英语人>词典>汉英 : 丧心病狂 的英文翻译,例句
丧心病狂 的英文翻译、例句


as mad as a March hare · become frenzied · be frantic
更多网络例句与丧心病狂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The "auteur theory" is as valid for film as for any other art.


Beshrew me , if I would do such a wrong For the whole world .


Old daddy sentenced Liang to death with regardlessness, and all butterfly people agreed with him. They would rather be the accessory of the complot, but not wanted to give the chance of becoming human being up.


Well, we put the country in the hands of a lunatic...


You weren't there to see what Mal'Ganis did to my homeland.


Even so, a nuclear-armed Iran would indeed have to be irrational to strike Israel with such weapons.


"It might be at that," said Patrolman Casey. They're slick,them insane ones.


Yeah, he's a psychopathic killer, but so what?


Aayla and Quin voyaged there and did battle with the Morgukai, narrowly defeating the determined Nikto fanatics.


Archimonde was certain that the Legion's victory was inevitable, and so he took his time, sadistically toying with Jarod, slowly beating him to death.


更多网络解释与丧心病狂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



pertinacious bigotry:固执的偏见

personable young man 一位十分英俊的少年 | pertinacious bigotry 固执的偏见 | perverselyadv. 丧心病狂

We panicked:我们一时丧心病狂

Julia and I would never have survived a rumor like that.|茱莉亚和我,会受不了这种谣言的 | We panicked.|我们一时丧心病狂 | The school is our whole life.|学校就是我们的全部生命

Pigeons preened their wings and cooed:鸽子用喙整理翅膀, 咕咕地叫

perverselyadv. 丧心病狂地 | Pigeons preened their wings and cooed. 鸽子用喙整理翅膀, 咕咕地叫. | play the prodigal 过放荡生活

Pitch Black:星际传奇

No.9 威廉-约翰斯(William J Johns)<<星际传奇>>(Pitch Black)任务 在抓住了丧心病狂的杀人犯理查德-雷迪克(Richard B Riddick)之后,约翰斯押送他前往坦吉斯,但刚刚开始,他们的货运飞船出事了,坠落在一颗危险的行星上.

as cowardly as a mouse, as timid as a hare, chicken-hearted:胆小如鼠

亦步亦趋:to dance to sb's music, to follow sb to the heel | 胆小如鼠:as cowardly as a mouse, as timid as a hare, chicken-hearted | 丧心病狂:as mad as March hare