英语人>词典>汉英 : 二等舱 的英文翻译,例句
二等舱 的英文翻译、例句


cabin class · second class · tourist class · business class
更多网络例句与二等舱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The second-class accommodation on a train or ship is the ordinary accommodation, which is cheaper and less comfortable than the first-class accommodation.

二等车厢;二等舱 2。第二类邮件(在英国投递较第一类邮件慢,邮资也较低) 3。第二类邮件

Journey time about 16 hours, the fare should be 1000RMB (146 U.S. Dollar)~ 2000RMB (292 dollars), because it is divided into the Principal cabin, first class and second class, so the fare difference.


Headroom in the central aisle was barely six feet (1.8 m) and the seat pitch was 38-inch (970 mm), giving only 6 or 7 inches (180 mm) more legroom than in an international coach class cabin.


Fucking dog, fucking coach, fucking Americans!


We'll make her fly coach-- middle seat, no mercy.


Business journalists have taken to producing glowing profiles of self-effacing and self-denying bosses such as Haruka Nishimatsu, the boss of Japan Airlines, who travels to work on the bus and pays himself less than his pilots, and Mike Eskew, the former boss of UPS, who flew coach and shares an administrative assistant with three other people.


He chases them all over the ship, through the kitchen, steerage, and even the boiler room.


Reflections of hands and eyes abound, and one shot shows the phantasmagoric world of the rich as they dance behind the windows that separate them from the souls in second class and steerage.


Yes, sir. Would you like to go tourist class or first class?


Bear in mind that your roommate, like you, is cost conscious (that's why you're both in 2nd class), so he smokes a cheaper, more noxious grade of Chinese tobacco — like Petunia Cigarettes, or Great Ceiling.


更多网络解释与二等舱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cabin class:二等舱

tourist class 经济舱,普通舱 | cabin class 二等舱 | first class 头等舱

cabin class:(客轮)二等舱

class of the field [美]比赛的优胜候选人 | cabin class (客轮)二等舱 | Cut a class 缺一节课

cabin class:特别二等舱, (介于头等舱与二等舱之间)

cabin car | 守车 | cabin class | 特别二等舱, (介于头等舱与二等舱之间) | cabin court | 家庭式的汽车旅馆

Fucking dog, fucking coach, fucking Americans:他妈的狗,他妈的二等舱 他妈的美国人

His hair plugs can't hurt you.|他的... | Fucking dog, fucking coach, fucking Americans!|他妈的狗,他妈的二等舱 他妈的美国人! | Hi. Oh, I'm really sorry about first class. Let me see if I can help...|哦,对...

Economy Class:经济舱,二等舱,亦作

economy(某咱经济制度的)国家或地区 | economy class 经济舱,二等舱,亦作 second class | economy drive (公司内的)节约运动

second class:二等舱

另一典型的例子是航空公司对机舱等级的美化,一等舱(first class)改称豪华舱(deluxe class),二等舱(second class)就升格成了一等舱(first class),三等舱名称不雅、不美改为商务舱(business class)或旅游舱(tourist class).

second-class cabin:二等舱

223. 头等舱 first-class cabin | 224. 二等舱 second-class cabin | 225. 三等舱 third-class cabin

second-class stateroom:二等舱

first-class stateroom头等舱 | second-class stateroom二等舱 | third-class cabin 三等舱

Seconda, prego:二等

Prima o seconda classe? 一等舱还是二等舱? EU 0b>2n4 | Seconda, prego! 二等. $!Pm*s | Quando salpa la nave? 几点出发? ='p&T|&

coach class seating:二等舱座位

fuel vent collection box 燃油通气集油盒 | coach class seating 二等舱座位 | conteinerised cargo 集装箱货物