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中弱 的英文翻译、例句


mezzo piano
更多网络例句与中弱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The works in the project just done can be summarized as five respects.(1) A device was designed to fabricate the asymmetrical resonant cavities by a pendant drop. A series ARCs with variable parameters provides a valuable experimental method for investigating the characteristics of ARCs.(2) The relationship between the number of active modes and the shape parameters in an ARC was investigated. The experimental lasing threshold was compared with theoretical result, the good agreement between two shown that it was the decrease of the number of active modes in an ARC that decreased lasing threshold.(3) Dye lasing gain was used to enhance the signals of stimulated Raman scattering of the weak gain Raman modes in a circular cavity made by a pendant drop, the instantaneous SRS spectra of weak gain Raman modes in ethanol was obtained by this new method.(4) The SRS signals of minority compound in a binary chemical complex was obtained by using dye lasing gain method. The detection concentration of minority compound was reduced to an order compared with normal SRS method.(5) A cylindrical circular cavity was formed by a liquid jet, which was used to reduce the pump intensity required for laser induced plasma spectroscopy. The limit of detection of trace element in aqueous sample was greatly decreased by this new method.


If the laser is in ultraviolet-visible wave, photons activate choicely electron energy level or destroy weak bond of compound molecule, and result in chemistry reaction, which is photo leading decomposition mechanism, if the laser is in infrared wave, the chemistry reaction mainly is heat decomposition mechanism.


Let F=LF be a s-closed local formation such that every minimal non-F-groups is solvable. It is proved that 1 If every cyclic subgroup of of order 4 and every minimal subgroup of G are contained in, then G is a F-group. 2 If there exists a normal subgroup N of G such that G/N∈F and every cyclic subgroup of N of order 4 is weakly c-normal in G and every element of N of prime order is contained in Z(superscript f subscript ∞), then G is a F-group.


Based on the outcome of Xu Yang and Qin Keyun about lattice implication algebra and lattice-valued prepositional logic LP with truth-value in a lattice implication algebra, the author studied the properties of lattice implication algebra and the α-automated reasoning method based on α-resolution principle of LP. The specific contents are as follows: The Study of Lattice Implication Algebra On the basis of previous results of lattice implication algebra, this part consists of the following three points: 1. Some properties of lattice implication algebra L were discussed, and some important results were given if L was a complete lattice implication algebra. 2. The properties of left idempotent elements of lattice implication algebras were discussed, and the conclusion that lattice implication algebra L was equals of the directed sum of the range and dual kernel of a left map constructed by a left idempotent element was proved. 3. The properties of the filters of lattice implication algebra were discussed, the theorem was shown that they satisfy the hypothetical syllogism and substitute theorem of the propositional logic. 4. The concept of weak niters of lattice implication algebras and their properties and structures are discussed. It is proved that all weak filters of a lattice implication algebra form a topology and the the implication isomorphism betweem two lattice implication algebras is a topological mapping between their topological spaces. The Study of α-automated reasoning method based on the lattice-valued propositional logic LP In this part, the author given an a-automated reasoning method based on the lattice-valued propositional logic LP.

本文基于徐扬和秦克云的关于格蕴涵代数和以格蕴涵代数为真值域的格值命题逻辑系统LP的研究工作,对格蕴涵代数以及格值命题逻辑系统LP中基于α-归结原理的自动推理方法进行了系统深入的研究,主要有以下两方面的研究成果:一、关于格蕴涵代数的研究 1、对格蕴涵代数的格论性质进行了研究,得到了当L为完备格蕴涵代数时,关于∨,∧,→运算的一些结果; 2、对格蕴涵代数的左幂等元进行了研究,证明了格蕴涵代数L可以分解为任何一个左幂等元所对应的左映射的像集合与其对偶核的直和; 3、对格蕴涵代数的滤子的性质进行了研究,证明了滤子的结构相似于逻辑学中的Hypothetical syllogism规则和替换定理; 4、给出了格蕴涵代数中弱滤子的概念,对弱滤子的性质个结构进行了研究,证明了格蕴涵代数的全体弱滤子构成一个拓扑结构,格蕴涵代数之间的蕴涵同构是相应的拓扑空间之间的拓扑映射。

The mathemationcal formulation is based on a locally convex topological space for arbitrage freeness,approximate arbitrage freeness and no free lunc hes.


