英语人>词典>汉英 : 世界观 的英文翻译,例句
世界观 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

world view · world outlook · conception of world
更多网络例句与世界观相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It cannot justify its beliefs or offer a worldview whose various elements comport with each other.


The modern philosophy is a kind of science-worldoutlook,its mode of thinking is essentialism.


Kuhn\'s Incommensurability stressed that different Weltanschauungs are decided by different paradigm. The differences between different Weltanschauungs are incommensurability, at this rate there is not a transcendent standard to decide whether accept or reject the theories.


In putting together this materialist view of the world, Hobbes was influenced by his contemporaries Galileo and Kepler, who had discovered laws governing planetary motion, thereby discrediting much of the Aristotelian worldview.


The development history of scientific socialism is the history of the organic unification and unceasing persistence of Marist scientific ideas of the world and philosophic methodology. The establishment and implement of scientific ideas of the world and philosophic methodology is the guide and guarantee in searching right way of socialist construction.


Christ represents justice, whose rationality is unaesthetic. However, Christian aesthetic view can be expressed by an adequate way. Sakyanuni symbolizes love, whose emotion is by itself similar to that in all other arts; therefore, it is very difficult to show its essence by other aesthetic ways.Ⅵ Taoism appears in the civilized society.


For this reason, every apologetical encounter is ultimately a conflict of worldviews or fundamental perspectives (whether this is explicitly mentioned or not).


It does mean that a dichotomous worldview in which you are either for the "free market" free as it can be!


The two types of world outlook are both grounded upon the disintegrative and multiplerelationships of mankind.


The modern philosophy is a kind of science-worldoutlook,its mode of thinking is essentia...


更多网络解释与世界观相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Unit Nine:世界观与价值观

Unit Eight 政治与经济 | Unit Nine 世界观与价值观 | Unit The 人口与种族问题

world outlook:世界观

针对这一问题,一个调查给出了答案:报道失实,新闻报道有拼写和语法错误,但作者认为有更重要的原因:美国公众对新闻媒体的不信任在深层次上源于记者和读者之间世界观(world outlook)的日常冲突.

It is imperative that every one of us remould his world outlook:我们每个人都必须改造自己的世界观. (绝对必要的,迫切的)

90:equity ownership业主权益[产权] | 91:It is imperative that every one of us remould his world outlook.我们每个人都必须改造自己的世界观. (绝对必要的,迫切的) | 92:an imperative tone命令式的语调


Spiritually.|包括思维 | Ecumenically.|世界观 | Grammatically.|语言

world view:世界观

在他几乎所有关于其他文化的著作中,吉尔兹似乎假定,"精神"(ethos)和"世界观"(world view)是合而为一的. 难道说"细致、冷漠的分析"风格就能证明不含有价值预设吗?在人类事实的汪洋大海之中,为什么人们选择这一组事实而不是另一组事实来加以分析呢?

the world view:世界观

救世:the salvage of the world | 世界观:the world view | World的例句:

world view; world outlook:世界观

修行cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine; observing and doing | 世界观world view; world outlook | 缘分Karma; predestined to come together

identifying a world view:确定一个世界观

honoring ritual and ceremony尊敬仪式典礼 | identifying a world view确定一个世界观 | following a discipline服从一个纪律



Weltanschauung:世界观; 人生观 (名)

welt 装饰, 鞭打 (动) | weltanschauung 世界观; 人生观 (名) | welter 翻滚, 挣扎, 滚动 (动)