journalist 特派新闻记者 | sports journalist 体育记者

Steven: No, a newspaper reporter:史蒂文:不,是报社记者

I'll be a reporter in ten years. 十年后,我将会成为一名记者. | Steven: No, a newspaper reporter. 史蒂文:不,是报社记者. | I'd like to be a sports reporter. 我想成为一名体育记者.

So you're a sportswriter now:那你现在是体育记者咯

I was talking about Carter.|我说的是卡特 | So you're a sportswriter now.|那你现在是体育记者咯 | Why not?|不可以吗?

He was a sportswriter, so we got to watch all the games on TV together:他是个体育记者, 所以他看电视 播放的每场比赛

-Really? -l got to hang out with my dad a lot.|-... | He was a sportswriter, so we got to watch all the games on TV together...|他是个体育记者, 所以他看电视 播放的每场比赛 | ...and he taught me how to ...


并短暂任职於当地的[[安克拉治]]电视台的体育记者并同时与丈夫进行渔业相关工作...据考据,印何阗可能生於[[孟斐斯]](Memphis)近郊的安克霍(Ankhtow)或[[底比斯]](Thebes)南部的吉别林(Gebelen)......](Pete Docter)、[[安德鲁

To have that from the harshest critics:在经历过最严厉的批评后

All of the sports writers, they just stood up and started clapping me, 所有的体育记者,他们站起来... | To have that from the harshest critics, 在经历过最严厉的批评后 | That was a huge thing, 这是一次大的...