The volume alternately ranges about mezzopiano and pianissimo, until after several almost revealing seconds of forte the pianist has the music retire into a pianissimo mystery in which it would, it appears, remain immersed indefinitely.


The influence of the electric field on the properties of the bound magnetopolaron in an infinite-depth GaAs semiconductor quantum well is investigated using the linear-combination operator and the unitary transformation method. The relationships between the polaron's ground state energy and the Coulomb bound potential, electric field, magnetic field, and well-width are derived and discussed.


In this paper, we first give an example that the bilateral weighted shift operator in c_0space is hypercyclic operator and first solve the existence problem of hypercyclic operator in c_0or c_0(Z space . And then we investigate the property of weighted shift operator in c_0 space and an important property of the hypercyclic vector of weighted shift operator in c_0 space and c_0 space. At last we give the concept of weak hypercyclic operator and weak hypercyclic vector , and give the equivalence between the weak hypercyclicity and the hypercyclicity in l~1 space.

本文首先给出了c_0空间上的一个双边左加权移位算子是超循环算子的一个例子,首次解决了c_0 或c_0(Z 空间中超循环算子的存在性问题;接下来分别研究了c_0和c_0空间上的加权移位算子的性质以及c_0和c_0空间上的加权移位算子的超循环向量的一个重要性质,最后提出了弱超循环算子和弱超循环向量的概念,并且给出了I~1空间中弱超循环性与超循环性的等价性。

The weak moisture convergence at the low level simulated by the Zhang-McFarlane scheme is not strong enough to maintain the structure and the eastward propagation of the oscillation.


The results show that although the amount of organic sulfur did not change remarkably, the H2S evolved from the oxidized sample decreased, COS and SO2 evolved increased significantly. This indicated that the aliphatic sulphides were selectively oxidized to sulphoxide and sulphone.


更多网络解释与中弱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tobacco amblyopia:烟草中毒性弱视

form deprivation amblyopia 形觉剥夺性弱视 | tobacco amblyopia 烟草中毒性弱视 | quinine amblyopia 奎宁中毒性弱视

mezzo forte:(缩写为mf)中强,不很强

Mezzo piano (缩写为mp)中弱,不很轻 | Mezzo forte (缩写为mf)中强,不很强 | Forte (缩写为f)强,有力地,响亮地

mezzo forte:(缩写mf)--中强

Mezzo-piano(缩写mp)--中弱 | Mezzo-forte(缩写mf)--中强 | Forte(缩写f)--强

mf Mezzo forte:中强

mp Mezzo piano 中弱 | mf Mezzo forte 中强 | f Forte 强

mezzo piano:中弱

overlarge 过大的,超大的 | mezzo piano 中弱 | toss up 匆匆准备, 掷钱币决胜负

mezzo piano:(缩写为mp)中弱,不很轻

Piano (缩写为p)弱,轻微地 | Mezzo piano (缩写为mp)中弱,不很轻 | Mezzo forte (缩写为mf)中强,不很强

mezzo piano:(缩写mp)--中弱

Piano(缩写p)--弱 | Mezzo-piano(缩写mp)--中弱 | Mezzo-forte(缩写mf)--中强

mp Mezzo piano:中弱

p piano 弱 | mp Mezzo piano 中弱 | mf Mezzo forte 中强


2,主题:5-46小节 主旋律首先建立在右手a羽调上,音乐在层次色彩上有了明显变化.5-10小节用中弱(mp)描绘了近距离的劳动画面.同样的旋律 在11-16小节再次出现,再比前一句稍弱的力度来对比,形成远距离 的劳动画面,

pianissimo:[乐]极弱地 乐曲中以最弱音演奏之一节或一个乐章

microwave spectrometer 微波分光计 | pianissimo [乐]极弱地 乐曲中以最弱音演奏之一节或一个乐章 | natalplum 双剌假虎剌