英语人>词典>汉英 : 介壳虫 的英文翻译,例句
介壳虫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
coccid  ·  digitule

scale insect
更多网络例句与介壳虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the most destructive enemies of the apple orchard are the codling moth, various species of mites, the woolly aphid, the apple maggot, the red-banded leaf roller, and scale insects.


But a lot of work went into the making of colored coatings: Mountains of blue and green minerals such as lapis lazuli, malachite and azurite, or entire populations of tiny creatures like the red scale insect first had to be ground before being mixed with binders and processed into colored coatings.


Against the summer to prevent worms in poorly ventilated environment prone to scale insects, 5% Bordeaux mixture to prevent, or 1% and 25% omethoate EC Phosmet 1000 times for spraying.


E120 cochineal produced by extracting the red body material from pregnant scale insects of the species Dactilopius Coccus is used as a colorant in a small number of red wines, soft drinks and Campari.


Of or belonging to the order Homoptera, which includes the cicadas, aphids, and scale insects, characterized by sucking mouthparts.


Nursery stock having worm uses bromic firedamp fumigation, prevent scale insect transmission.


Plant diseases and insect pests of safflower model wood is less, be like an environment not beautiful, can produce thorn E and harm of red wax interpose, can spray to plant in 5-7 month to red wax Jie the oxidation happy fruit of the 40 % of 1500 times, LO 15 days one, keep clear of thoroughly comparably scale insect; High to thorn usable also and same method gush is treated.


Whethe we like it o not.it behooves US to know moe aboutthe scale insect than about a winte buttefly o moth.


Supeficially,I admit,theglamou of a scale insect on a twig cannot compae with thatof a mouning cloak buttefly flutteing though the woodland,but the scale insect does consideably moe damage to oufuit tees,ou timbe tees,and ou onamental shubs.


Genus of fungi, 5 genus of nematodes, 2 kinds of coccids and 2 kinds of aphides were discovered from the plants and their growing medium imported for the expo.


更多网络解释与介壳虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cocaine 可卡因 | coccid 介壳虫 | cocciden 氯硫胺

scale insect:介壳虫

scale bark 鳞状胜 | scale insect 介壳虫 | scale leaf 鳞叶

scale insect:界 kingdom 介壳虫

解剖显微镜 dissecting microscope | 界 kingdom 介壳虫 scale insect | 介形动物 ostracod

Aspidiotus destructor Signoret:淡圆介壳虫

\\"梨圆介壳虫\\",\\"Aspidionus perniciosus Comstock; Quadcaspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock)\\" | \\"淡圆介壳虫\\",\\"Aspidiotus destructor Signoret\\" | \\"楯吸目\\",\\"ASPIDOBOTHRIA\\"




冰鱼类;银鱼类 Icefishes | 吹棉介壳虫(属) Icerya | 吹棉介壳虫 Icerya purchasi Maskell

Icerya purchasi Maskell:吹棉介壳虫

吹棉介壳虫(属) Icerya | 吹棉介壳虫 Icerya purchasi Maskell | 冈田吹绵介壳虫 Icerya seychellarum Westwood

Icerya seychellarum Westwood:冈田吹绵介壳虫

吹棉介壳虫 Icerya purchasi Maskell | 冈田吹绵介壳虫 Icerya seychellarum Westwood | 姬蜂 icheneumon fly

Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell); Pseudococcus brevipes Cockerell:粉介壳虫;菠萝粉介壳虫

痛经 dysmenorrhea | 粉介壳虫;菠萝粉介壳虫 Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell); Pseudococcus brevipes Cockerell | 畸形侏儒症 dysmorphic dwarfism

Pseudococcus brevipes Cockerell; Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell):粉介壳虫;菠萝粉介壳虫

黑带准雀鲷 Pseudochromis melanota... | 粉介壳虫;菠萝粉介壳虫 Pseudococcus brevipes Cockerell; Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell) | 根粉介壳虫 Pseudococcus chiponesis Takahashi; Planococoides chiponensis ...