英语人>词典>汉英 : 事务数据处理 的英文翻译,例句
事务数据处理 的英文翻译、例句


business data processing
更多网络例句与事务数据处理相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While batch input is mostly used for data transfer, CATT processes are to be viewed as more complex transactions, since they are reusable tests.


At the aspect of data preprocessing, the thesis puts forward the mode of Time Window to compartmentalize transanctions, and the method to complete the visiting path.


With Access 2007, the primary benefit of transaction processing is data integrity.

对Access 2007,事务处理的主要好处是数据的完整性。

In this paper,Intranet system model is designed based on component transaction server.This model can satisfy the power supply bureau's need of massive transaction processing and real-time data access and operation.


To describe consistent transaction behavior when transactions run at the same time, database researchers have defined a transaction isolation model called serializability .


Global transaction management Global transaction management consists of global serializability, global atomicity and recovery, global deadlock checker, etc. In distributed data resources management, the complexity of local data sources increases the difficulty of global transaction management.


The basic method of data restoration from the view of the transaction processing and daily record was expatiated on.


It the file such as the only evidence in of all kinds system, bill translates an user into file of EDI standard format, traffic, commerce, carry, the business data such as custom, carry electronic special railway line or Email mail, undertake with format of EDIFACT of / of international standard UN data is exchanged, the syntactic regulation that consolidates according to international undertakes handling to message, it is a kind of new business that handles work quickly through the computer.


The business logic, mesosphere, to become the kernel at processing transaction since the three-layer architecture lodged, and it become to the main storage process because of independent from data storage layer.


Etc, the system may be adapted by any entity without the need for particular agreements or authorization, in reference to a praetical use in a project, this thesis s focus is on designing a mobile payment engine under the circumstance of mobile payment, composed of format transformings intelligence router switchings transaction processing and data processing, etc.


更多网络解释与事务数据处理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

data Access Object:数据存取对象

这里我们用了业务服务(business service)层和数据存取对象(Data Access Object)层,在业务服务层我们增加事务处理,数据存取对象层负责数据读写. 之后,需要把业务服务对象和数据存取对象也组装起来,并把这些对象配到一个事务管理器(transaction manager)里.


每个USB事务处理都是由0个或更多个级(通常为1级或3级)所组成的,这些级是"设置"(Setup)、"数据"(Data)和"确认"(Acknowledge). 每一级包括两个阶段或三个阶段. 这些阶段为"权标"(Token)、"数据"(Data)和"信号交换"(Handshake).


主要包括电话用户部分(TUP), ISDN 用户部分(ISUP), 数据用户部分 (DUP), 信令连接控制部分(SCCP) 及其上层的事务处理应用部分(TCAP), 移动应用部分(MAP), 智能网应用部分(INAP)等等.

instead of:替代

数 ...触发器功能 1、 允许/限制对表的修改 2、 自动生成派生列,比如自增字段 3、 强制数据一致性 4、 提供审计和日志记录 5、 防止无效的事务处理 6、 启用复杂的业务逻辑 触发器种类 触发器的种类可划分为4种:1.数据操纵语言(DML)触发器、2.替代(INSTEAD OF)触发器、3.数据定


一般用数据流程图(DFD)来表示.DFD 不仅指出了数据的流向,而且还指出了需要进行的事务处理(但并不涉及如何处理,这是应用程序的设计范畴).(a)外部实体(external agent)(b)加工(process)(c)数据存储(d




枚举器:用于列出可用数据源; 数据源:代表单独数据和服务提供用于创建对话; 对话:用于创建事务和命令; 事务:用于将多个操作归并为单事务处理; 命令:用于向数据源发送文本命令(SQL)返回行集; :用于获得信息服务器应用方面非

Transaction Processing:事务处理

其他软件可以利用Jet提供的接口来访问微软数据库产品里存放的数据;Jet也提供安全、参照完整性(referential integrity)、事务处理(transaction processing)、索引(Indexing)、记录(Record)、页级别锁定(page locking)和数据库复制(replication)等功能支持.

transaction processing system:事务处理系统

它对各种数据停止采集,处理,传播,产生能处理某方面问题的数据和信息,并按照一定的要求产生决策信息,以完成预期目的的有组织的应用工程.信息系统一般分为三种:事务处理系统(Transaction Processing System),管理信息系统(M


它还避免了相关和流线(streamlines)事务处理. 事务处理系统操作有两个基本功能:第一个是,它们提取、修改和再插入少量数据;其次,它们管理记录冲突,保证没有用户重写另外一个用户写的信息. VITAL分离了这两种环境,因而任务可以在许多平台上进行操作.