英语人>词典>汉英 : 中肢 的英文翻译,例句
中肢 的英文翻译、例句


mid leg
更多网络例句与中肢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study reports for the first time a high prevalence of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in an unselected acromegalic male population generally considered at low risk of osteoporosis, suggesting that complicated osteoporosis is an important comorbidity of acromegaly.


Meanwhile, cyanosis of lips, purplish tongue, varicose sublingual vein, flaccidity of lower extremities, hemianesthesia, headache, blackish eyelids, dispiritedness, tongue with ecchymosis, dysphasia, blackish complexion, squamous and dry skin, pain on the paralytic limbs, dermorrhagia, and distension of stomach and abdomen are more influential symptoms and signs.


Result: The symptoms of 6 target limbs were relieved after treatment, and 1 limb was amputated after embolectomy.


With Mab 2A3, the first positive cells were detected at the limb bud stage of the embryos. Distinguishable positive haemocytes with a diameter of about 7μm appeared in embryonic-nauplius. At the following nauplius I stage, configuration of haemocytes became more integrated and clear. Their diameters were almost similar to those of haemocytes from adult shrimp. With Mab 1H11, the first positive granular haemocytes were identified at the stage of embryonic-nauplius which existed in clusters with positive punctate fluorescence of granules distributed around the periphery of granular haemocytes.


Medication during early pregnancy can cause fetal spina bifida, cleft palate, clubfoot, small limbs, Phocomelia, umbilical prominent cheek transverse fissure, cerebral meningocele, cerebral spinal cord dysfunction, osteogenesis imperfecta and fetal death. 2, prednisone: big neat administration during early pregnancy can cause stillbirth, streaming, no brains infants, small ectopic kidney, one-eyed, cleft palate, bone deformities, such as. 3, 6-8 weeks pregnant villus chromosome examination; pregnant 16-20 weeks to do the amniotic fluid puncture in amniotic fluid cell chromosome examination; At the same time, dynamic observation of maternal alpha-fetoprotein content; attention fetal B-track general shape and structural abnormalities offal.


In the normal rats (n=5、6), CGRP-LI were mainly present in small and some medium-sized neurons and the primary afferent fibers and ter- minals in laminae Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅴ,Ⅹ and Lissauer's tract of the spinal cord; GAL- and SP-LI were mainly present in small neurons and the superficial layers of the dorsal horn. After the adjuvant injection both CGRP-and SP-LI were in- creased corresponding to the development of arthritis. On day 2, CGRP-and SP-LI were moderately increased in laminae Ⅰ,Ⅱ and the posterior commis- sure of the spinal cord and small neurons in DRG, while SP was obviously in- creased in the superficial layers and DRG. On day 14, CGRP-LI were marked- ly enhanced in the above regions with the development of polyarthritis. Some- times many strongly stained long fibers could be seen in the posteriot commis- sure.


In a study of 14 hemiplegic patients, those who practiced ankle dorsiflexion using the mirror had more recovery of function in the affected limb than those who underwent direct conditioning.


The control group received hemiparalysis routine nursing and passive exercises at early-stage.The patients in rehabilitation group put their limbs in normal position.


One point of view is that the repution of China Telecom Company is no good, the three new independent companies should give up the intangible assets of China Telacom and build up their own assets evaluation methods are proposed for Know-how and Patents etc, to prevent the losing and lav- ishion and improve the management of technical intangible assets.


Results The percentage of stump ulcer,stump swelling,limitation of joint motion and stump pain of all 42 cases was 74%,72%,41%and 5%,respectively.

结果 42例残肢中,残端有溃疡或寞道、残肢肿胀、髋膝关节屈曲挛缩、残肢痛分别占74%、72%、41%和5%,残肢肌力明显减退。

更多网络解释与中肢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


成束的气管开口在一个共同的腔中,最后以气孔开口到体表(图 10-时分出内肢节(endopodite)与外肢节(exopodite). 但在进化过程中,随 着体区的形成,附肢也相应的发生了形态与机能的分化. 例如头部的附肢用 以感觉,并形成口器以取食.


成束的气管开口在一个共同的腔中,最后以气孔开口到体表(图 10-时分出内肢节(endopodite)与外肢节(exopodite). 但在进化过程中,随 着体区的形成,附肢也相应的发生了形态与机能的分化. 例如头部的附肢用 以感觉,并形成口器以取食.


所有磷虾均有五条游泳的足称为[[腹肢]](pleopod)或「游泳足」(swimmerets),与一般的淡水龙虾很相似. 成年的磷虾大多长约1至2公分,而一些磷虾的物种可长达6至15公分. 磷虾可被轻易从其他甲壳亚门动物中区别出来,


⑷肢端感觉异常(acroparesthesia ) 夜间睡眠中手指和足指出现麻木,针刺般的疼痛,由于疼痛而经常觉醒. 成年女性多见. 好发于下肢的末端.

appendicular skeleton:附肢骨骼

(二)附肢骨骼(appendicular skeleton)鱼类的附肢骨骼包括鳍骨及悬挂鳍骨的带骨,而鳍骨又可分为奇鳍骨和偶鳍骨. 1.奇鳍骨 是一系列深埋于体肌肉的支鳍骨(担鳍骨 pterygiophore),每个支鳍骨分 为上,中,下 3 节,


昆虫学中,昆虫附 肢采用了与节肢动物不同 的名称,以足为例,按其同 源关系,可对照如下表: 节肢动物的附肢(图2) 基肢节(eoxopedite) 底肢节(basipodite) 坐肢节(isc址.


附肢又分成若干以关节连接的分节即肢节(podomere),故名为"节肢动物". 节肢动物神经、排泄、循环系统较发达,感觉器官齐全,大多数节肢动物都具有眼. 眼有单眼或中眼、复眼之分. 复眼由许多类似单眼的小眼体组成,能感受外界物体的形状和运动,

Polyarthra trigla:针簇多肢轮虫

并用轮虫污染指示种类和生物多样性指数评价人工河水质污染及水质营养状况.在两个夏季调查中,共发现轮虫35种,其中污染指示轮虫18种.根据平均密度,优势种分别为剪形臂尾轮虫(Brachionus forficula)、针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)和奇异巨腕轮虫(Pedalia mira),

immunodefiency with short-limbed stature:免疫缺陷伴短肢身材

抗体缺陷为主的未特指的免疫缺陷 immunodefiency with predominantly antibody defectsunspec | 免疫缺陷伴短肢身材 immunodefiency with short-limbed stature | 免疫球蛋白在治疗中有害效应 Immunoglobulin

axial skeleton:中轴骨骼

脊椎动物的骨骼系统,分为中轴骨骼(axial skeleton)和附肢骨骼(appendicular skeleton)两大部分,中轴骨骼包括头骨,脊柱、肋骨和胸骨,附肢骨骼包括带骨和肢骨.