英语人>词典>汉英 : 乌桕 的英文翻译,例句
乌桕 的英文翻译、例句


tallow tree · Chinese tallow tree · Sapium sebiferum
更多网络例句与乌桕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Disclosed is a method to prepare glycerin monostearate from byproducts of biodiesel. The method takes Chinese tallow kernel oil as material to react with carbinol to prepare biodiesel.


The advent of paraffin in the 1800's made tallow obsolete, and it is rarely used in candles anymore.


An experiment was conducted to study in vitro shoot culture and micropropagation of Chinese tallow tree Sapium sebiferum


Chinese tallow tree is endemic to China's important oil trees, the seed kernel oil amounted to more than 40%.


In addition, the plant is appealing: Spring's kapok, summer's willow tree, autumn's tallow tree, and also has winter's common bald cypress, are very beautiful!


The text of the Chinese tallow tree seeds as raw material, through different regions, different times, different solvents in their oil content, access to the best experimental program, for the future development of our province and the Chinese tallow tree planting volume of refined oil extraction has some reference value.


The paper dealted with effect of ethanol extract from the root bark of Tripterygium wilfordii on bioactivities of diamond-back moth, Euproctis bipunctapex .


Advances of researches on resources of rural varieties, fine colones resources, selection of breeding,breed seedling introduction, plant disesses and insect pests of Sampium sebiferum are elucidated in this paper which provides scientific veferences for the development of biodiesel industry.


The method of preparing biodiesel from chinese tallow kernel oil by magnetic solid catalyst was tested in this paper.


The method of preparing biodiesel from Chinese tallow kernel oil was studied by nanometer magnetic solid catalyst.


更多网络解释与乌桕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese tallow tree:乌桕

Chinese wax 白蜡,中国蜡 | Chinese tallow tree 乌桕 | Chinese tannin 倍子单宁

Chinese vegetable tallow:乌桕蜡,乌桕油

Chinese tannin 倍子单宁 | Chinese vegetable tallow 乌桕蜡,乌桕油 | Chinese wood-oil tree 油桐树

Chinese vegetable tallow:乌桕蜡

凌霄花 Chinese trumpet-creeper (Campsis chinensis, Voss.) | 乌桕蜡 Chinese vegetable tallow | 野核桃 Chinese walnut (Juglans cathayensis, Dode.)

Achyranthes bidentata:{牛膝}{乌桕}

Achnatherum pekinense {京芒草} | Achyranthes bidentata {牛膝}{乌桕} | Achyranthes japonica {牛膝}


3.乌桕属(Sapium)的乌桕(S.sebiferum):落叶乔木,叶菱状卵形,全缘. 夏季开黄色小花,花单性同株,蒴果球形,三裂. 种子三颗,外被白色蜡质. 由种壳外层取得的桕脂(皮油)及种仁榨得的梓油(清油)均可供工业用.

Sapium P.Br:乌桕属

油桐属Vernicia Lour. | 乌桕属Sapium P.. Br. | 野桐属Mallotus Lour.

Sapium sebiferum:乌桕

与十字花科、石竹科等植物组成了该岛植被的春季野花群落;在夏季,榆科、漆树科、壳斗科、大戟科等乔木和灌木种类,如黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)、枫香(Liquidambar formosana)、乌桕(Sapium sebiferum)等,在大金山岛形成了郁闭度极高的森林群落,

Sapium discolor:山乌桕 大戟科

79 浙江樟 樟科 Cinnamomum chekiangense | 80 山乌桕 大戟科 Sapium discolor | 81 白木乌桕 大戟科 Sapium japonicum

Sapium discolor:{山柳}{黄色乌桕}{山乌桕}

Sapinum sebiqerum {乌桕} | Sapium discolor {山柳}{黄色乌桕}{山乌桕} | Sapium japonicum {白乳木}{白木乌桕}{山乌桕}

soap tree:乌桕

乌桕 curupi | 乌桕 soap tree | 美国檫木 sassafras;common sassafras