英语人>词典>汉英 : 体内平衡 的英文翻译,例句
体内平衡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
homeostasis  ·  homeostatic

更多网络例句与体内平衡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Environmental hormone means endocrine disrupter substance, is definition by Japan Environmental Administration in 1997. This substance once enter in vivo by way of environmental conveyance, will amiss bonding with the receptor. It will result influence like hormone or destroy the balance and function of normal endocrine system.

摘要 环境荷尔蒙由日本环境厅在1997年所定义,指的是外因性内分泌干扰物质,此等物质一但经由环境介质进入动物体内后,会和体内的受体发生错误结合,产生类似荷尔蒙的影响或是破坏干扰原有内分泌系统的平衡及功能,进而干扰动物体内的生理作用。

Coupled with the excess water which reserved on baby's body will be gradually consumed through emiction and absorption etc, which makes the water on his body unbalanced and lead to a temporary weight loss.


Little amounts of cyanide were found in all parts of plant tissues, indicating the passage of ferrocyanide through the plants.Mass balance studies showed that iron cyanide complex moving into plants from hydroponic solution can be metabolized during transport.

由于没有检测到在气态下的总氰化物,表明植物的蒸腾作用没有将亚铁氰化物释放到大气中;(3)尽管植物吸收到体内的亚铁氰化物足有限的,但物质平衡实验表明其在植物体内迁移的过程中超过96%的郜能被植物有效转化;(4)所用的4种亚铁氰化物浓度在192 h内没有对柳树产生毒性作用。

Mass balance studies showed that iron cyanide complex moving into plants from hydroponic solution can be metabolized during transport. Phytotoxic effects were not found in all treatment groups, even at high doses of ferrocyanide within a 192-h exposure period.

由于没有检测到在气态下的总氰化物,表明植物的蒸腾作用没有将亚铁氰化物释放到大气中;(3)尽管植物吸收到体内的亚铁氰化物是有限的,但物质平衡实验证明其在植物体内迁移的过程中超过96%的都能被植物有效转化;(4)所用的4种亚铁氰化物浓度在192 h内没有对柳树产生毒性作用。

Any interference with homeostasis is likely to be damaging to the organism.


He said," Drinking enough water every day could maintain the homeostasis."


Homeostasis is the state of maintaining a constant composition of blood.


The goal is to maintain emotional balance in order to protect internal homeostasis.


Crying serves a homeostatic function for the organism as a whole.


It holds that the repetition in restatement helps the rhetor reach the optimum level of arousal and the different words in it give him the pleasure of change .


更多网络解释与体内平衡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Endocrine system:分泌系統

第十三章 内分泌系统疾病 内分泌系统(endocrine system)包括内分泌腺、内分泌组织(如胰岛)和散在于各系统或组织内的内分泌细胞. 内分泌系统与神经系统共同调节机体的生长发育和代谢,维持体内平衡或稳定. 由内分泌腺或散在的内分泌细胞所分泌的高效能的生物活性物质,


7.holster 手枪皮套 | 8.homage 效忠,崇敬 | 9.homeostasis 体内平衡


但若刚好感冒或生病(感染病、过敏等),体内平衡(Homeostasis)会变得敏感想保护身体,不易达到减肥效果,此时等恢复健康后再开始为宜. 此外,身体对季节变迁很敏感,如果在由春转夏或由秋入冬身体容易出现变化的时期开始减肥,也比较容易看到效果.


homeostasis 恒定性 内衡状态,体内平衡(此概念由坎农提出) | homeostatic 内衡的 | homeostatic control 稳态控制

Homeostatic mechanism:体内平衡机制

体内平衡 Homeostasis | 体内平衡机制 Homeostatic mechanism | 人科 Hominoid

Homeostatic mechanism:体内平衡控制;稳态机制

homeostatic control 体内平衡控制;稳态控制 | homeostatic mechanism 体内平衡控制;稳态机制 | homeotherm 恒温动物

homeostatic control:体内平衡控制;稳态控制

homeostasis 体内平衡 | homeostatic control 体内平衡控制;稳态控制 | homeostatic mechanism 体内平衡控制;稳态机制


homeostasis自动平衡;体内平衡 | homestead家园;田园;宅地 | homogeneous同类;同质


9.homeostasis 体内平衡 | 10.homiletics 讲道术,说教术 | 11.homogeneity 同种,同质

nitrogen balance:氮平衡

二、氮平衡(nitrogen balance)和蛋白质的需要量三、必需氨基酸(essential amino acids)与蛋白质的生理价值非必需氨基酸(non-essential amino acids)是指体内需要,而人体本身可以合成,不必由食物供给的氨基酸,