英语人>词典>汉英 : 为...所迫 的英文翻译,例句
为...所迫 的英文翻译、例句


under the stress of
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The Ground was still covered with snow, though not so deep and dangerous as on the Mountains, and the ravenous creatures, as we heard afterwards, were come down into the forest and plain country, pressed by hunger to seek for food; and had done a great deal of mischief in the villages, where they surprised the country people, killed a great many of their sheep and horses, and some people too.


Granny Wang was forced by family circumstances to enter a knitting mill in Shanghai as a child laborer at the age of twelve.


B: Grammy Wang was forced by family circumstances to enter a knitting mill in Shanghai as a child laborer at the age of twelve.


Forced by hunger, I worked for the most niggardly pay.


Again, time hanging heavily on his hands, he went home early, and this continued for several days, each day the need to hunt paining him, and each day disgust, depression, shamefacedness driving him into lobby idleness.


He bid me observe it, and I should always find, that the Calamitles of Life were shared among the upper and lower Part of Mankind; but that the middle Station had the fewest Disasters, and was not exposd to so many Vicisitudes as the higher or lower Part of Mankind; nay, they were not subjected to so many Distempers and Uneasiness either of Body or Mind, as those were who, by vicious Living, Luxury and Extravagancies on one Hand, or by hard Labour, Want of Necessaries, and mean or insufficient Diet on the other Hand, bring Distempers upon themselves by the natural Consequences of their Way of Living; That the middle Station of Life was calculated for, all kind of Vertues and all kinds of Enjoyments; that Peace and Plenty were the Hand-maids of a middle Fortune; that Temperance, Moderation, Quietness, Health, Society, all agreeable Diversions, and all desirable Pleasures, were the Blessings attending the middle Station of Life; that this Way Men went silently and smoothly thro the World, and comfortably out of it, not embarassd with the Labours of the Hands or of the Head, not sold to the Life of Slavery for daily Bread, or harrast with perplexd Circumstances, which rob the Soul of Peace, and the Body of Rest; not enragd with the Passion of Envy, or secret burning Lust of Ambition for great things; but in easy Circumstances sliding gently thro the World, and sensibly tasting the Sweets of living, without the bitter, feeling that they are happy, and learning by every Days Experience to know it more sensibly.


He bid me observe it, and I should always find, that the Calamitles of Life were shared among the upper and lower Part of Mankind; but that expos'd to so many Vicisitudes as the higher or lower Part of Mankind; nay, they were not subjected to so many Distempers and Uneasiness either of Body or Mind, as those were who, by vicious Living, Luxury and Extravagancies on one Hand, or by hard Labour, Want of Necessaries, and mean or insufficient Diet on the other Hand, bring Distempers upon themselves by the natural Consequences of their Way of Living; That the middle Station of Life was calculated for, all kind of Vertues and all kinds of Enjoyments; that Peace and Plenty were the Hand-maids of a middle Fortune; that Temperance, Moderation, Quietness, Health, Society, all agreeable Diversions, and all desirable Pleasures, were the Blessings attending the middle Station of Life; that this Way Men went silently and smoothly thro' the World, and comfortably out of it, not embarass'd with the Labours of the Hands or of the Head, not sold to the Life of Slavery for daily Bread, or harrast with perplex'd Circumstances, which rob the Soul of Peace, and the Body of Rest; not enrag'd with the Passion of Envy, or secret burning Lust of Ambition for great things; but in easy Circumstances sliding gently thro' the World, and sensibly tasting the Sweets of living, without the bitter, feeling that they are happy, and learning by every Day's Experience to know it more sensibly.


He bid me observe it, and I should always find, that the Calamitles of Life were shared among the upper and lower Part of Mankind; but that the middle Station had the fewest Disasters, and was not expos'd to so many Vicisitudes as the higher or lower Part of Mankind; nay, they were not subjected to so many Distempers and Uneasiness either of Body or Mind, as those were who, by vicious Living, Luxury and Extravagancies on one Hand, or by hard Labour, Want of Necessaries, and mean or insufficient Diet on the other Hand, bring Distempers upon themselves by the natural Consequences of their Way of Living; That the middle Station of Life was calculated for, all kind of Vertues and all kinds of Enjoyments; that Peace and Plenty were the Hand-maids of a middle Fortune; that Temperance, Moderation, Quietness, Health, Society, all agreeable Diversions, and all desirable Pleasures, were the Blessings attending the middle Station of Life; that this Way Men went silently and smoothly thro' the World, and comfortably out of it, not embarass'd with the Labours of the Hands or of the Head, not sold to the Life of Slavery for daily Bread, or harrast with perplex'd Circumstances, which rob the Soul of Peace, and the Body of Rest; not enrag'd with the Passion of Envy, or secret burning Lust of Ambition for great things; but in easy Circumstances sliding gently thro' the World, and sensibly tasting the Sweets of living, without the bitter, feeling that they are happy, and learning by every Day's Experience to know it more sensibly.


