英语人>词典>汉英 : 企业成本 的英文翻译,例句
企业成本 的英文翻译、例句


cost in business
更多网络例句与企业成本相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper follows the trail of views from advocator of strategic cost management and analyses the thought and principle from such aspects as purpose, subject, methods and information system.


Secondly, some problems are pointed out, such as distortion of cost information, costs out of control and disjointedness between cost management and production.


This text is exactly from the cost management level of exalting our company as de...


In light of this situation, we have to break the traditional concept of the cost, shifting the cost control theory and methods to a wider concept of the cost.Aiming at acquisition of costs and competitive advantages,the essay have a progressive study on the cost control model of modern enterprise.


But under such market economy condition, the concept the tradition cost is controlled already can not adapt to modern cost idea, responds to the outside environment keeping a foothold in the overall strategic objective and enterprise , seeks cost in the contrast from cost and beneficial result minization not only the content that modern business cost controls being to cost down isolatedly.


It discusses the forming of the competitive advantage, cost advantage and diversity advantage of the enterprise under the management of the value chain, as well as the operation chain-the basis of the value chain. From the angle of the combination of funds flow, value flow and information flow, the article also researchs the cost of the enterprise operation and its motivation, which lay a foundation for the optimization of the operation chain and the reducement of the operation cost together with the realization of the optimization of the inner value chain of the enterprise.


In view of the not high whole level of cost control of our construction enterprise, lacks the feasibility strong cost control method. The construction enterprise cost has one -sidedness to control the idea, workers cost consciousness of enterprise is not strong, construct enterprise cost is remain current situation during the course of constructing, etc. The thesis submits the focal point of every stages of cost controlling and the method and theory of cost control.


It combines enterprise's strategies with cost management, controls and improves enterprise cost behaviors and performance from strategic standpoint and contrives to seek and create the long-term competitive advantages of enterprise.


Currently the packages demand of those companies is mainly met by the imports from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, etc, so the freights are higher, funds occupation large, enterprise costs rising, which influences the costs of local enterprises seriously.


This article mainly perspectives challenges on cost control of fibreboard processing enterprises from raw materials, finance ,external policy.


更多网络解释与企业成本相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absorption cost:全部成本

全部成本(absorption cost) 什么是全部成本 成本按包括的范围可分为全部成本和部分成本. 全部成本亦称完全成本,企业一定时期为生产和销售一定数量和种类的产品或劳务所发生的全部耗费. 全部成本的内容 全部成本包括产品的制造成本,

Activity-based costing:作业成本

即对企业制造过程中的棍流程进行环境成本的分析,最终得出单位产品的环境成本,由于作业成本与企业的实际生产过程密切相关,因此,环境成本并没有固定的分配模式. 作业成本会计及其借鉴摘 要:作业成本(Activity Based Costing)是企业管理与管理会计相结合的产...


这些原因构成了成本的决定性因素(determinant). 由于各个企业的经营状况不同,影响其成本的因素也会不同. 到底什么是影响企业成本的最重要的因成本会计上经历着前所未有的变化. 这种变化主要体现在两个方面:一是成本会计技术手段与方法不断更新,

estimated cost:估计成本

估计成本(estimated cost) 什么是估计成本 估计成本是指尚未实际发生的,而是根据一定资料预先估算的成本. 实际成本是我国企业成本核算的基本原则. 企业在平时核算时可以采用计划成本、定额成本和标准成本等,但最终必须要调整为实际成本.

implicit cost:隐性成本

隐性成本(Implicit cost)是一种隐藏于大型企业总成本之中、游离于财务审计监督之外的成本. 是由于大企业或员工的行为而有意或者无意造成的具有一定隐蔽性的将来成本和转移成本,是成本的将来时态和转嫁的成本形态的总和,

prime cost:最初成本

Primary activity: 主要作业 | Prime cost: 最初成本 | Private costs: 企业成本

Replacement costs:重置成本

重置成本(Replacement costs)是指重新设立该企业所需要付出的有形成本和无形成本. 重置成本并非是一个会计概念,而是一个经济学的概念,包含了因企业良好运作而导致的资产升值.

postponable cost:可延缓成本

可避免成本的发生 与否,取决于企业管理人员的决策.它与 可延缓成本(postponable cost)不同,后者 虽可推迟发生,但将来必然还要发生.与 不可避免成本(unavoidable cost)的词义不同, 后者是企业在业务紧缩的情况下仍要 发生的成本.

Kaizen costing:改善成本法

在学习与研讨中让学员全面理解企业价值链各流程与职能部门的发生成本,掌握适合企业成本核算的各种方法工具如标准成本法(Standard Costing).作业成本法(Activity-based Costing)、改善成本法(Kaizen Costing)等,结合企业自身的具体实际,

private company:私人企业

审计、保荐、整合企业资源、宣传、聘请等成本,为许多企业所难以承受;上市融资的成本往往比金融机构融资的成本更高;再说,企业从私人企业(private company)转变到公众企业(public company),往往需要承受更大的压力.