英语人>词典>汉英 : 争吵者 的英文翻译,例句
争吵者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brawler  ·  quarreler  ·  wrang  ·  jangler

更多网络例句与争吵者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was the strongman in Fellini's classic "La Strada," a revolutionary in "Viva Zapata," a boxer in "Requiem for a Heavyweight"… and even his tempestuous Gaugin is a brawler in "Lust for Life."


And let a man beware, how he keepeth company with choleric and quarrelsome persons; for they will engage him into their own quarrels


In Belgium, groups spar red after a soccer game.


Among the foreign diplomats looking on, optimists refer to the squabbling coalition as an "unconsummated marriage". The less charitable say Kenya does not have a functioning executive at all, just an unholy alliance of fierce rivals.


Lawmakers even squabbled over the composition of the 21-member special impeachment committee Monday, which Mr. Madigan weighted 12 to 9 in favor of Democrats.


We were brawlers and I would always get grounded.


They are commonly for mistresses, healths, place, and words.


Time eliminate all the worries and strifes,because we are not what we are before.we are changing.neither the offender nor the offended are the same one.

1, 时间可以去除忧虑和争吵,因为我们大家都在改变,不再与从前一样。触犯者和被触犯者都已经不是从前的那个人了。

The AK incumbent lost in Antalya, even though Mr Erdogan is said to have visited the resort 26 times. Mr Erdogan's authoritarian bent and his quarrels with the secular press did not help.


更多网络解释与争吵者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


brawl 争吵 | brawler 争吵者 | brawling 争吵

Brawler:争吵者, 打架者

braw | 服饰华美的, 华饰的, 美好的 | brawler | 争吵者, 打架者 | brawling | 争吵, 喧嚷


brawler 争吵者 | brawling 争吵 | brawly 喧嚷的

brawling:争吵, 喧嚷

brawler | 争吵者, 打架者 | brawling | 争吵, 喧嚷 | brawly | 喧嚷的, 好口角的


broil 烤 | broiler 争吵者 | broiling 酷热的


quarle 大块耐火砖 | quarreler 争吵者 | quarreller 喜吵架的人

A quarrelsome man has no good neighbours:好争吵者无好邻居

018 Who daintier love,shall beggars prove. 对爱挑剔,... | 019 A quarrelsome man has no good neighbours. 好争吵者无好邻居. 2002-02-12 | 020 A good wife and health,is a man's best wealth. 贤妻健体,是男人...

Brawlers Cap:争吵者之帽

-Brawlers Gloves 争吵者手套 | -Brawlers Cap 争吵者之帽 | -Brawlers Rock Hammer 争吵者石锤

Brawlers Gloves:争吵者手套

Brawler 争吵者 | -Brawlers Gloves 争吵者手套 | -Brawlers Cap 争吵者之帽


expeller驱逐者,开除者 | quarreller争吵者,爱埋怨者 | seller 售货者