英语人>词典>汉英 : 专制 的英文翻译,例句
专制 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The stability of autarchy, is in accordance with the long-standing and stability of feudalism autarchy system.


At the time of returning to autarchy and falling behind, it also resisted some autarchy and falling behind; at the time of strangling the democracy and civilization, it also promoted certain democracy and civilizations.


Chinas despotic culture from ancient to modern is just like such a chamber pot full of human waste with all kinds of poisons, viruses, germs and parasites....


The first aspect discussed is the historical roots including the economic foundation--the vast sea of small-scale peasant economy, the political foundation-the long feudal dictatorship, cultural and ideological foundation-the ideology of utter devotion to the sovereign in the traditional culture, the incomplete eradication of feudal ideologies because of their deep-rootedness, the incompletion of anti-feudal movement, and peoples bluntness of human rights and democracy.


Firstly, it is possible to foster the fall of dictatorial regimes, which has been done recently.


The differences of the various schools of thoughts and their exponents during the period from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynast do not lie in their advocacies, for they are all autocracism affirmers; nor do they lie in their historical conditions, for they all regard that autocracism should be conducted under any historical conditions, i.


In marriage family life ,a lot of female active pursues love, ask dominator self fate, enjoy the freedom of altitude in social intercourse and marriage, they still uphold houshold duties, often appear with the identity of family dominator, is have with lifetime " healthy woman holds gateway, as soon as wining true man " say .


The first three meaning apply to the Chinese society before the Opium War, not to the emperor, but to the liegeman, the essential part of liegeman autarchy is the aberrance of autarchy kingship and the return to it.


"You may talk of the tyranny of Nero and Tiberius; but the real tyranny is the tyranny of your next-door neighbour."


He so-called freedom did not mean the political liberty including rights, personality, democracy, and so on. He meant the spiritual freedom under conscience, connecting reality with ego. This kind of idea of freedom tied with national organism became the important basis of nationalism, which raised the national freedom and at the same time suppressed the individual rights and personality. About the problem between freedom and authority, Liang thought that China should practise open-minded tyranny, which meant tyrannizing on the nation but not on the people, just like Meiji times in Japan.


更多网络解释与专制相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute monarchy:专制君主政体

aborigines 土著 | absolute monarchy 专制君主政体 | absolutism 专制政治


absolute monarchy 专制君主政体 | absolutism 专制政治 | abstention from voting 放弃投票


absolutism 专制主义 | absolutist 专制政治论者 | absolutist 专制主义者

autarchy:独裁, 专制, 专制国家

quick market 不活跃的市场 | autarchy 独裁, 专制, 专制国家 | travel of underground water 地下水运动

authoritarian parent:专制型父母

专制型父母(authoritarian parent)属发展心理学家鲍伦德(D.Baumrind)氏所列四种父母类型之一. 本词指以专制或独裁方式管教子女的父母. 专制型父母特征是,子女在家庭中的一切活动悉由父母安排决定,子女只能无条件的服从. 有关行为标准的是非对错,




为用不同的名称称呼不同的事物,我用"暴君"一词称呼君主权威的篡位者,而用"专制君主"(despot)称呼主权权力的篡权者. 暴君虽非法登位但依法而治,专制君主可是把自己放在法律之上. 因此,暴君不一定是专制君主,但专制的君主一定是暴君.


despotic 专制的 | despotically 专制地 | despotism 专制

despotically:专制地 (副)

despotic 专制的; 暴虐的 (形) | despotically 专制地 (副) | despotism 独裁, 专制政治, 专制 (名)


nepotist 偏袒启用亲戚的人 | despotist 专制主义者,专制者 | baptist 施洗者,洗礼教徒