英语人>词典>汉英 : 人造奶油 的英文翻译,例句
人造奶油 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
butterine  ·  margarin  ·  oleotine

更多网络例句与人造奶油相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Butterine and oleomargarine, which must be labelled as such, if of good quality, are nutritious, inexpensive fats to be used in place of creamery butter.


Examples : butterine and oleomargarine .


Other examples are: the fat of meats, bone-marrow, suet (the best found around the loin and kidneys of the beef creature), cocoanut butter, butterine, and oleomargarine.


Can you tell the difference between butter and margarine?


We went out of butter when making a cake, so we used margarine as a substitute.


Special margarines are prepared in response to medical research, which implies a possible superiority for these types of margarines, especially for persons prone to atherosclerotic conditions.


Special margarines are prepared in response to medical research, which implies a possible superiority for these types of margarines, especially for persons prone to atherosclerotic conditions.


Special margarines are prepared in response tomedical research, which implies a possible superiority for these typesof margarines, especially for persons prone to atheroscleroticconditions.


Margarines, used mostly as table spreads and to some extent as cooking fats, are prepared by blending suitably prepared fats and oils with other ingredients, such as milk skids, salt, flavoring materials, and vitamins a and d.


Ecial margarines are prepared in re o e to medical research, which implies a po ible superiority for these types of margarines, e ecially for perso prone to atherosclerotic conditio .


更多网络解释与人造奶油相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

axunge purify, fatty acid, butterine and bearnaise:油脂精炼、脂肪酸、人造奶油、蛋黄酱

皂角、油脂、磷脂、蛋白、胶质以及色素: Chinese Honeylocust Fruit, axunge,... | 油脂精炼、脂肪酸、人造奶油、蛋黄酱: axunge purify, fatty acid, butterine and bearnaise | 隔油、浮选、生化处理: seperate oil, flotati...


butterie 奶油面 | butterine 人造奶油 | buttering trowel 涂灰镘

butterine factory:人造奶油工厂

butterflylike | (烹饪)劈开而象蝴蝶的 | butterine factory | 人造奶油工厂 | butterine | 人造奶油

eke out butter with margarine:以人造奶油补足 (不够的) 奶油 eke [i:k] v. 增加,增补,补充

One in ten said they preferred their old b... | eke out butter with margarine 以人造奶油补足 (不够的) 奶油 eke [i:k] v. 增加,增补,补充 | mincemeat n. 苹果等切碎混拌碎肉的东西, 百果馅, 甜馅 / 剁碎的肉, ...


Margaret 女子名 | margarin 人造奶油 | margarine 人造黄油


(b) 人造奶油(Margarine)是指利用动、植物油脂依照天然奶油之特性经冷冻捏合制作而成之物美价廉,用途普遍的天然奶油代用品,俗称玛珈琳. 人造奶油之含脂量、水份、含盐量及香味与天然奶油相同,难分轩轾,而其溶点可经调配以配合各种操作温度,

margarine emulsion:人造奶油乳化剂

kilo-oersted [电] 千奥斯特(电磁单位) | margarine emulsion 人造奶油乳化剂 | positionalrepresentation 位置记数法[表示法],定位表示法

oleo oil:黄油;人造奶油

三油酸脂 olein; triolein | 黄油;人造奶油 oleo oil | 油比重计;油含量计 oleometer

oleo oil:人造奶油

"artificial blood","人造血液" | "artificial butter; margarine; oleo oil; oleomargarine","人造奶油" | "artificial camphor","人造樟脑"

artificial butter; margarine; oleo oil; oleomargarine:人造奶油

"artificial blood","人造血液" | "artificial butter; margarine; oleo oil; oleomargarine","人造奶油" | "artificial camphor","人造樟脑"