英语人>词典>汉英 : 伸舌 的英文翻译,例句
伸舌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
loll  ·  lolled  ·  lolling  ·  lolls

更多网络例句与伸舌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Regular outrigger,久不retraction, was particularly prevalent in the hypothyroidism caused by cretinism


The diagnostic features for the species include deep excavation on the posteroventral margin of the premaxilla, a diastema between the premaxillary and maxillary teeth, a a number of many pits and ridges on the anterolateral surface of the antorbital fossa, the posterolateral process of the parietal being long and sharply posteriorly directed, the column ar -like margin of the pterygoid process of the quadrate, the bifurcated posterior margin of the dentary, a distinctive groove posterior to the anterior carina on the medial surface of the premaxillary tooth crowns, absence of ventrolateral processes on intercentrum of t he atlas, T-shaped centrum of the first caudal in ventral view, transverse process on anterior caudals with rounded , and strongly anteroposteriorly expanded distal end, presence of two fossae separated by an oblique ridge on the lateral side of the anterior chevrons near the articular end, and pubis strongly curved psoteriorly.

这一属种的主要鉴定特征包括:前上颌骨后腹缘有一深凹、前上颌齿和上颌齿之间有一齿缺、眶前窝外表面前部有许多坑窝和脊、顶骨侧后突伸向后方、方骨的翼骨支边缘柱状、靠近前上颌齿齿冠舌面前缘有槽、环椎间椎体外腹突缺失、第一尾椎椎体腹视 T 形、前部尾椎横突远端前后向强烈扩展呈圆形、前部脉弧近端外侧面有两个被一斜脊分离的窝以及耻骨强烈向后弯曲。通过分析千禧中国鸟龙的96个骨骼学特征,发现其中21个特征支持奔龙类与鸟类的亲缘关系最近,9个特征支持奔龙类与伤齿龙类亲缘关系最近,25个特征支持奔龙类、伤齿龙类和鸟类亲缘关系较为接近。

Then, I'd press my lips against hers, gently at first, then harder and harder until we're both lost in a soul kiss of true love.

起先是温柔的,然后呼吸越来越困难直到我们都在真爱的舌吻中深陷!(我要崩溃了,soul kiss就是将舌头伸到对方嘴里,舌吻的意思

PARIS – The Lion of Mesopotamia crawled out of a hole in the ground this week, looking docile and disheveled as a doctor prodded him with a tongue depressor.


Corinna Lathan started the company ten years ago to work with children with cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, autism and other developmental disabilities.

Corinna Lathan 十年前成立了一家公司,旨在服务于那些患有大脑性麻痹、伸舌样白痴、孤独症和其他后天性残疾的儿童。

Tongue tie is too short, so that should not extend extraoral tongue, the impact of the flexible tongue movement, so the impact of the larger aspects of language development, commonly known as "大舌." 2, these are caused by organic disease transformer ambiguous words; There is also a non-organic ambiguous words, 2-year-old children with limited vocabulary; but would like to use language to express the results difficult to say if a series of adults, medically known as the "insinuations", also known as the "language disorder."


Refers to Down's syndrome (Down's syndrome, dementia-like伸舌) screening, that is, pumping blood or amniotic fluid do villus cells, and then do Karyotype analysis, such as the emergence of 21 - trisomy map, you can diagnose fetus for Down syndrome. 2, AFP Chinese name for the AFP, such as maternal and fetal amniotic fluid were increased AFP confirmed fetal neural tube defects, namely spina bifida, spinal Meningocele, no brains infants, microcephaly, hydrocephalus.


Unconditional reflex, in infancy is not surprising: It is now to consider the condensate伸舌like to stay still too early, it will be舌上of Carex刮下were observed in the exclusion of thrush, and white study confirmed meningococcal infection, the available 2 % sodium bicarbonate solution cleaning the mouth, and then coated with glycerol or nystatin grams triazole acid powder scattered in the oral cavity. 2, the normal 3-month-old boy physical development value: Height: low value: 57.6, mean: 62.4, high-value: 67.2 height of your baby has been achieved on a good growth and development of the fetus in the womb were shrimp-like, after birth There are bow-shaped legs.


Postoperative complications were bucking, loll deviation, Horners syndrome, postoperative infection and hoarseness, constituted 10.87%, 8.70%, 5.80%, 5.07% and 5.07% respectively.


This scale included:① Bulbus medullae function: speech, swallowing, sal ivation, and tongue extension.② Limbs function: left arm movement, left hand movement, right arm movement, right hand movement, left leg movement, right leg movement, trunk movement, head-up, walking, and cl imbing stairs.③ Others: breathing, muscular tone, pain, and muscle discomfort.


更多网络解释与伸舌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Kalmuk idiocy:伸舌样白痴

kakotrophy 营养不良 | Kalmuk idiocy 伸舌样白痴 | kalopsia 美视症

Kalmuk idiocy:伸舌性白痴

Kafka's test 卡夫卡试验(检脑脊髓梅毒) | Kalmuk idiocy 伸舌性白痴 | Kaplan's test 卡普兰试验(检脑脊液球蛋白及白蛋白)

indirect laryngoscopy:间接喉镜检查

间接喉镜检查(indirect laryngoscopy)是最常用而简便的喉及喉咽部检查法. 患者端坐,头微前倾,张口、伸舌、用口呼吸,检查者用消毒纱布包住患者舌前端,用拇指与中指将舌轻轻固定...直接喉镜检查法(direct laryngoscopy)借助于患者一定的体位及金属硬管,


money 货币 | mongolism 伸舌样白痴 | mongolism 先天性白痴


mongolism 伸舌样白痴 | mongolism 先天性白痴 | mongoloid 先天愚型样的

mongoloid idiocy:伸舌痴愚,蒙古人样白痴

\\"蒙古型痴呆\\",\\"mongolism\\" | \\"伸舌痴愚,蒙古人样白痴\\",\\"mongoloid idiocy\\" | \\"念珠菌属\\",\\"Monilia\\"

buccolingual landmark:颊舌标志

19. freeway space 息止间隙 | 20. buccolingual landmark 颊舌标志 | 21. protrusive contacting movement 接触前伸运行

linguiform projection:舌状突伸

flange 凸缘 | linguiform projection 舌状突伸 | blade 齿片

Down's syndrome:先天愚型

(一)先天愚型(Down's syndrome)又称伸舌样痴呆或21三体综合征或Down氏综合征. 本症为常染色体畸变所致,多伴有先天畸形,如扁平头,塌鼻梁,鼻翼宽,眼距大,两眼外角上斜及大舌头等. 口半张开,伸舌,舌面有许多裂缝,呈所谓"阴衰舌",四肢较短小,