英语人>词典>汉英 : 丰富 的英文翻译,例句
丰富 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abundance  ·  affluence  ·  cornucopia  ·  enrichment  ·  exuberance  ·  fullness  ·  fulness  ·  galore  ·  generousness  ·  liberalness  ·  luxuriance  ·  luxuriancy  ·  opulence  ·  plenty  ·  richness  ·  routh  ·  wealth  ·  exuberancy  ·  feracity  ·  wantlessness  ·  enrichments  ·  bookoo

in abundance · be prolific of
更多网络例句与丰富相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My Office is located in Zhejiang Province Tianmushan University, has rich forest resources, particularly resources are particularly rich pecan, pecan is a kind of epicarp environmental protection, low-cost coverage of a new type of garden materials, and its contains a biochemical factor that can effective in the soil to kill pests; and can increase the green color, rich green texture, landscaping, green landscape and green land; to prevent dust and soil erosion, improve air quality, so that a more pleasant environment; reduce transpiration, especially in summer, be conducive to maintaining soil moisture, prevent soil knot board, to maintain temperature, saving water, at the same time to effectively control weeds.


During the 1950s Pollock continued to produce figurative or quasi-figurative black and white works and delicately modulated paintings in rich impasto as well as the paintings in the new all-over style.


As investigated, the shape of the fruit was mainly rotundity, and the color of the fruit were red, black, yellow, mauve. Variation coefficient of mineral elements, which revealed wider variation range and rich genetic diversity. Among them, Fe, the content and the variation coefficient of which was the highest(2.12 mg·100g-1 and 26.99%), it has large potential for futher selection. Ripe fruit of 12 wild myrobalan plum seedlings were analyzed using head space-solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed considerable genetic variations in these aspects: The total content of volatile components, the classes and contents of each compounds classes, the segregation ratio, and content of main components. There were 83 compounds in total belonging to 6 classes detected in 12 wild myrobalan plum seedlings, including esters, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, heterocycle and Hydrocarbons. Among them, Formic acid, hexyl ester, the content of which was the highest(4.33 μg·g-1),was important character impact odors.

结果表明,①新疆野生樱桃李实生株系的果实形状主要为圆形,少数为椭圆形、卵圆形、卵形和宽卵形,果实颜色有黄色、红色、紫红色和黑色等4种类型,野生樱桃李果实纵径、横径、单果重、果形指数以及可溶性固形物含量均存在一定程度的变异,遗传多样性较为丰富,其中以单果重的变异系数最大(9.13 %);②新疆野生樱桃李实生株系果肉组织的Zn、Ca、Mg、Mn、Fe及Cu等6种矿质元素含量变异丰富,其中以Fe元素的含量(平均值为2.12 mg·100g-1)和变异系数(26.99%)最高,进一步筛选高铁性状单株的潜力很大;③从新疆野生樱桃李12个实生株系中共鉴定出醇类、醛类、酯类、酮类、烃类及杂环类等6类83种挥发性化合物,各实生株系挥发性化合物总含量、挥发性化合物种类及其含量以及主要挥发性化合物分离比率与含量等存在广泛的遗传变异,遗传多样性较为丰富,其中以甲酸己酯含量最高(平均值为4.33 μg·g-1),是野生樱桃李果实香气形成的重要特征性化合物。

The results show that(1)the barrier and passage effects of longitudinal range-gorge break the law of zonal distribution of air temperature in Yunnan,the law of longitudinal distribution of air temperature is obvious and the spatial distribution is very zonally asymmetry;(2)under the effect .

结果表明:(1)纵向岭谷地形的"阻隔—通道"作用,使云南温度的纬向分布规律被破坏,经向分布规律比较明显,空间分布极不均匀;(2)纵向岭谷作用下云南热量地域分布差异显著,南部热量丰富,北部欠缺,西部比东部丰富,河谷地区热量最丰富,滇西北及山区热量最贫乏;(3)6、7月热量最丰沛,1月最为贫乏,春季热量好于秋季;(4)近30 a云南年平均气温有明显的上升趋势,存在明显的7 a、11 a、18 a周期振荡;(5)云南年平均气温具有大范围位相一致的变化趋势及东部冷与西部暖的变化类型。

Between shrub and herb layers ,the difference of each index was not significant The total richness index and Shannon-Wiener index of Phellodendron amurense plantation community were all the highest than those of the other communities.(2) The total richness index of Machilus pingii- Quercus oxyodon evergreen broad-leaved forest community, Alnus cremastogyne-Betula luminifera-Quercus oxyodon evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved forest community and Rhus potaninii- Juglans sigillata- Quercus oxyodon evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved forest community all exceeded 31 .These communities , the dominance species in their shrub layers is Fargesia rufa ,such as Betula luminifera-Rhus chinensis-Quercus oxyodon evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved forest community, Quercus oxyodon-Litsea pungens-Cornus macrophylla evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved forest community, Cornus macrophylla- Acer caudatum var.


Relatively, the areaswith lowspecies richness locates in south ofHebei Province,Shandong, Henan and Jiangsu Province, the part of Anhui Province in the north side of Yangtze River and delta ofYangtze River, the areas of Hunan and Hubei along the Yangtze River, as well as the Sichuan basin. All thegeographical units are divided into three groups according to the glires species component by hierarchical clusteranalysis, i.e.


