英语人>词典>汉英 : 伯劳鸟 的英文翻译,例句
伯劳鸟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
butcherbird  ·  shrike

loggerhead shrike
更多网络例句与伯劳鸟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Butcherbird of northern North American.


If Miss Lonelyhearts is the novel's Christ-figure, Shrike is its shrieking anti-Christ—his name almost sounds like "Christ" backwards or the word "shriek" itself—and a violent egotist who affects a dead pan expression not for comedic intent but to obscure his own emotions.

如果小姐Lonelyhearts是小说的基督数字,伯劳鸟是尖叫反基督,他的名字几乎听起来像"基督"倒退或Word "尖叫"本身和暴力影响egotist谁死潘表达的意图不是喜剧,但掩盖自己的感情。

That's why word of Britain's disappearing pearl-bordered fritillary, red-backed shrike and lost ghost orchid should be as riveting as any news bulletin.

这就是为什么有关英国正在消失的珍珠边豹纹蝶(pearl-bordered fritillary)、红背伯劳鸟(red-backed shrike)和已经消失的幽灵兰花的消息应该和任何新闻报告一样引人关切。

The loggerhead shrike, a small grey, black and white bird, has declined by 92% since then.


The red cross stands for New South Wales; the Southern Cross under the crown stands for Victoria ; blue Maltese Cross and crown for Queensland ; a Piping Shrike or Magpie for South Australia ; the Black Swan for Western Australia and a Lion for Tasmania.


George's (there are a lion, four stars on cross), symbolize New South Wales state; The south cross constellation under the crown represents Victoria state; The blue Maltese cross represents Queensland State; Butcher bird's bird represents the south Australia state; Black swan symbolizes West Australia state; Red lion symbolizes Tasmania state.


Lonelyhearts . His editor is a cynical older man named Shrike who mockingly compares Miss Lonelyhearts to Jesus Christ.


She says if Shrike is not inside she will let him in. Miss Lonelyhearts hides as Shrike comes to the door.


Type genus of the Laniidae: typical shrikes.


Miss Farkis, Shrike's date, arrives, and Shrike berates her for her pretentious interest in discussing religion.

小姐Farkis ,伯劳鸟的日期,到达和伯劳鸟斥责她自命不凡兴趣讨论宗教。

更多网络解释与伯劳鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


butcher 屠夫 | butcherbird 伯劳鸟 | butcherly 如屠夫地


全书由六篇不同的故事组成,分别叙述了他们背后与伯劳鸟(Shrike)的联系,透露了地球七个世纪以来所发生的历史,并展露了伯劳鸟与人类未来的关系. 作品用神似英国古典文学大师乔叟的坎特柏里故事集的铺陈手法,传颂亿万年的宇宙绝唱.

shrike:伯劳鸟; 女子 (名)

shrievalty 州长的职位 (名) | shrike 伯劳鸟; 女子 (名) | shrill 尖锐的, 刺耳的 (形)

Long-tailed Shrike:伯劳科 棕背伯劳

0609# 和平鸟科 橙腹叶鹎 ORANGE-BELLIED LEAFBIRD ×1 | 0616# 伯劳科 棕背伯劳 LONG-TAILED SHRIKE ×10 其中黑型1只 | 0626# 鸦科 红嘴蓝鹊 RED-BILLED BLUE MAGPIE ×20


雀形目(Passeriformes)伯劳科(Laniidae)鸟类,约64种,体型中等,掠食性;尤指伯劳亚科(Laniinae)伯劳属(Lanius)25种鸟类(真伯劳). 能用喙啄死大型昆虫、蜥蜴、鼠和小鸟. 会将捕获的饵物穿挂在荆刺上,正如人类将肉挂在肉钩上,故又名屠夫鸟.


50 灰脊 鸟 Motacilla cinrea & | (十五)伯劳科 LANIIDAE | 51 红尾伯劳 Lanius cristatus #


119.太平鸟Bombycilla garrulous centralasiae | (二十九)伯劳科 Laniidae | 120.红尾伯劳 L. cristatus cristatus

伯劳科 Laniidae 虎纹伯劳:Lanius tigrinus

和平鸟科 Irenidae 橙腹叶鹎 Chloropsis hardwickii | 伯劳科 Laniidae 虎纹伯劳 Lanius tigrinus | 红尾伯劳 Lanius cristatus

Lanius tigrinus:伯劳科 Laniidae 虎纹伯劳

和平鸟科 Irenidae 橙腹叶鹎 Chloropsis hardwickii | 伯劳科 Laniidae 虎纹伯劳 Lanius tigrinus | 红尾伯劳 Lanius cristatus


secretary bird 鹭鹰 | shrikes 伯劳鸟 | starling 八哥