英语人>词典>汉英 : 乡巴佬 的英文翻译,例句
乡巴佬 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bumpkin  ·  clodhopper  ·  clown  ·  clowned  ·  clowning  ·  clowns  ·  bumkin  ·  oik

更多网络例句与乡巴佬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No, that is what a baboon would do: not me.


He grinned one of his baboon grins, and rode on.


The era of the backwoods rube is gone.


Nah, we are much more than that; we are proud Calabrese Italians.


Wende Michel writes:"I can say that the handheld calculator has been important in my studies and even in my life."And Barnabas Nyaaba in Ghana advises that "as we enjoy the use of calculators, let's be careful so that it does not have any bad effects on us."

wende Michel 写到我能说的是带上计算器是我的学习升至生活中很重要的了在 Ghana 的Barnabas Nyaaba 建议到当我们享受着适用计算器事,让我们小心一些,那样便不会对我们有什么坏的影响。

And with how much KP2 likes being around people, we think he's bound to get to that point,' says Wende Goo, a spokesperson for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

考虑到KP2非常喜欢和人们一起玩耍,我们认为这种情况很快就会出现,美国国家海洋和大气管理局的发言人Wende Goo表示。

And with how much KP2 likes being around people, we think he's bound to get to that point,' says Wende Goo, a spokesperson for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

考虑到KP2非常喜欢和人们一起玩耍,我们认为这种情况很快就会出现,美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,简称NOAA)的发言人Wende Goo表示。

CHICAGO - Automated breast ultrasound can detect new breast lesions as well as confirm findings preiously found on mammography, according to the phase II results of a screening trial at the Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic in Rochester, NY.

芝加哥——根据纽约Rochester,Elizabeth Wende乳腺门诊的筛查性研究的二期临床测试结果,全自动乳腺超声可以发现乳腺的新发病变,证实既往乳腺摄影发现的陈旧病变。

Mr Duan Wende, Director of the Company, was absent from the tenth meeting of the Third Session of the Board. Mr Duan Wende authorized Mr Zhou Jiping in writing to attend this meeting by proxy and to exercise his voting rights on his behalf.


In the advert, a devastatingly dim country fellow is offered a Dime candy bar, which is "smooth on the outside, crunchy on the inside." He says that he prefers to eat armadillos, which are "smooth on the inside, crunchy on the outside!"


更多网络解释与乡巴佬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

an Arcadian youth:乡巴佬, 头脑简单的农村少年, 土包子

an arbitrary decision | 武断, 任意的决定 | an Arcadian youth | 乡巴佬, 头脑简单的农村少年, 土包子 | an array of | 一排 一群 一批

a boorish person:乡巴佬

命中注定的未来 the book of fate | 乡巴佬 a boorish person | 股票市场的短时景气 a stock market boomlet


twerp小傻瓜 | bumpkin 乡巴佬 | curry favor拍马屁

country bumpkin:乡巴佬

乡镇企业 township enterprises | 乡巴佬 country bumpkin | 项目核准与备案 project approval and record-keeping

That's brilliant, bumpkin:乡巴佬,这主意不错

Pack your bags, fellas, the war is over. Amen.|大家就能收拾行囊回家 战争就结束了,... | That's brilliant, bumpkin.|乡巴佬,这主意不错 | What about you, Captain? You don't gripe at all?|上尉,你呢?你不会抱...


他们的表演技能后来成为现代马戏团小丑表演(circus clowning)的重要部分. 16世纪时,意大利的喜剧开始萌芽. "clown"一词原指"呆子""乡巴佬"(clod),由于这些村夫看上去很滑稽,于是喜剧演员开始模仿他们的动作,


cloddy | 土块多的, 土里土气的, 不值钱的 | clodhopper | 庄稼汉,乡巴佬 | clodhopping | 粗鲁的, 不礼节的

Who are you calling a "hayseed:你叫谁"乡巴佬

I don't think a hayseed like you could appreciate such a thing. 我不认为一个像你这样的乡巴佬能欣赏这种东... | Who are you calling a "hayseed"? 你叫谁"乡巴佬" ? | Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁啊...

Hey, who you all calling a yokel:你说谁是乡巴佬

I'll figure out where these yokels are.|我会标出这群乡巴佬的位置 | Hey, who you all calling a yokel?|你说谁是乡巴佬? | He's dead, Private.|他已经死了,二等兵

I'll figure out where these yokels are:我会标出这群乡巴佬的位置

Tell him we've found F Company.|就说我们找到F连了 | I'll figure out where these yokels are.|我会标出这群乡巴佬的位置 | Hey, who you all calling a yokel?|你说谁是乡巴佬?