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中枢后的 的英文翻译、例句


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the humoral immune response pattern for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients after neural stem cell transplantation.


These results suggest that the activate spleen-energy method can achieve appetitive purpose by not only affecting the gastrointestinal tract function in periphery, but also regulating the process of ingestion in brain. The basic research about ingestion indicate: one hand, after food enters the gastro-intestinal tract, the endocrine cell of the intestinal tract is activated and secrete many kinds of brains intestines peptide, the level of the brain intestines peptide in blood as the periphery signal spreads to the central nervous system regions that control digest and feeding behavior. On the other hand, it has been shown that dorsal parabranchial neurons, containing CCK-8S, extend fibers to the VMH and are involved in the inhibition of feeding .


When a fish swims underwater, skeletal muscle's contraction is controlled by central nervous system, which transfers the tension and displacement to executive organs such as fins and skins and interacts with surrounding fluid to achieve self-propulsion. To study the muscle activity and intension, this paper introduces the electromyography.


At present, the central police station of the two security have been taken to Qujing City CDC detection; Wang Qiaotao drug addicts were sent to compulsory drug treatment in Luliang County, forced isolation by the drug two years, after the expiry of drug transferred to the Detention Unit in administrative detention on the 15th.


Luliang County AIDS drug users in needle holders of resisting arrest after the incident, on November 11, the AIDS drug users resisting arrest knife-wielding incident in Luliang County, again, and that the police is still Luliang County Public Security Bureau of the Central Police Station Civilian police.


E. , ACTH antagonizes the analgesia mediated byμand δ opioid receptors, but notκreceptor;(2) The antagonizing effect of ACTH on opioid analgesia is proposed to be mediated by ACTH receptors, although the latter has not been characterized;(3) A contradictory interaction on intracellular cAMP content may constitute one of the postreceptor mechanisms underlying ACTH antagonism of opioid analgesia;(4) Another proposed mechanism of the anti-opioid effect of ACTH is that ACTH can modulate opioid-induced suppression of calcium influx;(5) ACTH has been shown to induce Fos protein expression in selected areas of the rat brain including the nuclei involved in pain regulation as well as the ependyma of the third ventricle and the aqueduct.


These results suggest that the activate spleen-energy method can achieve appetitive purpose by not only affecting the gastrointestinal tract function in periphery, but also regulating the process of ingestion in brain. The basic research about ingestion indicate: one hand, after food enters the gastro-intestinal tract, the endocrine cell of the intestinal tract is activated and secrete many kinds of brains intestines peptide, the level of the brain intestines peptide in blood as the periphery signal spreads to the central nervous system regions that control digest and feeding behavior. On the other hand, it has been shown that dorsal parabranchial neurons, containing CCK-8S, extend fibers to the VMH and are involved in the inhibition of feeding .


Enhanced wind-up after secondary oesophageal hyperalgesia suggests that isceral pain hypersensitiity induced by central sensitisation results from increased central neuronal excitability.


After sport, the microcirculatory ultrastructure, the expression of VEGF and KDR, the release of monoamines neurotransmitter and the metablism of free radical in cerebrum could influenced each other, which may results in central fatigue induced by sport.


The exact mode of action is not known, but its effects on the CNS resemble those of the barbiturates. Its onset of action is rapid, producing sleep usually within 30 minutes and lasting 4 to 8 hours.


更多网络解释与中枢后的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

central chemoreceptor:中枢化学感受器

比较每分静息通气量与最大通气量,可以了解通气功能的贮备能力,通常用通气贮量百分比表示:(ventral respiratory group ,VRG) 呼吸神经元主要集中在后疑核平面尾段腹侧呼吸组(cVRG)外周感受器(peripheral chemoreceptor) 中枢化学感受器(central chemoreceptor)


药物依赖是一种中枢神经系统长时程生物学效应(long-term adaptation). 药物依赖的形成可能需要新的肽或蛋白质的合成,涉及到受体后的信号转导,基因的转录,翻译和调控,效应子(effector)的表达及其生物学效应的产生. 在药物依赖的形成过程中,

pulmonary encephalopathy:肺性脑病

如慢阻肺)引起肺组织结构和功能异常 机制: (1)肺 A 高压→右心后负荷加重→右心衰竭(2)心肌长期缺氧,酸中毒造成心肌受损 (五)中枢神经系统变化 肺性脑病(pulmonary encephalopathy)-慢性呼衰时出现的中枢神经系统功能障碍.


[摘要]苯巴比妥(phenobarbital)又名鲁米那(Luminal),属精神类药品,主要作用于中枢神经系统,具有中枢神经系统的抑制作用. 小剂量可以镇静,中剂量可催眠,大剂量可以抗惊厥,中毒剂量可抑制呼吸. 自80年代后苯巴比妥在儿科临床上的应用越来越广泛.


pivot:a:以一只脚为中枢脚转动身体改变方向的动作(n). b: | playoff:复赛;季后赛, | point guard:组织后卫,也作控球后卫.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae:酿酒酵母

肠毒素是一种可溶性蛋白质,耐热,经100℃煮沸30分钟不被破坏,也不受胰蛋白酶的影响,故误食污染肠毒素的食物后,在肠道作用于内脂神经受体,传入中枢,刺激呕吐中枢,引起呕吐,并产生急性胃1.材料 酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)或卡尔酵母(Sacch


3)后丘脑(metathalamus)分居在间脑背侧两旁. 包括内侧膝状体和外侧膝状体(图10-15). 内侧膝状体与下丘相连;外侧膝状体与上丘相连,它们分别是听、视的皮质下中枢. 由内侧膝状体发出听辐射(纤维)到颞叶皮质的听区;


杓状软骨(arytenoidcartilage)位于环状软骨板上方,1 对,呈三角锥体形,尖向鲎的外形 (afterdischarge)中枢兴奋都由刺激引起,但当刺激的作用停止后,后兽亚纲 (Metatheria)哺乳纲的一个亚纲.

neuropathic pain:神经痛

中风后中枢性神经痛是神经痛(neuropathic pain)的一种. 所谓的神经痛是因周边或中枢神经功能受损后所引起的疼痛. 常见的神经痛还包括糖尿病周边神经病变、带状疱疹及截肢后的神经痛等等.

neuropathic pain:神经性疼痛

神经性疼痛(neuropathic pain)是由外周或中枢神经系统的功能异常或结构损伤所致,其发生率大约为1%,它可起源于外周或中枢神经系统损伤(三叉神经痛,脊髓损伤);感染(带状疱疹后神经痛);代谢紊乱(糖尿病性神经痛);