英语人>词典>汉英 : 人类医学 的英文翻译,例句
人类医学 的英文翻译、例句


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We noticed that the elements in Buddhistic cognitive model are more essential than those in the behavioral science.


It is the sort of medical crystal-ball gazing that was supposed to be one of the benefits of the Human Genome Project, although it is still a long way from yielding the benefits promised on its behalf.


Gypenosides are extracted from Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino that had been used as folk medicine in Chinese population. Gyp have been shown to induce cell death and apoptosis in many human cancer cell lines, such as colon, cervical and liver cancers.


The Fourth Medicine came into being with the health revolution, the fourth great revolution. In the development history of human beings, each scientific and technical revolution has greatly influenced people's life: the Agricultural Revolution has put an end to the dog-eat-dog age and solved the problem of food and clothing; the Industrial Revolution has greatly improved the efficiency, making people enjoy a comfortable life while work for a shorter time and the Information Revolution has shortened the time and space, providing more leisure time for people. At present, people are faced with the health revolution, aiming to make people have a pleasant, healthy, longevous and high-quality life. To meet that end, the fourth medical workers need to make great efforts. The Fourth Medicine contains scraping and cupping therapy, stone needle therapy, massotherapy, foot massage, body beauty, psychology, physiotherapy, reasonable movement and food therapy, etc.


Animal research has contributed greatly to man's medical development.


For human beings,we can see that it is a hell that modern western medical science have made,human beings are dissimilated isolated and separated by medical science.


Medicine appeals to my deep appreciation for human life, inculcated by studying man as both a human being and biological machine.


Then after the Mr.Qinxin Zhang's clinial experience and research for years,the medicine has:Clear up the rubbish in bodies and so on.It has many functions wide adaptions,good curative effect,and hasn't any side effects.he named the magical medicine injection as the'Harmony No.1


In this study, in the blood, urine and proteomics analysis, are all reference to the biological diagnostic marker, it remained at a stage of animal experiments, there are still many hard work, research would be capable of unlimited extension of expectations by the results of this study applies to human medicine, and even as a stone marker test to discover the metabolic pathways and molecular mechanism.


The Bioastronautics and Fundamental Space Biology Postdoctoral Research Program, managed by the DSLS, aims to provide two-year, mentored postdoctoral research opportunities in diverse areas of space life sciences at several field center, including human support technology program, biomedical research and countermeasures program, fundamental space biology program.


更多网络解释与人类医学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

human cytogenetics:人类细胞遗传学

医学遗传学主要由人类细胞遗传学(human cytogenetics)和人类生化遗传学(human biochemical genetics)组成. 它们分别用形态学和生物化学方法研究人类正常及变异性状的物质基矗而分子遗传学(molecular genetics)是生化遗传学的发展和继续;

Environment:环境 环境

在基础医学和临床医学上也广泛应用.三、卫生学的发展简史第一篇 环境与健康 第一章 人类和环境 第一节 环境及与人类的关系一、人类环境 环境(environment)是泛指某项主体的空间及空间中的介质.对于人类来说,

Medical Genetics:医学遗传学

医学遗传学(medical genetics)是研究人类疾病与遗传关系的边缘学科. 、它的研究对象是人类,它用遗传学的理论和方法来研究人类疾病与遗传的关系,进而达到控制人类疾病之目的. 简单地说,就是遗传学理论在医学领域的应用.

In recent years, pro:近年来医学技术的进步使人的寿命比过去更长了

In most cultures, an 在大多数国家动物的境况比人类要差. | In recent years, pro 近年来医学技术的进步使人的寿命比过去更长了. | In spite of his inbo 尽管安迪天生残疾但是他对音乐似乎悟性很好.

Medical microbiology:医学微生物学

医学微生物学(medical microbiology)是一门医学的基础学科,主要研究与医学有关的病原微生物的生物学性状、传染致病的机理、免疫学的基本理论、诊断技术和特异性防治措施等,以达到控制和消灭传染性疾病和与微生物有关的免疫性疾病,保障人类健康的目的.


1973年以来,依据医学数据库(Medline)统计之人类疾病病例,全世界迄今尚无养猪场工作人员或兽师因接触口蹄疫病畜而发病之纪录. 文章中介绍:口蹄疫病毒不会感染人体,但看到"口蹄疫"这三个字,我还是有点触目惊心. 我选择这篇文章,

Human pathology:人类病理学","医学基础部

"The New England journal of medicine","新英格兰医学杂志" | "Human pathology","人类病理学","医学基础部",5 | "Journal of Anatomy","解剖学杂志"

psychosomatic medicine:心身医学

"心身医学"(psychosomatic medicine)是由Deutsch(1922)提出. 而"心身疾病"提出应归功于Halliday,特别是Alexander的大力提倡. 长期以来,心身疾病对人类健康构成严重威胁,是造成死亡率升高的主要原因,日益受到医学界的重视.

psychosomatic medicine:身心医学 美

12 Developmental psychology 发展心理学 美 | 13 Psychosomatic medicine 身心医学 美 | 14 Journal of experimental psychology.Human perception and performance实验心理学杂志.人类知觉与行为 美


physeterid 抹香鲸科动物 | physianthropy 人类医学 | physiatricianphysiotherapist 理疗医师