英语人>词典>汉英 : 中枢的 的英文翻译,例句
中枢的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与中枢的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The drug is referred to as a central alpha agonist because it stimulates alpha-receptors in the brain.


"On a more fundamental note, the evidence of reduction of hallucinations after magnetic stimulation over the left temporoparietal cortex may yield clues to the pathophysiology of auditory hallucinations," Dr. Aleman''s team points out.

" Aleman研究小组指出,"从一个更基础的层面考虑,磁信号刺激左侧颞顶叶皮层可以缓解幻听的事实,有可能提供幻听的病生理学线索,也就是说,减少语言识别中枢的兴奋性能够减少幻听,提示产生幻听的原因可能是因为语言识别中枢的异常活动造成。

Then gas chromatography was used to measure the distribution of muscone in the brain and other organs.


ObjectiveTo observe projections of nervus auricularis vagi in brain stem of oblongata level,and to study the mechanism of auricular acupuncture.


Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a pleiotropic cytokine that plays a pivotal role in the regulation of immune responses.


The clause is the central unit in transformation that is the major stage in the three stages of complete translation (comprehension, transformation and expression).


It may means that Iridoids composition of Valeriana jatamansi Jones doesn\'t regulate the TPH1 transcription expression.3.4 Effection of Iridoids composition of Valeriana jatamansi Jones on SP and VIP of IBS rats induced by chronic stressMethods:Animals were randomly divided into7 groups:normal group,model group, OSD group,FXT group and Iridoids composition of Valeriana jatamansi Jones groups in quantiy of 24.92mg/kg,12.46mg/kg,6.23mg/kg.


"On a more fundamental note, the evidence of reduction of hallucinations after magnetic stimulation over the left temporoparietal cortex may yield clues to the pathophysiology of auditory hallucinations," Dr. Aleman''s team points out.

& Aleman研究小组指出,&从一个更基础的层面考虑,磁信号刺激左侧颞顶叶皮层可以缓解幻听的事实,有可能提供幻听的病生理学线索,也就是说,减少语言识别中枢的兴奋性能够减少幻听,提示产生幻听的原因可能是因为语言识别中枢的异常活动造成。

Central mechanism includes the direct influences on cardiovascular control center from respiratory center and the feedback effects from stretch receptors in the lung.


The central respiratory chemoreceptors that is widely distributed in medulla oblongata can adjust the excitability of the neurons located in respiratory center of brain stem by sensing the changes of pH and the concentration of CO2 in brain, therefore , it plays an important role in keeping acid-base balance rapidly and maintaining homeostasis in vivo.

脑内pH和CO2的变化通过中枢化学感受器(central chemoreceptors,CRCs)调节脑干呼吸中枢的兴奋性,其在快速调节机体酸碱平衡以及内环境稳定的过程中发挥着重要作用。

更多网络解释与中枢的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acentric 非中枢的 | acerb 尖刻的 | acerbate 激怒

centrally acting adjuvant:中枢作用型佐剂

\\"中央性,中枢性,归中性\\",\\"centrality\\" | \\"中枢作用型佐剂\\",\\"centrally acting adjuvant\\" | \\"中央轴线的\\",\\"centraxonial\\"

satiety center:饱中枢

因此,这一部位被称为饱中枢(satiety center). 相反,下丘脑外侧区损毁时,动物食量减少,甚至拒食;若刺激这一部位,则食量大增. 因而被认为是摄食中枢(feeding center)的所在. 在正常机体,这两部位之间可能是互相制约的. 至于摄食中枢的自然刺激是什么,

vomiting center:呕吐中枢

其他:纠酸,避免脑缺血,保护肾功能,必要时激素等,上述治疗无效,用主动脉内球囊反搏术进行辅助循环,或PTCA或主动脉一冠脉旁路移植术(CABG)等,可挽救一些病人生命1,神经反射中枢:即呕吐中枢(Vomiting center)位于延髓外侧网状结构的背部,

waking center:觉醒中枢,觉醒中枢

wake-up transition of a process 进程的唤醒转换 | waking center 觉醒中枢,觉醒中枢 | waking reaction 清醒反应


acenesthesia 机体失认症 | acentric 非中枢的 | acerb 尖刻的

Central neurocytoma:(中枢神经细胞瘤)

中枢神经细胞瘤(Central neurocytoma)是一种少见的中枢神经系统肿瘤. 主要见于年轻成人,发生部位以侧脑室或第三脑室接近Moron孔处多见,少数可发生于脑室外. 患者常有颅内压升高的症状. 特征性的影像学改变为脑室内肿块,可见钙化和囊性变.

strychninic acid:士的宁酸[中枢兴奋药]

Strychnine 士的宁[中枢兴奋药] | Strychninic Acid 士的宁酸[中枢兴奋药] | Styramate 司替氨酯[解痉药]

central stimulants:中枢兴奋药

中枢兴奋药(central stimulants)是能提高中枢神经系统机能活动的一类药物. 包括主要兴奋大脑皮层和兴奋延脑呼吸中枢的药物,后者常用于抢救各类呼吸衰竭,但其选择性不高,安全范围小,作用时间都很短,需要反复用药,且容易过量产生惊厥,

respiratory center:呼吸中枢

呼吸中枢(respiratory center)是指中枢神经系统内产生和调节呼吸运动的神经细胞群. 呼吸中枢广泛分布在大脑皮层、间脑、脑桥、延髓和脊髓等各级部位,它们在呼吸节律的产生和调节中所起的作用不同,正常节律性呼吸运动是在各级呼吸中枢的相互配合下实现的.