英语人>词典>汉英 : 丧失优势 的英文翻译,例句
丧失优势 的英文翻译、例句


lose the upper hand
更多网络例句与丧失优势相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"We have to ensure managers will not lose their advantage and that it translates into their portfolio," says Ms Munro.


Because the shortcoming and the merit the system of class teaching has the paragenesis nature, therefore the reform in view of the class teaching which the system shortcoming carries on, has passed through the head, also has lost its superiority, then fundamentally cancelled the class teaching system.


If we are competitive and can get on the podium, then it will be hard to lose my advantage.


In the rivalship, the EMS has gradually lost their shares and market superiority. What course to follow is one of the most important stratagy problems for China postal EMS.


The German industry specializes in quality production in the upper segments of the world market. This quality production goes hand in hand with a close cooperation between industry and services in close spatial relations (manufacturing-service-districts).


By doing this, they expected to nominate electable candidates. However, this move has been controversial, critics charging it with some flaws: 1 those who won in the poll did not necessarily electable in general elections; 2 only Taiwan's political parties adopted the survey method; 3 the political parties lost the power over candidate selection; 4 it worsened the illegal practices of violence and vote-buying; 5 it favored incumbents and high-publicity aspirants; and, 6 some unsuccessful aspirants insisted on running as mavericks, thereby thwarting party cohesion.


I donated a bit early, and after that, he completely outplayed me.


However, balancing the status of the two parties, seller bears more risk and will loss more benefit. Therefore our law should pay more attentionto protect seller's right. In practice, there are usually some clauses in the installment contract to protect seller's right such as title reservation clause, benefit loss of period clause, contract rescinding clause and so on. On the other hand, the seller often aggrieves buyer's rights by taking the


At last, it uses regional developing economics and regional innovation theory to puts forward the strategic of adjusting industrial structure. The total train of thought is as follow. First, strengthening the Pearl River Delta, building the Pearl River Delta into the main electronic information product manufacturing center, national software industry center and information technology application center. Then extending to Hong Kong and Macro to make up the weakness of the Pearl River Delta. To the aspect of fund and information, it must extend to under-developing regions, draw up individual chain, transfer some industrial chain that losing strength to under-developing regions.


According to the regulations of 1901, the approval of the general council is required for the erection and suppression of houses, the erection and transfer of novitiates, the erection of new provinces, the principal nominations, the retention of a local superior for longer than the usual term of office, the dismissal of a sister or novice, the deposition of a superior, mistress of novices or counsellor, the provisional appointment of a counsellor deceased or deprived of office, the nomination of a visitor not a member of the council, the choice of a meeting place of the general chapter, the change of residence of the superior general, the execution of all contracts, the auditing of accounts, all pecuniary engagements, the sale or mortgage of immovable property, and the sale of moveable property of great value.

根据有关法规规定, 1901年,批准总理事会需要架设和制止住房,架设和转让novitiates ,竖立新的省份,主要的提名,保留一支当地优势,为长于通常的任期内,解雇一个姐姐或新手,使沉积的优势,情妇的生手或辅导员,临时任命一名参赞去世或丧失的办公室,提名一位旅客没有安理会的一个成员,选择会议地点一般章中,改变居住的上级一般,而执行的所有合同,审计的帐目时,所有的金钱订婚,出售或抵押的不动产,以及出售动产的伟大价值。

更多网络解释与丧失优势相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

added value:加值

NutraSweet因事先转换其加值(added value)的优势能力,在专利保护丧失后仍然维持市场的领导地位. 这个个案不禁令人想起国民党在结束党禁的专政保障后,能够有效利用两岸关系、台湾安全、中间路线、政商结合、党产资源、民之所欲等手段来创造政党的市场价值,

backdoor listing:借壳上市

一些原本不知名的企业飞上枝头作凤凰. 但今年4月港交所修订了交易规则,对借壳上市制定了较以往更为严苛的条件. 这意味着在香港被称为"后门上市"的借壳上市(Backdoor Listing)将丧失某些操作优势. 那么刘梦熊的生意是否会就此一落千丈?

get/be carried away:to get very excited or lose control of your feelings:变得很激动;失去自制力,忘乎所以

What they say doesn't matter to me.他们说什么都跟我没关系. | get/be carried away:to get very excited or lose control of your feelings 变得很激动;失去自制力,忘乎所以 | lose one's edge丧失优势