英语人>词典>汉英 : 书板 的英文翻译,例句
书板 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与书板相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The professor, whose hobby was photography, had also left an unexposed photographic plate under a stack of books on a table in the same room. Later he used the plate to take a picture of some scenery.


In addition, according to Qing Dynasty Gongbu archives, the author clarifies the construction of the Qintianjian yashu which possessed one hundred and ten rooms, including the 协政堂 xiezhengtang,主薄厅 zhuboting,五官厅 wuguanting,宪书房 xianshufang,司书厅 sishufang,时宪科 shixianke,天文科 tianwenke,漏刻科 loukeke for routine,板库; banku for storing the book boards and 斋戒房 zhaijiefang,土地庙 tudimiao, etc., for sacrifice and enshrinement.


In addition, according to Qing Dynasty Gongbu archives, the author clarifies the construction of the Qintianjian yashu which possessed one hundred and ten rooms, including the 协政堂 xiezhengtang ,主薄厅 zhuboting ,五官厅 wuguanting ,宪书房 xianshufang ,司书厅 sishuting ,时宪科 shixianke ,天文科 tianwenke ,漏刻科 loukeke for routine;板库 banku for storing the book boards and 斋戒房 zhaijiefang ,土地庙 tudimiao , etc., for sacrifice and enshrinement.


Stillage: wooden or steel platform with legs or support beams for stacking sheets of paper or books.


Binding board: Board used in the covers of a case-bound book.


B in d in g board : Board used in the covers of a case-bound book. Usually of good quality and s in gle-ply.


Additionally, you should adjust the spacing between the "two", when the book block through fixed plate and activities-boards, rooms, with a slight resistance, milling cutter head back to work, it will not be due to the "two" spacing adjustment is too large to make the book block milling back friction cause occurs fibrillation an edge on the corresponding wear and tear of the medial two Launchpad, which is to ensure that quality milling back to prevent back milling deformation to make the package this consistent instructions.


And laughed, as he sat there reading, from out of the purple tabulae


Skid: A platform for stacking books.


We can see how these nine chapters are tied together by two statements, which are like two bookends at the end of a library shelf.


更多网络解释与书板相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

electronic code book:电子源码书

electronic bulletin board 电子公告板 | electronic code book 电子源码书 | electronic computer 电子计算机


hornblendite /角闪石岩/ | hornbook /小孩学习用的文字板/入门书/ | horned /有角的/角状的/


hornblendite 角闪石岩 | hornbook 小孩学习用的文字板 | hornbookprimer 入门书


paperbacked /平装的/纸面的/ | paperboard /板纸/卡纸/ | paperbook /平装本/平装书/

left guide rail plate:左导向轨片

中托书板 = medium bookshelf | 左导向轨片 = left guide rail plate | 小托书板 = small bookshelf


本篇将通过钢笔(Pen)工具为Office图片中的物品添加热点,当玩家找到图中物品时,通过ChangePropertyAction调整题板上的物品名称的不透明度(Opacity). 下文以订书器(Stapler)为例进行讲解.

Vigorsteel Vambraces:(护腕 板甲)

Tome of Arcane Brilliance (法师技能书) | Vigorsteel Vambraces (护腕 板甲) | Wildheart Cowl (头 皮甲)


和剧本关系最密切的就是"故事板"(Storyboard). 以前拍电影、拍动画没有故事板,大家拿起摄影机就拍了. 故事板是迪士尼最先发明的,它就像是一系列的"连环图画". 漫画书上的每一格排出来大概就是一个故事板. 在还没有正式制作时,

writing board:书写板

writing and painting paper 书画纸 | writing board 书写板 | writing brush with horn top 牛角头毛笔

Ball pens and writing pads, whiteboards and markers:圆珠笔、书写本、纸张、白板和白板笔

舒适的桌椅 Tables and upholstered chairs | 圆珠笔、书写本、纸张、白板和白板笔 Ball pens and writing pads, whiteboards and markers | 专业演讲台Professional rostrum