英语人>词典>汉英 : 产卵管 的英文翻译,例句
产卵管 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ovipositor  ·  styli

更多网络例句与产卵管相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that the reproductive system of female adult was constituted by a pair of ovaries, a pair of lateral oviducts, median oviduct, bursa copulatrix, spermatheca, genital chamber and ovipositor. The reproductive system of male adult was constituted by a pair of testes, a pair of vas deferens, a pair of male accessory glands, ejaculatory duct and penis.


Meanwhile,the oviposition period and the female longevity were shortened by two days,compared with that of the control,and the male longevity were not affected.

同时,单管配对后成虫产卵率由对照组的70%下降到40%;小菜蛾雌成虫的产卵历期和寿命均缩短了2 d,而对其雄成虫的寿命影响不大。

Before ovulation, the oviducal wall is the thickest, the simple tubular glands in lamina propria are filled with the jelly substance. After ovalation, the oviducal wall is the thinnest, the cells of the tubular glands becomes smaller. During ovulation, the lamina propria is thicker. Before ovulation and after ovalation, the change of serosa is not distinct.


The parasitizing behavior of the bathyluid Scleroderma guani on the pupa of the yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus was investigated in the laboratory. The parasitism process was divided into six stages, i. e. assembling, recognition, stinging, clearing and feeding, oviposition and protecting protelean bathylid.

在人工扩繁条件下观察管氏肿腿蜂Scleroderma guani对中间寄主黄粉甲Tenebrio molitor的寄生行为,其过程可分为:搜寻-识别-螯刺-清理和取食-产卵-护幼。

We found 113 insect items in 34 digestive tract contents with eight pieces of intact body or tegmata, i.e., three intact Carabids, three pieces of head, one piece of thorax and one piece of abdomen.


更多网络解释与产卵管相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

panoistic ovariole:无滋卵巢管

ovipositor 产卵管 | panoistic ovariole 无滋卵巢管 | pantothenic acid 泛酸

common oviduct:产卵管

carpenter bee 熊蜂 | compound eyes 复眼 | common oviduct 产卵管


雌性的外生殖器称为产卵器(ovipositor);雄性的外生殖器称为交配器(copulatory organ). 一般为管状构造,通常由3对产卵瓣(valvula)组成,着生在第八腹节上的产卵瓣称第一产卵瓣(first valvulae)或腹产卵瓣(腹瓣)(ventral valvulae),


oviposition 产卵 | ovipositor 产卵管 | ovisac 滤泡


oviposition 产卵 | ovipositor 产卵管;产卵器 | ovum 卵;卵细胞

tubular ovipositor:管状产卵器

葡萄糖吸回细肾管最高量 tubular maximum for glucose (TMG) | 管状产卵器 tubular ovipositor | 细肾管吸回作用 tubular reabsorption

The female inserts her ovipositor into the male's brood pouch:雌海马将她的产卵管插入到雄海马的孵育囊里

the males give birth.|雄性负责生产后代 | The female inserts her ovipositor into the male's brood pouch.|雌海马将她的产卵管插入到雄海马的孵育囊里 | That's where she deposits her eggs.|排出她的卵子

scent gland:臭腺

在腹部第7节背面有臭腺(Scent gland)由大形细胞群所构成. 蜜蜂的毒针(Sting)和其他昆虫的产卵管构造相同,因此雄蜂则不具此种构造. 工蜂的毒针为一种自卫用的武器,蜂王具有产卵管专为产卵之用.


\\"管口鱼\\",\\"cornetfishes\\" | \\"角突;小角;产卵器鞘\\",\\"corniculum\\" | \\"腹管\\",\\"corniculus\\"


产卵器一般为一管状构造,通常由3对称为产卵瓣(valvulae)的瓣状构造组成,分别着生在第八、九腹节上. 产卵瓣是生殖肢,它的基部有一骨片,叫生殖突基节,内有起源于腹节背板的肌肉. 第八腹节的产卵瓣称第一产卵瓣(first valvulae)或腹产卵瓣(腹瓣)(ventral valvulae),