英语人>词典>汉英 : 专制者 的英文翻译,例句
专制者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
despot  ·  autarch  ·  authoritarians  ·  despots  ·  dictators

更多网络例句与专制者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Perhaps he needs to remember, amid cacophony, that some of the best conductors are despots.


The world is full of would-be despot, and "take more than your share" is still the alpha-male motto.


The Manipulation of personal relationship is one of the means for a dictatorship to keep its power.


The Great" the is some culturals dog toward totalitarian the one who dedicate attentive modern style skill, the to particularly make halloo" is long live of modern style phrase language.


Most of all, you believe, educated paternalism has delivered the goods.


The remnant of medieval feudal autocracy, the infamous fratricidal and regicidal King Gyanendra, is desperately resorting to a last reign of terror the democratic aspirations of the Nepalese people.


Right from the very beginning there was an element of vilifying tinpot dictators and calling them 'failed states' or 'rogue states', and small countries like Libya were recast as major threats to the world.


If China's Reds should forget this, if they now should try to form a picture of what all China needs, which is quite beyond the capacity of human intelligence, if they should rely on the general instead of the particular, they might become the worst despots and the crudest blunderers in Chinese history.


All sorts of torturers, dictators, fanatics, and demagogues struggling for power by way of a few loudly shouted slogans also enjoy their jobs, and they too perform their duties with inventive fervor.


Let them know you don't need to do business with dictators.


更多网络解释与专制者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为用不同的名称称呼不同的事物,我用"暴君"一词称呼君主权威的篡位者,而用"专制君主"(despot)称呼主权权力的篡权者. 暴君虽非法登位但依法而治,专制君主可是把自己放在法律之上. 因此,暴君不一定是专制君主,但专制的君主一定是暴君.

Despotic leader:专制领导者

示范者 Demonstrator | 专制领导者 Despotic leader | 已开发国家 Developed country

The Masque of Anarchy, Hellas:专制者的假面游行

? The Cenci钦契一家 | ? The Masque of Anarchy, Hellas专制者的假面游行 | ? Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯


hypnotist 施行催眠术的人 | nepotist 偏袒启用亲戚的人 | despotist 专制主义者,专制者

autarch:独裁者, 专制者

autarcetic | 天然免疫的 | autarch | 独裁者, 专制者 | autarchic genes | 自效基因

autarchic genes:自效基因

autarch | 独裁者, 专制者 | autarchic genes | 自效基因 | autarchic | 独裁的, 专制国家的

autarchical:独裁的, 专制的

autarchic | 独裁的, 专制国家的 | autarchical | 独裁的, 专制的 | autarchist | 主张独裁制度者


czarina /沙皇皇后/ | czarism /专制政治/独裁政治/ | czarist /拥护独裁政治者/俄国帝制的/

De vils despotes deviendraient:卑劣的专制者却将变成

Nos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient我们将在枷锁下低头 | De vils despotes deviendraient卑劣的专制者却将变成 | Aux armes citoyens!拿起武器!公民们!


nepotist 偏袒启用亲戚的人 | despotist 专制主义者,专制者 | baptist 施洗者,洗礼教徒