英语人>词典>汉英 : 人类发生 的英文翻译,例句
人类发生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Our work may help explain how aneuploidy occurs in humans, and why the risk for the condition increases with a mother's age.


So there is no definite boundary between Capital Form and Social democracy Form.


Development plan " the mankind develops a report " say, the whole world is calefacient take the mankind " critical point ", on 100 million people may be faced with hunger to lack the menace such as water, human history can produce unprecedented retrogression accordingly.


Furthermore, the influence of Godel's incompleteness theorem has far exceeded the category of mathematics, and fundamentally altered our idea of "truth" and of the world. Hence, without getting to know Godel we can't understand the intelligence level achieved by mankind and the journey of mankind's striving for intelligence progress, neither can we apprehend the profound changes of thought that have taken place or are taking place in this world.


So far, the cancerogenic mechanism of lung cancer is not well elucidated. Some growth factors and growth factor receptors have been identified to participate in cancerogenic processes, but the downstream pathways regulated by those growth factor receptors are uncleared.

目前已知的癌症发病机理多是生长因子和生长因子的表面受体发生异常所致,因此,进一步阐明受体下游的调控基因对于阐明癌症的发生机理和进一步设计药物靶位点都是十分有意义的。forkhead box P4(FoxP4)就是本文作者在利用生物信息学方法筛选人类心脏发育候选基因的过程中发现的一个人类新基因,目前发现三种转录本。

Above stage approximate timetable is (established provisionally humanity is born in 5,000,000 ago east Africa a mysterious place), moves primitively the time: In front of 5,000,000 - 2,000,000 ago, settles down primitively the time: 2,000,000 ago - 500,000 years ago, compete barbarically the time: 500,000 years - in 1500, rank smell of blood exploration time 1500 - in 1840, knowledge explosion time: 1840 - 1945, technical restriction time: 1945 - 2200, belief confused time: A.D. 2200-2400 year, human unified time: After 2400, this is human history several most important times; In this long process, has had between the innumerable inferior humanity's size conflict, until now the humanity only then used the innumerable own similar blood to find the road which the final humanity went home!


First,"Dreams of the Red Chamber" is a complete overthrow of the Chinese traditional twenty-four histories, and has opened up for us, in a gigantically breading way, the third pedigree of human history with the male and female love as the core and different from the pedigree with the dual division between the good and the bad. Next, along with the affirmation of the third pedigree of human beings,"Dreams of the Red Chamber" enable the female sex acting as the "second sex" for long to come again onto the stage in the human history, thus unprecedentedly disclosing the incomparably grave historic tragedy of the female sex in reality. Finally, more importantly,"Dreams of the Red Chamber" not only consider the ruling of the current discourse as the deepest cause of the female tragedy but also make a restoration with the meaning of the life generation science for the human discourse so as to make the initial word "discourse of love" more original than the discourse of the knowledge nature and bring the following of "God of lover", the new salvation way, into the agenda.


Man cannot avoid the flu because he cannot see the viruses in front of him, and just goes ahead and assimilates them.


When the virus comes into contact with a target cell, the cap unfurls and the hydrophobic tip is hurled like a harpoon into the cell's outer membrane.


This cluster of 18 per cent of behaviourally sexless Britons may well have fantasies and desires, may well masturbate or use pornography; butthese individuals do not engage in genital sex with another human being.


更多网络解释与人类发生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


人类气候学 anthropoclimatology? | 人类纪 anthropogene? | 人类发生 anthropogenesis?


anthropogenesis 人类发生 | anthropogeny 人类发生 | anthropology 人类学


人类工程学(Ergonomics)在我国起步较晚,目前该学科除普遍称谓人类工程学外,常见的名称还有:人体工学、人体工效学、工程心理学、宜人学、人的因素等. 随着社会的进步、科技的发展、学科的交叉,其内涵和外延都在变化,因而其定义和名称也将发生变化.

Man's best friend, huh:人类最好的朋友,是吧

And the kid was climbing the walls.|当时那小孩在爬墙 | Man's best friend, huh?|人类最好的朋友,是吧? | What happened? Tell me what happened.|怎么了?告诉我发生什么事了


monogamy 一夫一妻制 | monogenesis 一元发生说 | monogenism 人类一元说


monogenesis 一元发生说 | monogenism 人类一元说 | monogram 字母组合


(3) 人类语言的发生(起源)涉及的是系统发生(phylogeny)的问题,而婴幼儿语言的发生涉及的是个体发生(ontogeny)的问题,二者性质迥异. 人类语言的产生(发生)是从无到有,经历了几十万年或几百万年的过程,



spontaneous generation:自然发生

这是一种广泛的理论,解释一切生物的起源及发展,包括由超细菌,细菌以至水彬(注:高三百尺以上的植物)及人类的各种生物,他们以为这些生物都是由一个源头自然地发展出来,这源头是由一些无机物质自然发生(Spontaneous generation)的,这个伟大的计划,


anthropogenesis /人类源论/ | anthropogenetic /人类发生的/ | anthropogenic /人为的/