But if Chinese reformers can h*e the moderation to stop when they h*e made China capable of selfdefence, and to abstain from the further step of foreign conquest; if, when they h*e become safe at home, they can turn aside from the materialistic activities imposed by the Powers, and devote their freedom to science and art and the inauguration of a better economic system—then China will h*e played the part in the world for which she is fitted, and will h*e given to mankind as a whole new hope in the moment of greatest need.


An attempt to harmonize the imbalances in my character by means of strict discipline at a boarding school in Styria nearly led to the same ignominious end,and only my pseudo-voluntary departure from the institution in the nick of time prevented my final ostracism from the privileged ranks of those for whom the path to higher eduction was open.

水平有限,就当是顶了一下!!呵呵~ r/ W( D7 U+ Y想通过在Styria的寄宿学校的严格的纪律来协调我性格中的不平衡,几乎导致了同样不光彩的结局,但是我为时间所迫不情愿的从协会起程,才免除了最后被从拥有特权的那些高等学校为他们敞开大门的学生中淘汰出来。

更多网络解释与为...所迫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Moll Flanders:摩尔 弗兰德斯>

具有时代精神.这部小说被认为是现实 主义小说的创始之作,为笛福赢得"英国小说之父"的称号.笛福的另一部长篇小说> (Moll Flanders)叙述女主人公摩尔在英国因生活所迫沦为娼妓和小偷的经历.现实主义 小说在亨利菲尔丁(Henry Fielding,


浮凸物之目的是用来连接组合螺丝钉、导销、栓或迫紧(force-fits)等作用. 设计浮凸物的最重要原则为避免其无支撑物,并尽量让其与外壁或肋相连如图2-9所示:一般而言,肋外径须为圆孔直径的2至2.5倍,以保证有足够之强度. 2-3-7 螺纹(threads)与嵌入物(inserts)


needly 如针的 | needments 必需品 | Needs must when the devil drives 形势所迫不得不为


许多年过去了,然而潘娜洛普(Penelope)完全没有丈夫尤利西斯的音讯. 潘娜洛普为愈来愈不稳定的政治局势所迫,秘密派遣了尤利西斯的儿时玩伴赫瑞西亚斯出发寻找她的丈夫,希望两人长久以来的交情能够改变命运.

under the stress of:为......所迫,受到......造成的压力

stress the necessity 强调......的必要性 | under the stress of 为......所迫,受到......造成的压力 | stress the importance of... 强调......的重要性

under the stress of:为...所迫; 为...所驱使; 处境紧张

lay stress on把重点放在...上; 在...上用力 | under the stress of为...所迫; 为...所驱使; 处境紧张 | subsequent adj.后来的, 并发的


浮凸物之目的是用来连接组合螺丝钉、导销、栓或迫紧(force-fits)等作用. 设计浮凸物的最重要原则为避免其无支撑物,并尽量让其与外壁或肋相连如图2-9所示:一般而言,肋外径须为圆孔直径的2至2.5倍,以保证有足够之强度. 2-3-7 螺纹(threads)与嵌入物(inserts)

Moll Flanders:摩尔 弗兰德斯>

具有时代精神.这部小说被认为是现实 主义小说的创始之作,为笛福赢得"英国小说之父"的称号.笛福的另一部长篇小说<<摩尔弗兰 德斯>> (Moll Flanders)叙述女主人公摩尔在英国因生活所迫沦为娼妓和小偷的经历.现实主义 小说在亨利菲尔丁(Henry Fielding,

This is a shotgun wedding:这是一起为怀孕所迫的结婚

10. I am terrible. 我很糟糕. | 11. This is a shotgun wedding. 这是一起为怀孕所迫的结婚. | 12. Don't cry on my shoulder. 别向我诉苦!