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伎俩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gimmickry  ·  rort

更多网络例句与伎俩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such abnegation has become a popular tactic in these anti-political times.


I'm not falling for your cute act.


Although Fates already knew Apollo invite them to dinner is because of Admetus, but they didn't thought about that Apollo is going to trick them.

虽然命运已经知道太阳神,请他们吃饭,是因为admetus ,但是他们没有想过这件阿波罗去伎俩

Early in her novel -- a farrago about Janey Wilcox, a lingerie model and adventuress who gets caught up in movie business double-dealing -- Bushnell explains the operations of her discriminating characters:''New Yorkers sliced everything into tiny categories, and then, like diamond sorters, examined and graded each particle.


It's the oldest trick in the book and the French have a phrase for it: Agent Provocateur.


When he that has given no provocation to malice, but by attempting to excel, finds himself pursued by multitudes whom he never saw, with all the implacability of personal resentment; when he perceives clamour and malice let loose upon him as a public enemy, and incited by every stratagem of defamation; when he hears the misfortunes of his family, or the follies of his youth, exposed to the world; and every failure of conduct, or defect of nature, aggravated and ridiculed; he then learns to abhor those artifices at which he only laughed before, and discovers how much the happiness of life would be advanced by the eradication of envy from the human heart.


Oh,Simplicio,if I should succeed in convincing you of the artfulness--though it is no great artistry--of this author, I should rouse you to wonder--and also to indignation--when you discovered how he, covering his cunning with the veil of your naivete and that of other mere philosophers, tries to insinuate himself into your good graces by gratifying 28 your ear and puffing up your ambition,pretending to have convicted and silenced these trifling astronomers who wanted to assail the ineradicable inalterability of the Peripatetic heavens,and what is more, to have struck them dumb and overpowered them with their own weapons.


Visible with a fluorescence microscope, this network feature can provide a quick screening method for some HPHT treatment.


The preceding technique can be somewhat effective in annoying and confusing reversers


One of his tricks in his Dazzle Act or the Cardworks act,"Fate Datebook" was improved by Paul Green to become a self-working trick book to be performed by any magician.

他的一个伎俩,在他的耀眼法或cardworks法&,命运park &进行了改进,保罗绿色成为自我工作伎俩书所要履行任何魔术师。

更多网络解释与伎俩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Back up data:(备份数据)--小伎俩

15. Get a car unstuck(把陷在泥里的汽车弄出来)--没玩过,但是曾实地观摩,Pass | 16. Back up data(备份数据)--小伎俩,Pass | 17. Paint a room(刷房子)--亲身操练,Pass

Magic Numbers Card Counting Trick:幻数牌的伎俩

Jay Sankey-Magnet Card磁铁扑克 | Magic Numbers Card Counting Trick幻数牌的伎俩 | Magic Theory In Coin Magic硬币魔术入门导引

clumsy tactics:拙劣伎俩

clumsiness 笨拙 | clumsy tactics 拙劣伎俩 | clumsy 笨拙的

cynical ploy:受怀疑的伎俩

accuse of指责, 控告 | cynical ploy 受怀疑的伎俩 | political rival 政治对手

play a trick on:耍伎俩

give away 分发 | play a trick on 耍伎俩 | get off 下车

play sb. dirt:[美, 口]对某人玩弄卑鄙的伎俩, 用不正当手段对待某人

Never cast dirt into the fountain of which you have sometime drunk. [谚]不要污染你曾经饮过的泉水; 饮水思... | play sb. dirt [美, 口]对某人玩弄卑鄙的伎俩, 用不正当手段对待某人 | talk dirt 说下流话[猥亵话...


魅力10或以上的侏儒 可以每天一次使用下列的类法术能力:舞光术(dancing lights) 幻音术(ghost sound) 魔法伎俩(prestidigitation). 施法者等级为1级. 豁免判定难度等级:10+侏儒的魅力调整值+法术等级.

What an underhanded intrigue:多么卑鄙的伎俩

8. Hey, get off your high horse. 别盛气凌人的. | 9. What an underhanded intrigue! 多么卑鄙的伎俩! | 10. Let me kill the fatted calf for you. 我要为你接风洗尘.


取得赞同...get the go-ahead to | 不择伎俩unscrupulously, loss of hope, colossal, prevalent | 是一个对比is a sharp contrast to

unscrupulously, play of the mind:不择伎俩

取得赞同...get the go-ahead to | 不择伎俩unscrupulously, play of the mind | 以此规范来算by this criterion, make known, watch over