英语人>词典>汉英 : 互惠主义 的英文翻译,例句
互惠主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bilateralism  ·  reciprocity

更多网络例句与互惠主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters, it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish "cheaters".


The experiment of privates providing public goods includes subjects, initial endows, providing mechanism and payoff function, the reason that the practical voluntary contribution excels the dominant equilibrium is human behavior with homo-economics, including pure altruism, warm-glow effects. reciprocal, conformity effect and noise; Reducing the contribution cost may improve the level of voluntary contribution, incentive mechanisms include dynamic game, stake distribution, encouragement and punishment, symmetrical information, communicating each other and re-grouping.


Reputation is important, and biologists can acknowledge a Darwinian survival value in not just being a good reciprocator but fostering a reputation as a good reciprocator too.


The Law of Reciprocity is strong in people.


Hard as it is to pin a definitive Iabel on it ,for it is both the mother virture and leading verture of all other virtures, it has featly serve as the mighty pillar for Confucianism's moral building with love and reciprocity providing the tone work.


Hard as it is to pin a definitive Iabel on it ,for it is both the mother virture and leading verture of all other virtures, it has featly serve as the mighty pillar for Confucianism's moral building with love and reciprocity providing the tone work.


In forth chapter, we reflect three antinomies based on economic altruism, making cognition of the fact that the means deviates its purpose,which rooted the realization of individual's interset to the pure self-interest suppose .


He argues that natural selection favored humans who were altruistic because in the small, close-knit groups in which our ancestors lived, altruists could expect reciprocity.


He argues that natural selection favored humans who were altruistic because in the small, close-knit groups in which our ancestors lived, altruists could expect reciprocity.


更多网络解释与互惠主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


肯尼斯.金将中非关系称为"互惠主义"(bilateralism)是有道理的. [49] 国际关系的平等观十分重要. 双方关系是建立在领导-被领导、捐助者-受施者、老子-儿子的基础上,还是建立在平等基础上,这不仅关系到国家领导者个人形象,还牵涉到国家主权问题.


betterment改善 | bilateralism互惠主义(特指双边贸易) | bilateralism双边的




bilateralism 互惠主义 | bilboes 带有足枷的长条形铁镣 | bilge tank 舱底污水柜

Aggressive Multilateralism:攻击性多边主义

Aggregate measure of support 综合支持量 | Aggressive Multilateralism 攻击性多边主义 | Aggressive Reciprocity 攻击性互惠