Fig.1 SHEE cultured on coverslide, the living cells were growing in single layer with rich cytoplasm, the nuclei were uniform in size with a nucleolus ph ×400 Fig.2 SHEE had a nucleus with ellipse shape, large nucleolus and the cytoplasm contained mitochondria and tonofibrilEM ×10 000 Fig.3 SHEE was spherical in shape, with pseudopods attached on petri dish and abundant villi on cell surface SEM ×5 000 Fig.4 Same as in Fig.3, cell attached on petri dish, appeared stellate or polygonal in shape, with abundant pseudopods and cytoplasmic processes. Protrusive nuclear region in central part of the cell had more micro-villi SEM ×5 000 Fig.5 Chromosomes of SHEE cells belonged to diploidy type Giemsa ×1 000 Fig.6 The SHEE cells of stained in dark brown by Ki67 immunohistochemistry were the proliferative cells Immunohistochemistry ×400 Fig.7 In SHEE cell culture, the nucleus stained red or pink by PI was dead cell, the green nucleus was living cell Fluorescent ×400 Fig.8 The cell labeled by TdT was apoptotic cell in which the chromatin of nucleus condensed in block, a pyknotic nucleus in the upper right conner was seen TdT labeled ×400

图1 SHEE培养在盖坡片上,活细胞单层生长,胞浆较丰富,细胞核大小一致,有核仁×400 图2 SHEE培养细胞细胞核椭圆形,核仁较大,胞浆有较丰富的线粒体和张力原纤维EM ×10 000 图3 SHEE细胞呈球状,有伪足贴壁,表面有密集微绒毛SEM ×5 000 图4 同上细胞贴壁,呈星状或多角形,有丰富伪足和胞浆突,核区隆起有较多微绒毛SEM ×5 000 图5 SHEE细胞染色体仍属二倍体Giemsa染色×1 000 图6 SHEE细胞Ki67免疫组织化学染棕黄色为增殖细胞×400 图7 SHEE培养细胞出现死细胞,胞核和胞浆PI染色呈红色或淡红色,蓝色细胞核为活细胞荧光显微镜×400 图8 细胞TdT标记阳性为凋亡细胞,染色质凝集呈块状,右上角有一固缩细胞核TdT标记×400

The trophoblast blood flow spectrum could be easily detected with the guide of CDE.The ultrasonic findings were characterized by broad arterial flow spectrum,high diastolic component of the low resistance trophoblastic flow,RI=0.40~0.51 with single or biphasic spectrum.The salpingian ring with high blood flow indicated early and complete salpingian pregnancy.


Cognitive enhancement therapy is described as an integrated approach to the enhancement of neurocognitive and social cognitive abilities, which attempts to capitalize on a presumed neuroplasticity reserve believed to respond to enriched cognitive experiences. It is used as a recovery-phase intervention for symptomatically stable schizophrenic outpatients who are socially and cognitively disabled despite reduced risk of relapse.


The results showed that the species richness,the speciesdiversity and its biomass of understorey vegetation decreased with the stand age in-creasing.There was the most significant negative-linear relationship between thiskind of changes and age.It is possible that the certain shading condition may benefit to understorey growing better.The richness,diversity index and biomass of thevegetation in eucalypt plantation decreased with CPR increasing,however,after ro-tating by watermelon one rotation,the richness,the diversity index and biomass ofunderstorey in CP stand increased,this result will provide the possibility of therestoration and reestablishment of vegetation in eucalypt plantations.The nutrientstorage of understorey decreased in accord with the productivity decreased withCPR increasing,this is the result which the stand enviroment became worse and thestand stratum competed with the vegetation for the water and fertility of soil.


更多网络解释与丰富相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的 | abound丰富,大量 | abundance n.丰富,大量


丰富的,充裕的,大量的 [巧 记]a+bund+ant=一个(a)堤岸(bund)上住着丰富的(abundant)蚂蚁(ant) [词性变化]abundance(-ance名词后缀)n. 丰富,充裕 [名师导学]以ant结尾的形容词的相对的名词将ant改为ance或ancy 24.

abundant in:富于很丰富

abundance | 丰富, 充裕, 丰富充裕 | abundant in | 富于很丰富 | abundant | 丰富的, 充裕的, 丰富, 盛产, 富于

in great numbers, amply:丰富地

abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的;大量的 plentiful, profuse | abundantly adv. 丰富地 in great numbers, amply | abundance n. 丰富,充裕 profusion, richness

aplenty:丰富的 丰富地

aplastic | 无形的, 成长不全的 | aplenty | 丰富丰富地 | aplite | 半花岗岩


exuberance /茂盛/健康/丰富/ | exuberancy /丰富/充溢/繁茂/ | exuberant /盎然/勃勃/旺盛/繁茂的/丰富的/非凡的/


galop /快步舞之一种/该舞曲/跳该舞/ | galore /丰富地/丰富/ | galosh /橡胶套鞋/

Phr. in abundance:丰富;充足

"abundant adj.丰富的;富有的 | "Phr. in abundance:丰富;充足 | an abundance of :大量的,丰富

old salt:经验丰富的老水手经验丰富的老水手

old salt 经验丰富的老水手 | old salt 经验丰富的老水手经验丰富的老水手 | old ship 老船


plenteously /许多地/丰富地/ | plenteousness /丰饶/丰富/ | plenty /丰富/很多/充份/很多的/充份的/丰富的/充份地/