英语人>词典>汉英 : 乘直升机 的英文翻译,例句
乘直升机 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
helicopter  ·  helicoptered  ·  helicoptering  ·  helicopters

更多网络例句与乘直升机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For real white-knuckle adventure, take a helicopter to the North Johnstone River and raft out over four days, camping in riverside clearings.


In Kosovo, they were inserted by helicopters in the borders of two countries.


In Kosovo, they were i erted by helicopters in the borders of two countries.


After lunch, spend 15 minutes by helicopter arrived g Pentonville, where he made up to 3 hours of lecture.


Hoping to demonstrate their access to the younger jet set in sports and entertainment, Dichter and Itzler brought along some friends: the members of Run-DMC and former New York Giants star Carl Banks.


He helicoptered to the capital.


When you see business execs helicoptering to the golf course, waitersdiscussing the merits of Intel versus Applied Materials, 22-year-olds in suspenders smoking cigars and drinking Martinis, and houses in the suburbs selling way over the asking price - then you know that the referee has brought the whistle to his lips and is about to blow.

当你看到这些情景:乘直升机去高尔夫球场、服务生讨论英特尔和Applied Materials的优点、穿着吊带裤的22岁年轻人吸着雪茄烟,喝着马提尼酒、郊区住宅超过报价销售时,你就应当意识到,裁判已经把口哨放到了嘴边,并准备吹响。

Search teams reached the remote spot by helicopter and rappelled down with ropes to reach the rugged crash site, Gen.


Search teams reached the remote spot by helicopter and rappelled down with ropes to reach the rugged crash site, Gen.


Search teams reached the remote spot by helicopter and rappelled down with ropes to reach the rugged crash site, Gen.


更多网络解释与乘直升机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Manila rope:马尼拉绳

阻燃网,电站拦污网,沙井网,直升机着陆网,信号旗绳(signal halyards),撇抛缆绳(heaving lines),引水员登乘软梯(ladder),舷梯扶手绳(Man rope),虎斑绳(tiger rope),白棕绳,剑麻绳(sisal rope),马尼拉绳(Manila rope)我司是专业制造化纤