英语人>词典>汉英 : 乡愁 的英文翻译,例句
乡愁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nostalgia  ·  Nostalghia

更多网络例句与乡愁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For this CD, I recorded some classical and well-known pieces, like Barrios'"Choro da Saudade," which is a piece I hadn't done before.


For example: Don't go out when it is windy hard. Don't teach the dancing lessons when you are in the menstrual period. You should listen much more music concerts which have the passional music. You should read little moonstruck books. You should spent much time to teach the children of the kindergarten singing and playing the piano. You should argue less with the elderships who is the countrified and cloddish old-fogey.


No matter how history changes, deep feeling of the blood is constantly cutting, but due to historical and political reasons, making Taiwan and Taiwan Solitary Suspended Therefore, Taiwan's various periods of literary works, for homesickness brought the subject to express the Taiwan compatriots Kepan eager to return to the reunification of the motherland and the strong feelings Hometown, homesickness is to leave their land, far away from their loved ones Youzi, the hometown of the missing Situation, the customs barrier Hill's hometown of personnel memories, the memory of Youzai is the hometown of nature, changes in the deep yearning Fengwu, a family with the demands of fantasy prayer!


With this feelgood package you will definitely get over your island homesickness until your next trip.


But the first word is neither allusion, also not melt, and main lines of life is derived from the word, accurately and vividly the foison and express the lotus his homesickness, have a kind of easy, light, natural and pure and fresh style.


But he kept an American's forthrightness and tendency to challenge things, and he stayed homesick for America—for baseball fields, far horizons, the melancholy scenes of Edward Hopper—through the long decades in England.


It's happened to me before with Fog's 10th Avenue Freakout album on LEX Records and to a lesser extent Nostalgia 77's debut LP way back when, but that's exactly how I felt 8 weeks ago when I received an inconspicuous package containing the relatively unannounced new 2562 record, Unbalance.

这是发生在我之前,雾的第十大道Freakout 专辑关于特别法记录和在较小程度上的乡愁77的首张唱片遥想当年,但是这也正是我的感觉8周前,当我接到一个不显眼的包包含相对突击新 2562 记录,不平衡。

When I was young, homesickness is a tiny stamp connecting me on this side and mum on the other.

乡愁 小时候,乡愁是一枚小小的邮票,我在这头,母亲在那头。

Nostalgia is a stamp, and it can send my letter to my hometown; nostalgia is a ferry ticket, and it can take me back to mother's hug.


Uncle Hou immigrate from Hunan to Shanghai while I immigrate from Shanghai to Guangdong. We travel here and there due to the times changed. It is unexpected that the fellow villager do not stay at homeland, they also go to abroad. It is just as the words said by American writer, Ms. McCullers: Homesickness, it is no simple longing for the home town or county of our birth, we are homesick most for the places we have never known.


更多网络解释与乡愁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


余光中的乡愁(Homesick)中英文对照阅读余光中的乡愁(Homesick)中英文对照阅读 版权信息声明:转载本篇文章:余光中的乡愁(Homesick)中英文对照阅读,出于传递更多信息之目的;并不意味着赞同余光中的乡愁(Homesick)中英文对照阅读的观点或证实其内容的真实性;


今天没有像昨天天气预报里说的一样下雪. 据说雪晚点了. 心情不错. 四级考试一蹴而就,转眼该复习六级了, 我们1月10号就要放寒假了,想着一年没回家有点乡愁(homesickness)啊!你们想回家不?


"苹果"(Lost In Beijing)中佟大为扮演的安坤便是一个从头至尾慢慢陷入这种追逐游戏,并且因此而落入无边地狱的人. 在安德烈.塔可夫斯基的"乡愁"(Nostalgia)里,尤金娜曾不解地问教堂的司事,

Daddy nostalgia:乡愁老爸

La collectionneuse 收集男人的女人 | Daddy nostalgia 乡愁老爸 | Le Roman de Lulu 露露的罗曼


nostalgia 乡愁 | nostalgic 乡愁的 | nostoc 念珠藻属


天鹅 Le cygne | 乡愁 Nostalgy | 心境 Pres ducoeur


隐形的有钱人/Stealth Wealth | 从乡愁出发的改造/Ostalgia | 衣着并不能创造人/You are not what you wear


隐形的有钱人/Stealth Wealth | 从乡愁出发的改革/Ostalgia | 衣着并不能创造人/You are not what you wear

Nostalgia was like a steamer ticket:乡愁是一张窄窄的船票

长大后 When I was older, | 乡愁是一张窄窄的船票 Nostalgia was like a steamer ticket, | 我在这头 I was here,

Homesickness was a narrow steamer ticket:乡愁是一张窄窄的船票

长大后 When grown-up, | 乡愁是一张窄窄的船票 Homesickness was a narrow steamer ticket. | 我在这头 I was far-away from here;